Charges for hypertension.

Charges for hypertension.

Charges for hypertension.

  1. Mix 10 g of motherwort, spring adonis, mustard seed powder and hawthorn fruit. Add 15 g of valerian root, buckthorn bark, dried cinnamon and yarrow, 20 g of bird mountaineer grass. A glass of boiling water is steamed 1 tbsp. l collection. After cooling, filtered. Used for hypertension in the elderly, a cup twice a day.
  2. Prepare a collection of viburnum bark, caraway seeds, mustard seed powder, chokeberry fruit (10 g each), valerian root (15 g), vinca and hawthorn (20 g each), white mistletoe leaves (30 g). Pour 1 tbsp. l a mixture of 0.3 l of boiling water for half an hour. They drink one hundred milliliters three times.
  3. Mix 20 g of the flowers and fruits of hawthorn, spring adonis grass, motherwort, grass of yelliflower, St. John’s wort, add 10 g of mustard seed powder and 40 g of wild strawberry leaves. Fifteen grams of the collection is steamed with 250 ml of boiling water. After cooling, filtered. Forty milliliters are used three times for hypertension in young people.
    An overdose of the composition can turn into a headache, profuse salivation, nausea and vomiting.
  4. Combine 15 g of hawthorn, cornflower, chokeberry, horsetail, white mistletoe leaves, valerian root and yarrow. Ten grams of mustard seed powder is added. 15 g of the collection is poured into a glass of hot moisture for half an hour. Drink 70 ml three times a day.
  5. 100 g of golden beans and garlic cloves, the number of which is equal to the number of years of the patient, are placed in a container. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for ten minutes. After pressing, they drink as tea.

Charges for hypertension.

  1. Mix the cloves of garlic, horsetail, white mistletoe, fruits and flowers of hawthorn (3 parts each), arnica flowers (one part) and yarrow flowers (four parts). Steamed 1 tbsp. l raw materials 230 ml of hot moisture for half an hour. Drink up to four times a day for ¼ cup.
  2. To prevent the formation of blood clots, the following collection is prepared: ten grams of grass of forest cleanser, flowers of sophora, meadow geranium, five grams of sweet clover. 10 g of the mixture is poured 0.24 l of boiling water for four hours. The volume is divided in half and taken with a spoon of may honey.
    The collection contains poisonous plants (cleanser and sophora), so self-medication can lead to health consequences.
  3. Prepare a collection of dill, motherwort and chamomile seeds taken in equal amounts. Steamed 1 tbsp. l Collect a glass of boiled moisture, leaving under the towel for one hour. After drinking 1/3 cup twice. Such preparations are prepared and used in the same way: chamomile, mint, valerian root, fennel; fruits of hawthorn, elderberry flowers, linden color; marjoram grass, St. John’s wort perforated, valerian root.
  4. Mix two tbsp. l berries of red rowan and black currant, add a pair of Art. l motherwort and peppermint, one each — cones of juniper and dry dill. Harvest the collection of 1.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, keeping at least eight hours. They drink volume in two days.
Charges for hypertension.

Treatment with lotion fungus.

Treatment with lotion fungus.

Treatment with lotion fungus.

1) Squeeze the juice of Indian onion. Tampons are moistened and applied to the interdigital fungus for seven nights.

2) In Iodinol, a cotton pad is moistened, after which they are passed through the affected areas twice a day. The term of treatment is five days.

3) Dermatomycosis is treated with cranberry or viburnum juice, moistening cotton pads in it and performing lotions twice a day until the visible symptoms disappear.

4) Epidermophytosis is treated with lotions from the infusion of 50 g of flaxseed, oak bark, string and yarrow (in equal parts). Steamed in a glass of boiling water and incubated for 1 hour. Moistened gauze process the affected area three times.

5) One art. l chopped clematis plants are steamed with 0.5 l of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Filter and use to treat fungal sites infected with the fungus. Perform lotions twice a day.

6) Mix 30 g of sage and 40 g of burdock. Pour two glasses of white wine and boil a quarter of an hour. Squeeze. The composition is impregnated with cotton swabs, which then produce a double treatment of the affected skin in the groin.

7) According to 1 tbsp. l St. John’s wort, willow and birch leaves are mixed. Steamed with a liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes. Cool and squeeze. The skin with the fungus is treated twice, wetting the gauze napkins in the composition.

Treatment with lotion fungus.

8) With dandruff occurring at the time of the defeat of the scalp, freshly squeezed onion juice is used. It should be actively rubbed into the skin twice a day, leaving it for a short time, after warming the head with cellophane. Ten sessions are enough.
The recipe should not be used if there is a need to lead an active social life. Odor from the head will come at least three days.

9) With otomycosis, the use of lotions with hydrogen peroxide is indicated. The procedure is repeated four times, each time rinsing the ear with clean water after. Helps overcome itching.

10) The auditory passages are treated with apple cider vinegar, wetting the ear sticks in it. In a few days, inflammation and itching pass.

11) From dandruff and from itching, observed with lesions of the scalp, the following composition helps: 1 tsp. garlic juice, the same amount of olive oil and lemon juice. In a mixed medicine, gauze is moistened, which is then passed over the head. Top cover with a towel. Wash your hair after two hours, then rinse with vinegar water (two large spoons per liter). After the fourth procedure, the skin condition improves.

12) If a lesion is detected under the armpits, a remedy is prepared from infusion of chamomile and soda. Two liters of liquid accounts for 1 tbsp. l loose component. The composition is moistened with gauze dressings, which wipe the affected areas several times a day.

13) Juice squeezed from the leaves of a two-year-old aloe is impregnated with gauze. Wet itchy anal opening. Repeat as often as possible.

14) Proponents of alternative medicine recommend treating the skin with urine. Best of all is the nursery. Before use, it is slightly warmed up. Gauze soaked in urine is applied to the skin affected by the fungus, including the male genital organ, for a short time. Sessions are repeated three times.

Treatment with lotion fungus.

Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

  1. Take twenty grams of the color of mallow and chamomile, add 10 g of the root of the marshmallow, melilot and flaxseed. The components are mixed well and crushed to a fine crumb. Pour 1 tbsp. l crumbs of 500 ml of vodka for five days. Used for grinding before bedtime.
  2. To 200 g of sea salt add 100 g of dry mustard powder. Pour 30 ml of purified kerosene. The finished product is rubbed into a sore spot at bedtime for several weeks.
  3. To 200 ml of vodka add fifty grams of dried mullein flowers. Ten days insist, periodically shaking the container. Raw materials are squeezed out and used to rub sick joints twice a day.
  4. Squeeze juice from fresh radish. Apply as a grind for aching joints up to three times a day.
  5. In case of severe pain, tincture is prepared on a banana peel. Half a liter of vodka has a peel of six fruits. It is preliminarily crushed into small pieces. Maintain tincture in a place protected from the sun for one month. After filtered. Rub the necessary area twice a day.
  6. Mix a bubble of triple cologne, iodine and valerian pharmacy. Seven tablets of analgin are crushed to a powder. Stirred and left for aging for a week. Rub the sore spots of the cervical spine three times.
    The recipe should not be used for problems of the cardiovascular system.
  7. One of the most effective means for the treatment of arthrosis is celandine-based grinding. Three tablespoons of fresh raw materials are crushed, filled with half a liter of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and left for a couple of weeks. Filter and apply twice a day.

Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

  1. To 50 ml of melted pork fat add ten grams of flowers of rosemary and chopped root hellebore. After twelve hours, they are filtered and begin to be used to rub the diseased areas.
  2. 100 g of the fruit of a laxative joster in half a liter of vodka can withstand two weeks. The filtered folk remedy is rubbed twice a day.
  3. A glass of vodka is poured into 50 g of bird cherry bark. After two weeks, the grind is filtered and used as a pain reliever.
  4. To half a liter of medical alcohol add 100 g of fresh comfrey root. After twenty-five days, filter. Rubbed three times.
  5. To half a liter of quality vodka, add a cup of bee subpestilence. In a closed container, the components are left for three weeks. The strained composition for the raster is used twice a day.
  6. To 400 g of chopped aloe pulp add ten milliliters of medical alcohol and half a bottle of red wine. Use for grinds after ten days of exposure. Especially good is the recipe for pathology of the knee and shoulder joints.
  7. After collecting the seeds, collect the baskets of sunflower and chop them. 200 g of raw materials are added to a liter of moonshine. 20 g of crushed baby soap are sent there. After ten days, filter. Use no more than three times a day.
Rubbing for the treatment of arthrosis.

Powders for pancreatitis.

Powders for pancreatitis.

Powders for pancreatitis.

Powdered plants and improvised products demonstrate high efficiency and quick action. The course is from a couple of weeks to three months.

  1. Thistle seeds are ground into powder. Eat a couple of teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch and dinner. The course lasts up to sixty days.
    Milk thistle has an effect on the nervous system, therefore it should not be used for mental disorders and depression.
  2. One gram of the powder of the fungus-hericium is dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature. Leave for the night, and in the morning begin treatment — one third of a cup three times a day before meals. With this drink you can get rid of pain and other symptoms of the disease forever.
    You can also use the oil composition: by mixing 150 ml of vegetable oil, heated to a temperature of 37 degrees, and ten grams of powder. They stand in a warm place for three hours. After being cleaned for five days away from sunlight. Treatment is as follows: 1 tbsp. l on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  3. The chronic type of the disease is treated with a mixture of powders prepared from blue amethyst, coltsfoot, dandelion root, goldenwort (50 g each), large wormwood (30 g) and rosemary (40 g). A pinch of raw material is added to 500 ml of boiling water. Let stand a little, divide into four portions and take before meals.
  4. Normalization of the state and functioning of the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis contributes to high ash powder. Folk remedy is prepared from dry leaves.
    Eat half a small spoon every time before eating.
    The plant is considered poisonous, therefore, can not be used for self-medication at home.
  5. In the amount of a third of the dessert spoon, stalks of bittersweet nightshade are ground into powder every time before eating.
    An overdose leads to nausea, dizziness and discomfort in the abdomen.

Powders for pancreatitis.

  1. Powder rubbed calamus root. Use for a while before a meal on a mustard spoon. Be sure to drink it with infusion of centaury: 300 ml of boiling water and a tablespoon of raw materials.
  2. Thoroughly washed sixty navels of domestic chickens. Each film is removed. All sixty films are dried in an oven, and then ground into powder.
    In the first ten days, take a dessert spoon of powder in the morning on an empty stomach. Take a ten-day break and again conduct a ten-day course, using a teaspoon of powder in the morning and evening before dinner.
  3. A powder is prepared from hemp seed. A dessert spoon is poured into a container with two cups of milk and boiled until the liquid evaporates to half a cup. Filter. In the morning they drink on an empty stomach.
  4. A powder is prepared from the dried fruits of red mountain ash. Add to salads and main courses.
    With heart disease, rowan berries are not recommended.
  5. Half a dessert spoon of dry ginger root (powder) is steamed with 0.2 l of boiling water. Allow to cool a little, inject honey. Drink at a time. If acute pancreatitis is observed, drink in the morning and at lunch.
Powders for pancreatitis.

Inhalation from sore throat.

Inhalation from sore throat.

Inhalation from sore throat.


If the sore throat occurs without temperature, inhalations can be used along with other home treatments. For this purpose, special devices are used — nebulizers.

In the absence of such, you can perform the procedure «grandmother» way. The inhalation course usually lasts five to seven days — several sessions per day. Shown treatment for children and adults.

Steam inhalation cannot be performed by patients suffering from heart or pulmonary insufficiency. Clothes worn on a person during a session should not hold their breath, and steam should not be burning.

  1. Together with the peel, boil a large potato. Drain the water, soften the potatoes with a fork. Add a little soda and a couple of drops of iodine. They bow over the container, cover their heads with a towel and breathe over steam for five minutes.
  2. To a liter of boiling water add a spoonful of propolis tincture (1 tbsp. L product per 250 ml of medical alcohol). They bow their heads over the container, and cover themselves with a towel on top. Vapors are inhaled for no more than three minutes.
  3. Peppermint, sage leaves, eucalyptus leaves, pharmacy chamomile, thyme grass, elecampane roots and pine buds are combined in equal parts. Three large spoons are brewed with 0.5 liters of hot moisture. Inhale the vapor through a paper funnel.

Inhalation from sore throat.

  1. Bring to a boil three liters of water. After removing from heat, a couple drops of cypress oil, two leaves of eucalyptus and a mustard spoon of baking soda are introduced. They bow over a container with a composition and five minutes deeply inhale the vapor.
  2. Five minutes boil 1 tbsp. l pine buds in 500 ml of water. Breathe over the broth before going to bed.
  3. In an enameled container connect three tablespoons of St. John’s wort and two — peppermint. Pour a liter of water and boil for two minutes. They bow over a slightly cooled broth. The procedure is performed no longer than ten minutes, repeating in the morning and before evening sleep.
  4. In equal shares mix calendula and oregano. Pour water (proportion of one to three) and boil after boiling for five minutes. Let the broth stand for a while, and then proceed to the procedure.
Inhalation from sore throat.

Hypertension treatment.

Hypertension treatment.

Hypertension treatment.

Hypertension (hypertension, hypertension) is understood as one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system, characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure. A pathological condition is inherent in 30% of the adult population. Among people over 65 years of age, indicators increase to 65%.


Taking therapeutic baths at home helps to relieve nervous tension, normalize sleep. After the procedure, usually lasting no longer than twenty minutes, wrapping with a warm blanket is indicated. The course is ten sessions.
Hot baths for hypertension are contraindicated, because they make the heart work more often. This leads to a hypertensive crisis. The vessels in the head may not withstand such a test and burst!

  1. Place 500 g of valerian root in a container with three liters of water and boil for half an hour. Squeeze and enter the broth into a full bath of 38 degrees. The procedure is performed before cooling the water.
  2. The head of garlic is boiled in two liters of water. The solution is poured into a temperature bath of 38 degrees. The procedure is carried out before bedtime for fifteen minutes. Treatment of such a plan helps in calming the nervous system and normalizing blood pressure during menopause.
  3. Prepare a mixture of 50 g of leaves of saggy birch, 30 g of common oregano, 15 g of common hop fruit, inflorescences of small-leaved linden, sage and thyme herbs. Five liters of boiling water is collected and put on low heat for ten minutes. The resulting composition is poured to water 39 degrees. Therapeutic administration is recommended for the treatment of arterial hypertension in the elderly.
  4. Forty milliliters of a yellow turpentine emulsion is added to a temperature bath of 39 degrees.

Hypertension treatment.

  1. A bath with essential oils helps to get rid of hypertension without drugs. A more pronounced effect is demonstrated by a mixture of oils of lavender, marjoram, ylang-ylang (two drops each). You can use another recipe: two drops of frankincense, marjoram and sage oil. Before sending the oil mixture to water, it is combined with twenty milliliters of olive oil (can be replaced with corn).
  2. To ten liters of water add 50 g of dry mustard powder. When the powder is completely dissolved, the composition is poured into a bath with water at a temperature of 38 degrees. Take a bath no longer than fifteen minutes. After they shower the body with a cool shower and wrap themselves in a warm blanket.
  3. In a bath of water 36 degrees pour half a pack of table salt. A mixture of oils is added there: seven drops of lavender, five drops of lemon, two drops of fir. It is advisable to dilute the oil in a small amount of kefir. Bathing is carried out before bedtime.
  4. To a liter of slightly salted water add a vial of tincture of valerian (pharmacy). Pour into warm water and carry out the procedure. Helps to calm down and prepare for bed, lowering high blood pressure.
  5. A few handfuls of gray clay are soaked in water to form a liquid solution. A prerequisite — the temperature of the liquid is not higher than 36 degrees. Then clay water is poured into a full bath and six crushed garlic cloves are added there.

The procedure is performed for half an hour. During the session, it is advisable to perform self-massage. After rinsing the body with a cool shower and rubbing it with a rough towel.

  1. In an enameled container, 300 milliliters of castor oil is heated. Soda solution (a teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of water) and 200 ml of oleic acid are added. After introduced into the composition of 0.7 l of turpentine. Forty milliliters of the resulting product are added to the bath.
Hypertension treatment.

Alternative methods for bronchitis.

Alternative methods for bronchitis.

Alternative methods for bronchitis.

Borjomi with milk

Inveterate bronchitis can be treated with special mineral water. Half a glass of milk is heated.

A similar amount of Borjomi is introduced. Drink a third cup three times a day. It can be given to children over the age of ten.

Vitamin cocktail

Fifty milliliters combine the juices of carrots, radishes and beets. Add 200 ml of aloe juice, 150 ml of cognac and half a liter jar of flower honey.

Pour fifty grams of cocoa powder. Mix thoroughly and send to the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l every time before eating. The tool helps to quickly overcome the symptoms of the disease in various forms, strengthens the immune system.


For ten sessions, the disease in any form can be cured by the original method. A linen sheet is soaked in salt water. They wrap the body and lie under a warm blanket. After an hour and a half, they wash the body with warm water.


Gentle physical activity in diseases of the respiratory tract helps to normalize respiratory activity and helps in the rapid removal of sputum from the bronchi. Exercise does not have to be specially selected.

The usual forward and backward bends, squats and a “bicycle” will do. The main requirement is to monitor your breathing. Inhalations should be done slowly, and exhale sharply and noisily. It is on exhalation that the onset of coughing and the removal of mucus occurs. You need to perform exercises a couple of times a day.

Alternative methods for bronchitis.


The use of hot homemade kvass helps to overcome the catarrhal form of the disease in just a couple of days. They drink it instead of tea.


Use for any type of disease in a glass four times a day.

Cognac medicine

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies involves the use of the following composition: two large spoons of high-quality condensed milk, one raw chicken egg and a glass of brandy.

All mix well and beat with a fork. Enter 300 ml of warm water and stir. Drink in one gulp. Repeat for four days. After taking the composition, it is recommended to make a bath with half a cup of baking soda. The procedure is performed at night.

Alternative methods for bronchitis.