From eczema.

From eczema.

From eczema.

Infusions for internal use. Presented phyto fees are taken within a month. Preferably — before meals.

  1. In the classical course of the disease, an infusion with the addition of chicory is recommended. The root, in an amount of 5 grams, is mixed with an equal amount of fennel seeds, dandelion roots and buckthorn bark. Pour 500 ml of hot water and stand under the lid for 10 minutes. Take three times a day, 150 ml.
  2. Mix art. spoon burdock root and a similar number of dandelion roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Strain the infusion. Take 2 tablespoons twice a day.
  3. A tablespoon of elecampane roots pour a cup of hot water, let it brew. Strain through cheesecloth and drink three times a day.
  4. Pour a glass of boiling water st. a spoonful of motherwort leaves. After filtering, the infusion is taken in a tablespoon per day.
    Reception motherwort reduces the concentration of attention and causes drowsiness, so it is not suitable for people leading an active social life.
  5. 100 grams of birch mushroom is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist a few weeks. Filter and take a dessert spoon, diluted in a glass of water, three times a day.
  6. Pour 6 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed viburnum with three cups of hot water and insist 4 hours. Drink half a cup four times a day.
    The prescription is dangerous in the presence of renal pathologies.

From eczema.

  1. Add 1 tbsp of hot water to the glass. collection spoon from the roots and leaves of dandelion. Insist 8 hours, drink hot in half a glass 4 times a day.
  2. Mix in equal proportions the root of the medicinal dandelion, fennel seeds, chicory root. Add 2 parts bark of buckthorn brittle. Combine 15 grams of the mixture with hot water, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Drink three times a day in a glass.
  3. Mix in equal proportions a leaf of walnut and grass of a three-colored violet. A few dessert spoons of the mixture pour two cups of hot water. Let stand 1 hour. Drink strained infusion during the day.
  4. Make a mixture of 15 grams of valerian root and succession, 10 grams of dioica nettle, tricolor violet, pharmacy chamomile, common oregano, creeping thyme, bare licorice root and horsetail. Art. add a spoonful of collection to 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink strained 1/3 cup three times a day.
    The drink has an effect on the nervous system, therefore it is not suitable for people who lead an active social life and need an increased concentration of attention.
  5. Take 50 g of calendula and ordinary yarrow. Pour boiling water (300 ml). Stored for two hours, take water four times a day.
  6. A mixture of centaury and yarrow (5 g each), string and knotweed (15 g each) pour boiling water (400 ml) and insist in a warm place for 12 hours. Take three times a day for 1/2 cup.
  7. At home, microbial eczema is treated with this infusion: 20 g of lingonberry berries and 20 g of succession are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours and taken chilled three times a day.
From eczema.

Therapeutic balms for asthma.

Therapeutic balms for asthma.

Therapeutic balms for asthma.

  1. Balm is suitable for treating children. To 300 grams of linden honey add ½ tbsp. water and one shredded aloe leaf. Two hours incubated on low heat and filtered. Give the child 1 tsp., Repeating three times.
  2. Mix a glass of horseradish juice, carrots and honey. Add the juice of one lemon. Take a small spoon before meals, repeating three times.
  3. Mix five large spoons of young pine branches, fifty milliliters of tincture of ginseng (pharmacy), 100 ml of rosehip syrup (purchased), 150 ml of aloe juice, 50 ml of pure moisture, 300 ml of honey and 10 grams of mummy (pre-soaked). For a week, the mixture is stored in a dark place, and then filtered through a colander. Use 1 tbsp. l morning and evening before meals.
  4. To the fourth part of a glass of onion juice add 1 tbsp. l honey and a pinch of black pepper powder. Use a dessert spoon in the morning and evening.
  5. Four cups of peeled sunflower seeds are placed in a pot with two liters of pure moisture and boiled until the volume decreases (a liter should remain). Filter. Add a liter of honey and boil for half an hour. Use after each meal a small spoon.
  6. In case of cardiac asthma, this balm is prepared: the cloves of three heads of garlic are peeled, added to two glasses of water, boiled until the volume decreases (one glass remains). Take out the garlic and transfer to a container of glass. A glass of apple cider vinegar and a quarter of a glass of honey are added to the remaining liquid. Boil until gaining a mixture of a thick consistency. Pour the garlic balm and leave overnight. Eat 1 tsp. balm and a clove of garlic every morning.

Therapeutic balms for asthma.

  1. Two pre-shredded large bulbs are folded into a glass jar. Pour honey so that it covers the whole onion. Defend the night. Take 1 tsp. before each meal and one before a night’s rest.
  2. The following folk remedy helps in the treatment of childhood asthma: two tbsp. l vegetable glycerin and tincture of viburnum, one each — tincture of lobelia, licorice and black cohosh, 1 tsp. — tinctures of mullein and ephedra. Mix and store in a glass container. Give the child every 15 minutes. in a quarter share of a spoon. It is aimed at reducing cardiac and respiratory stress.
  3. 500 g of grated pumpkin, 100 g of dried rose petals and seven leaves of plantain are poured with a liter of red wine and put on fire. After boiling, add 50 ml of honey. Bring to a boil again and leave for a day. Filter. Drink 1 tbsp. l five times.
  4. A balm based on honey and black radish is considered a good remedy for coughing attacks in children. At the top, the top is cut off and a depression is made inside. Fresh honey is poured into the resulting void. The next day, the resulting product is poured into a glass container. Give the child as often as possible, in small doses.
  5. Allergic pathology is treated as follows: they connect five tbsp. l raspberries, thyme and birch leaves. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, stand for several hours. Then add 0.2 kg of butter, the same amount of honey and wine, 0.1 l of alcohol. Use four tablespoons per day.
Therapeutic balms for asthma.

Folk methods from vitiligo.

Folk methods from vitiligo.

Folk methods from vitiligo.

Traditional medicine considers the recipes described below the most effective in the treatment of vitiligo, attributing to them the ability not only to reduce the manifestations of the disease, but to completely eliminate them.
Even traditional medicine, which has devoted a very long time to studying the disease, does not promise a complete cure!

Anise roots

At the heart of a folk remedy for home treatment of vitiligo are anise roots. They are boiled until soft, rubbed into gruel and applied to the affected areas twice a day. The duration of therapy is 4 weeks.

Birch tar

The main folk remedy that is used in the treatment of many skin diseases is birch tar. They need to lubricate the spots of vitiligo for a month. This is followed by a two-week break and a new course.
Birch tar is famous for its sharp unpleasant odor, so it is unlikely to be able to reach people during therapy with its use. Using the product for more than a month may well lead to the development of skin allergies and toxic effects on the kidneys.

Folk methods from vitiligo. Wine solution.

Another way to treat vitiligo with folk remedies involves the help of a wine solution. To make it, you need the initial powder of grass, which is boiled in wine for 15 minutes (half a glass of powder for 2 liters of wine). A ready-made broth is taken twice a day in an amount of 50 ml a few minutes before meals, a third time — before bedtime.

Red clay

You can find red clay at the bottom of rivers and hillsides, but still it is better to buy it at a pharmacy. Clay is mixed with ginger juice in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is applied to affected vitiligo skin once a day.
For residents of megacities, the search for red clay in the river can be extremely difficult.

Chicken Bile

For treatment you will need chicken gall bladders. Every day you need to eat one at a time, after washing with water. It is highly recommended that you consume the gall bladder of a recently slaughtered chicken. This promises an increase in effect.
The first course lasts a week. After a break of 7 days is shown. The second course lasts 21 days, after which — a week’s rest. The third course is 7 days.
The use of raw gall bladder is unlikely to be called a pleasure. And finding a fresh “product” is not an easy task.

Folk methods from vitiligo.

Oils for ulcers.

Oils for ulcers.

Oils for ulcers.

Possessing an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect, home-made oils quickly cope with the pain and burning sensation that are observed in diseases of the digestive system. Therapy usually lasts until recovery.

  1. One of the most effective in the fight against the disease of oils — St. John’s wort. First of all, it becomes a faithful assistant in the fight against stomach ulcers. You can make healing oil at home. Take five handfuls of St. John’s wort dry and placed in a glass container. It is poured with unrefined vegetable oil so that the raw material is completely hidden. They put in a dark place for 10 days. After pressing the raw material, the oil is ready for use. The dose at one time is 20 ml. The number of approaches per day is four. Treatment is not recommended to be discontinued until recovery.
  2. Connect 33 g of calendula color with 100 ml of vegetable oil. In a water bath brought to a temperature of seventy degrees. Day defend and filter. They are consumed in the morning and evening by five milliliters. The course is performed no longer than two weeks. Calendula oil can also be used to make a healing drink. To do this, combine 200 ml of milk, a dessert spoon of honey and mustard — calendula oil. Drink such a drink in the morning.
    For diseases of the cardiovascular system, calendula oil should be discarded.
  3. Stomach ulcer is treated with buckthorn buckthorn oil. A glass of berries is washed, crushed and poured into a half-liter container. Pour 400 ml of vegetable oil and lay for a week in a warm, dark place. Consume 1 tsp. three times no longer than four weeks. Sea buckthorn oil is also recommended if you need to cure cervical disease. In the form of drops, it is intended to combat the disease of the cornea of ​​the eye (a couple of drops per day).
  4. A spoonful of vegetable oil is injected into a cup of kefir and consumed ten days before bedtime to get rid of the symptoms of the disease of the mucous membrane of the internal organs.
  5. To 200 ml of rosehip oil add twenty grams of powder prepared from frozen propolis. Half an hour the mass is kept in a water bath. Use, after conducting decantation, 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening. Helps treat a running ulcer of internal organs.

Oils for ulcers.

  1. Forty-two grams of chopped propolis is placed in 500 ml of olive oil. In a water bath, they are kept until the beekeeping product is dissolved. Used for diseases of the mucous membrane of the internal organs, 1 tbsp. l once a day.
  2. Twelve grams of crushed propolis is added to one hundred milliliters of melted butter. The steam bath is kept for about 17 minutes. Take 1 tsp. four times a day, adding to milk.
    Not recommended for liver diseases.
  3. Carotene oil promotes scarring. Grated corn oil is poured to the top with grated carrots, placed in a faceted glass. On a steam bath they simmer until boiling. Take a dessert spoon twice before a meal.
  4. Pour olive oil into a liter glass container. Fresh pink petals are laid there. In the sun, the container is stored until the petals lose their color. After they get it. A container with oil is filled with a new portion of petals. Repeat six times, after which the oil begins to use 1 tbsp. l four times before meals.
  5. In equal proportions, cedar gum is mixed with castor oil. Heated on fire and filtered. In the resulting mixture, dip your finger every morning. Lick. A couple of hours refrain from any food and drink.
Oils for ulcers.

Moisturizing masks.

Moisturizing masks.

Moisturizing masks.

With the regular use of this recipe, the skin becomes more elastic, the complexion and the general condition of the skin improve. Reviews on the use of masks indicate that this is the best tool for skin of all ages.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for dry skin

With sufficiently dry skin, it is recommended to use a recipe that simultaneously moisturizes them and makes them softer and silky. You can make such a mask at home with your own hands, using natural ingredients.


Fat cottage cheese — 20 gr.
Cream — 10 ml.
Honey — 10 ml.
Carrot juice — 10 ml.

Prepare the mixture and apply to the face with a special brush. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. For cooking, it is recommended to use only freshly squeezed carrot juice, which contains the maximum amount of useful components.

Moisturizing masks. Moisturizing mask for oily skin

There is a myth that oily skin does not need to be moisturized. However, in fact, she even stronger than normal skin needs proper nutrition and hydration. With a lack of moisture, acne, rashes and other problems occur. To moisturize oily and combination skin, it is best to use medicinal herbs and milk.



Scale parsley and mint with boiling water. Drain the water, and chop the herbs. Mix with warmed milk. Use this recipe for daily oily skin care.

Moisturizing mask for young skin

Different folk masks are designed for different skin types and ages. To moisturize young skin, it is recommended to use fresh fruits and vegetables.


Leaves of cabbage.

First you need to make juice from cabbage leaves. Grind fruits and berries with a blender or crush thoroughly with a fork. Add cabbage juice and heavy cream. The mask should be thick enough so that it does not drip from the face.

Recipe for moisturizing and cleansing the skin

To clean and moisturize any type of skin, you can use a natural mask based on oatmeal and almond flour. Use it at least once a week.


Oatmeal — 30 gr.
Almond flour — 10 gr.
Milk — 15 ml.

Grind oatmeal with a coffee grinder. Add warm milk and almond flour. Apply to face, avoiding eye area. Massage your face a bit to remove dead cells. Apply on pre-steamed face.

Moisturizing masks.

Eczema treatment.

Eczema treatment.

Eczema treatment.

Eczema is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin of a non-infectious nature. A typical clinical picture is represented by irritation of the epithelium, accompanied by itching, burning and peeling.
The disease can occur anywhere in the body, but more often affects the face, neck and hands. There are enough reasons for development — from metabolic disorders to physical factors.

The lack of timely therapy can result in numerous relapses and, as a consequence, a decrease in social activity.

Eczema treatment. Baths.

Performing procedures is recommended daily. The minimum course to achieve lasting results is 10 days.

  1. The recipe is especially good for treating dry eczema at home. It is necessary to pour 3 liters of hot water into the basin, add four tablespoons of sea or coarse rock salt. Place hands, elbows, or feet in the pelvis. Perform the procedure until the water has cooled completely. After applying a nourishing cream to the affected areas. Perform for 3-4 weeks.
  2. An sore formed on the hands and feet as a result of an allergic reaction is treated with soda baths. A teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a basin with warm water, the affected limb is lowered into the water, wait 20 minutes. After the limb is immersed in slightly warmed olive oil (for 2-3 minutes). Sessions are carried out daily until the clinical picture disappears.
  3. 8 bay leaves, medium size, crushed to crumbs, pour half a liter of boiling water. Settled for 3 hours, filtered and heated. Infusion is used for baths. The affected limbs are placed in the pelvis in the infusion.
  4. Boil birch leaves and twigs in 2 liters of water. Cool the broth to a comfortable temperature, lower the limbs affected by the disease into it for half an hour. Repeat the procedure three times a day, using the same broth.
  5. The recipe is good for a disease characterized by the formation of vesicles. 2 tablespoons of a mixture of buds of birch and willow bark (10 g each) is poured with 5 liters of water, boiled for 20 minutes. After the cooled broth is heated and used to treat affected limbs.
  6. Take 200 g of oak bark, leaves of burdock, verbena and plantain. The collection is sent to a five-liter pan, added to the top of the water. 5 minutes boil, the same insist. Pour the broth into a bowl where the affected limbs or elbows are placed. The procedure lasts a quarter of an hour.
  7. For wet eczema, a recipe based on white clover is recommended. 30 grams of grass is brewed with a liter of boiling water and allowed to infuse (hour). In strained infusion, poured into a bowl, lower the affected areas. The duration of the session is 15 minutes.
    If stored improperly, grass forms on the grass. The use of such raw materials becomes dangerous.
  8. For severe inflammation, a creolin bath is recommended. A tablespoon of the drug is added to 7 liters of water at a comfortable temperature. The limb affected by the disease is kept in such water for 25 minutes.
  9. For the treatment of eczema on the arms and legs using elderberry broth. Three tablespoons of berries are placed in a liter of water and brought to a boil. After boiling for another 15 minutes, defend for 2 hours. The broth is used fresh, immersing a sick limb into it. Perform the procedure every 4 hours.
  10. Baths with mustard help with the treatment of eczema on the palms. Mustard powder is diluted with hot water until a creamy mass is obtained. Hands are placed in it. The procedure lasts a quarter of an hour. The course is two weeks.
Eczema treatment.

Heartburn Treatment.

Heartburn Treatment.

Heartburn Treatment.

Heartburn is an unpleasant feeling of heat or burning in the upper abdomen (epigastric), sternum (retrosternal) and in the throat (pharyngeal), due to the action of stomach acid on the mucous membrane of the esophagus. In addition to burning, the formation of a bitter or sour taste in the oral cavity is observed. Pathology may be temporary or permanent.


To quickly get rid of manifestations of an uncomfortable state, folk healers offer to stay on vegetable oils. They provide an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach, preventing the negative effects of acid.

  1. The easiest way to overcome burning sensation is to consume a little sunflower oil. It is recommended to do this with a growing attack, repeating as necessary.
  2. Cedar oil — a useful folk remedy for heartburn. In its composition, it contains many useful trace elements. One spoonful is enough to neutralize the activity of stomach acid. You need to drink on an empty stomach.
  3. Olive oil acts no worse than sunflower. Take it a little bit — no more than five milliliters with a burning sensation behind the sternum.
  4. With increased acidity take sea buckthorn oil. Add 20 ml of oil to a cup of water and shake well. Collect oil from the surface of the water and consume 1 tsp. three times.

Heartburn Treatment. Beverages.

Special drinks prepared at home help to quickly overcome the discomfort caused by burning in the epigastric region and behind the sternum. They are usually taken as necessary.

  1. Add a spoonful of viburnum jam to a glass of warm boiled water. Take a glass after each meal. They make jam this way: the clusters of viburnum collected in late autumn are thoroughly washed and seeds are taken from each berry. Pour water, placed in an enameled container, and sent to steam in an oven. When the fruits become soft, they are ground through a sieve. After the berries are used for making jam, combining to taste with sugar. Water for one part of the fruit requires about five parts.
    During pregnancy, viburnum is not worth it.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of the potatoes passed through the meat grinder. To 150 ml add a large spoonful of flower honey. Drink 50 ml in the morning and evening after a meal. After a few weeks, heartburn recedes.
    With a severe course of diabetes and low acidity of gastric juice, a folk remedy causes significant harm!
  3. 0.2 g of mummy is dissolved in a tablespoon of water. Pour into a cup of milk and drink. Repeat in the morning and evening after eating.
  4. For chronic heartburn, every time after eating it is recommended to consume a cup of warm village milk. It has low alkaline activity, but quickly eliminates discomfort. With intolerance to dairy products, they drink a little mineral sparkling water after eating.
Heartburn Treatment.