Treatment of pharyngitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is understood as inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, which is acute or chronic. The clinical picture is represented by discomfort, perspiration and sore throat, aching pain in the ears and dry tearing cough. Refusal of treatment may result in complications. These include a pharyngeal abscess, tracheitis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis and acute articular rheumatism. In 70% of cases, pharyngitis is a consequence of SARS, but sometimes it is provoked by yeast and bacteria.

According to etiological factors, acute pharyngitis is divided into viral, fungal, bacterial, allergic, lateral, traumatic and caused by exposure to irritating agents. The chronic form of the disease is classified according to the nature of the changes occurring in the mucosa: catarrhal or simple, atrophic (subatrophic), hypertrophic. Classical symptoms include sore throat, dry cough, and enlarged cervical lymph nodes.

Official medicine knows many ways to treat pharyngitis in children and adults. Adherents of alternative medicine believe that effective treatment of pharyngitis at home is possible using folk recipes.

Treatment of pharyngitis. Baths.

Traditional healers consider foot baths to be one of the most effective methods of alleviating the condition with pharyngitis. In the process of treatment, improvised means are used. The average duration of one session is 15 minutes.
If the body temperature is elevated at least a few degrees, it is worth giving up the baths.

  1. Cut one lemon into slices and gently crush to separate juice. Add to a bowl of hot water and let it brew for a couple of hours. Before the procedure, the infusion is heated. Lower the legs into a bowl. Repeat every night. The course of treatment cannot last less than a week.
  2. The recipe helps with the first signs of the disease. Prepare a decoction of needles or chamomile (half a glass of raw materials per two liters of water). Pour into a basin with hot water and begin the session. Treatment continues until the discomfort disappears.
  3. In a basin of water at a temperature of 39 degrees add 5 drops of fir oil and lower your legs into it. Repeat every evening for a week.
  4. Two tablespoons of mustard powder is added to 3-4 liters of hot water, mixed. Feet are placed in a basin with a healing fluid at a temperature of 39 degrees. Repeat twice a day for a week.
    Mustard baths can be harmful if there are wounds on the skin of the feet.
Treatment of pharyngitis.

Simple recipes for asthma.

Simple recipes for asthma.

Simple recipes for asthma.

Alternative medicine for asthma.

Mix 20 g of coniferous pollen and a similar amount of butter, add a glass of fresh honey and the same amount of walnuts. Pass through a meat grinder. They eat five grams before meals three times a day.

Hot pasta

To 500 ml of fresh honey add 100 g of butter, seventy grams of chopped horseradish and garlic. Mix thoroughly and send to the refrigerator. The paste is used for two months, taking 1 tbsp. l before meals.
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide helps to alleviate the patient’s condition — thirty drops every morning added to a cup of water. Children should not be treated in this way.


An effective method of treating the disease is hirudotherapy. The application of leeches helps to reduce the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, alleviate the symptoms of allergic and cardiac asthma. Sessions are required to conduct a specialist. Leeches are used exclusively medical.

Propolis oil

Propolis oil, prepared at home, is considered to be highly effective in the treatment of bronchial and cardiac asthma. 5 grams of propolis is placed in 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil. In a water bath they languish for 30 minutes. Filter. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. Use twice a day for 1 tsp. If the child is not allergic to bee products, the recipe can also be used.

Simple recipes for asthma. Vegetable juice.

In equal amounts mix the juice of carrots, chicory and celery. Drink per day for 1 tbsp. Can be divided into several servings.

Salt lamp

Therapy in halochambers (artificial salt caves) helps to improve sputum discharge, reduce the likelihood of new inflammation, restore the immune system and improve the microflora of the respiratory system. After a couple of sessions, many patients note getting rid of a runny nose and cough, normalizing sleep.
If it is not possible to visit the halochamber, you can limit yourself to a home salt lamp, which in the operating mode emits negative ions. They are responsible for the purification of indoor air. The device must be of high quality. It means:
not have cracks and chips;
have stable components;
correspond to the area of ​​the room (a lamp up to three kilograms is shown for an area of ​​15 square meters).

Bee stings

Adherents of non-traditional practices recommend long courses of bee stings as one of the most effective treatments. For all the time, one hundred or more bees are used. An increase in the concentration of poison should occur gradually. One procedure (at the initial stage) involves the laying of five bees.


Allergic asthma is treated with urine. During the week, it is recommended to take it exclusively and water, that is, adhere to a kind of therapeutic fasting.


If the condition is accompanied by vomiting, the following folk remedy is prepared: a bunch of white hellebore is stuck in the radish, left for a day. Later, the hellebore is extracted, and the radish is eaten.
The recipe is not suitable for people with severe cardiovascular pathologies.


Celandine juice helps treat shortness of breath in heart disease. Start with one drop, gradually increasing to thirty. After the number of drops goes in the reverse order. In winter, when it is impossible to get fresh juice, they use dry grass. Dining room brew 230 ml of boiling water. Drink during the day.

Simple recipes for asthma.

From hypertension.

From hypertension.

From hypertension.

Rye flour

With a strong increase in pressure, it is recommended to cook pulp from 20 g of rye flour and 50 ml of hot water. Eat the resulting dense mass in the morning on an empty stomach, repeating the manipulations until relieved.

Pillows with rose petals

To prevent headaches and jumps in blood pressure at night, special pillows are prepared. Rose petals are collected, washed and dried. They stuff small cotton bags with raw materials and place them at the head of the bed.

Beetroot and pine kvass

Beetroot kvass will help get rid of weather dependence. The recipes for its preparation vary, but there is the most effective. A kilogram of beets is passed through a meat grinder, put into a three-liter jar and poured with warm boiled water. Three tablespoons are administered. l honey and apple cider vinegar. Stand for three weeks and wring out. Drink 100 ml for three days.
Kvass from pine paws (branches) is no less effective in the fight against hypertension. It is prepared as follows: a handful of chopped pine branches are placed in a three-liter container. Pour half a kilogram of sugar and pour boiled water to the top of the tank. After cooling, 20 g of yeast are added. Twenty-four hours later, kvass is ready to eat. Drink one hundred milliliters before bedtime.

From hypertension. Blue iodine

The Indian method of eliminating the manifestations of hypertension with iodine works best in September and March. All you need is cotton buds and a bottle of blue iodine. During the course, iodine is used to draw rings in the required places. Begin therapy on the first day of any of these months. Places for applying rings by day:
the first is above the wrist of the left hand;
the second — over the bones of the foot of the right leg;
the third is above the wrist of the right hand;
the fourth — over the bones of the foot of the left foot;
the fifth — over the elbow joint of the left hand;
the sixth — over the knee joint of the right leg;
seventh — above the elbow joint of the right hand;
the eighth — over the knee joint of the left leg;
ninth — a line from the shoulder joint of the left hand to the right femoral joint;
the tenth is the line from the shoulder joint of the right hand to the femoral joint of the left leg.
After eleven days, the therapy is repeated in a similar manner.
Treatment with blue iodine entails serious side effects: stomach pain, nausea, swelling of the lips, skin rash, and difficulty breathing.
Iodine treatment can be done in another way. A teaspoon of the product is added to a quarter cup of chilled liquid. Fifteen grams of potato starch is added there. 0.2 l of water is added to the resulting composition and mixed thoroughly. Use inside for a couple of Art. l twice.

Salt enema

As soon as the pressure rises, you should prepare a special composition for the enema and perform the procedure at home. In 200 ml of warm water, 1 tbsp. l shallow sea salt. An enema is felt after half an hour.

Pumpkin and lemon gruel

Pumpkin pulp in the amount of one kilogram and two lemons are passed through a meat grinder. A kilogram of granulated sugar is added to the resulting mass and mixed thoroughly. Instead of sugar, you can use honey. Eat a large spoon each time you eat. Folk remedy is stored in a glass container, placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

From hypertension. ASD-2 fraction

It is possible to overcome shortness of breath, weakness and frequent headaches that accompany hypertension at home. The ASD-2 fraction helps in this. Thirty drops are dissolved in one hundred milliliters of liquid, divided into two doses and consumed on an empty stomach. Treatment is performed for five days. After a three-day break, the course is resumed.


With a tendency to weather dependence, pollen mixed with honey in a one to one proportion helps well. Reception is carried out on a small spoon three times. Treatment should occur for ten days, after a break, renewal is possible.

Citrus help

At the initial stage of hypertension, it is recommended to eat every day a spoonful of the composition made from orange and lemon crushed on a grater. Citrus slurry is mixed with sugar. The course is three months.

From hypertension.

Oils for dermatitis.

Oils for dermatitis.

Oils for dermatitis.

Oils prepared at home are more effective than purchased oils. It can be applied to the epidermis or taken orally. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of inflammation and the individual reaction of the body, but cannot exceed two months.

  1. Rosehip oil, prepared at home, is recommended for radiation. Rosehip seeds are crushed to the state of crumbs and poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Stand for a week, occasionally shaking. After a low heat they languish for a quarter of an hour and again left alone for 7 hours. Filter through gauze and apply to the skin. You can also take rosehip oil inside, a teaspoon per day.
  2. In the amount of 2 tablespoons chopped flowers and leaves of geraniums are taken. Put in a jar of 0.5 liters and pour a glass of vegetable oil. They insist five days in a dark place, after they place the container in the sun and wait 1.5 months. Strained folk remedy is used for external treatment of sore spots and internal reception — one dessert spoon per day.
  3. Tea tree oil is called an excellent antiseptic. With an anti-inflammatory effect, it is used externally to treat almost all types of inflammation. Apply a few drops and gently massage. Repeat up to two times a day.

Oils for dermatitis.

  1. Take 25 leaves perforated hypericum. Grind and transfer to a glass vessel. Pour 250 ml of vegetable oil and close the lid. Stand for 15 days, occasionally shaking. Apply to sores and spots.
    While using St. John’s wort oil, do not go out in the sun. The active components of the plant are photosensitive, which can cause burns on the skin.
  2. For the treatment of inflammation and spots on the face, oil from the following herbs is recommended: oak bark (two teaspoons), horsetail leaves (one teaspoon), ivy budra (two teaspoons), medicinal lemon balm (two hours) l.), flowers of medicinal calendula (two tsp), the root of felt burdock (one tsp) and inflorescences of sand immortelle (one tsp). The components are thoroughly mixed, crushed. Collection, in the amount of one tbsp. l pour a cup of vegetable oil and boil on low heat for no more than fifteen minutes. They give rest 12 hours. A folk remedy applied to a cotton swab is applied to the dermis of the face.
  3. Essential oils of fir, roses, patchouli, orange and sandalwood are used to treat stains and roughness on the dermis. They are added to a regular baby cream before application. A few drops are enough. Such a cream is indicated for use at least twice a day.
Oils for dermatitis.

Alternative methods from otitis media.

Alternative methods from otitis media.

Alternative methods from otitis media.

Traditional medicine approaches the treatment of otitis media comprehensively. Along with drops and compresses, other unconventional methods are offered.

Burning funnel

A piece of linen is impregnated with melted beeswax. Roll up the fabric with a funnel. The narrow end is placed in the ear, the wide edge is set on fire. They wait until the tissue burns out, reaching the ear, and clean. The session is done in the evenings during the week.

Live Steam

In the treatment of inflammation of any kind (purulent is the exception), it is recommended to use «live» steam. Sew a bag of cotton fabric. Fill a kilogram of grain mix (wheat, barley, oats). Pre-heat the grain in the oven. A towel is placed on the sore auricle, on top is a bag. Hold a special compress for at least two hours. To achieve the result, several procedures are enough.


Boiled moisture is poured into a glass bowl. Add half a mustard spoon of a mixture of lavender oil and eucalyptus. They bow over the container and cover their heads with a towel. Medical vapors are inhaled for about five to seven minutes. It helps if any type of disease is diagnosed, including bullous and adhesive.


In acute otitis media, it is recommended to lubricate the outer region of the ear canal with the following cream: badger fat is combined in equal proportions and the elecampane root calcined over the fire is ground to a powder state. The auricle is lubricated at least three times a day until complete recovery.


In the ear region, there are approximately 170 active points, the effect of which helps to overcome acute pain with otitis media and accelerate recovery. In addition, blood circulation in the area of ​​the inflamed area is accelerated.
Among the possible massage movements, circular with the help of the palm, pulling (working with the lobe), and working out the eardrum are especially popular. Massage movements in the jaw, nose and neck are also effective. The procedure is usually performed several times a day for a couple of weeks.
Massage is strictly prohibited if exudative otitis media is diagnosed, especially accompanied by spotting.

Alternative methods from otitis media.


With severe pain, seven immature poppy heads boil for half an hour in half a mug of village milk. Cool a little. Pour the filtered liquid into a container with a spray and flush the ear canal.

Avicenna Recipe

Grind two pieces of wild bitter almonds and four pieces of sweet. The resulting powder is combined with a pinch of soda, a similar amount of Ceylon cinnamon and a drop of rose oil. A little thick honey is introduced and mixed until smooth. It is recommended to keep the finished folk remedy in the refrigerator. Before use, a small ball is taken, on which vinegar is dripped. The ball begins to hiss. At this moment, they put it in a sore ear canal and cover it with a cotton swab. Hold no more than one hour. The method helps to permanently get rid of the disease.


Wash a tablespoon of rice. At night, steamed with three tablespoons of water. In the morning send rice to the fire and bring to a boil. Drain boiling water and pour cold water. Again sent to the fire and boiled for five minutes. After filtering, the rice is eaten. Consuming food and water for four hours is not recommended. Therapy is performed for a month.

Juice mix

In the rapid treatment of otitis media (purulent, acute, chronic), a mixture of radish juice (90 ml), carrots (270 ml) and celery (150 ml) helps. You can use this composition: parsley juice (60 ml), celery (150 ml) and carrots (250 ml). The resulting volume is drunk per day. Treatment does not stop until recovery.
Treatment with pure juice can harm the work of the stomach, causing increased gas and flatulence.

Alternative methods from otitis media.

Phyto — infusions from colitis.

Phyto - infusions from colitis.

Phyto — infusions from colitis.

  1. The following infusion is especially recommended for colitis: in equal proportions the leaves and flowers of hyssop grass are mixed. 15 g are separated, 0.45 l of boiling water is steamed. Twenty minutes later, filtered. Take four times in half a cup.
    The recipe is not recommended for people with hypertension.
  2. In spastic and peptic ulcer types, the motherwort infusion is indicated. Take a couple of handfuls of raw materials, pour 0.4 liters of boiling water and keep under cover for forty minutes. Drink the entire volume during the day, repeating each time before eating.
  3. Green tea helps in the treatment of acute colitis. Brew a teaspoon in a cup of boiling water. Drink three times a day in half a cup.
  4. Two tbsp. l chopped curly parsley is added to one and a half glasses of boiling water. Hold under the lid for 5 hours. Squeeze and filter. Take four times before meals for a couple of large spoons. It is especially recommended as a medicine for atrophic inflammation.
  5. Two tsp fresh marsh geraniums are poured with two cups of boiling water. Leave under a towel for the night. Take 20 milliliters every few hours.
  6. In a glass of milk stir five grams of chicory. Insist thirty minutes. Drink four times a day for a quarter cup.
  7. In one liter of water, 10 g of quince seeds are steamed. Insist 10 hours. Take a glass, repeating three times a day before meals.

Phyto — infusions from colitis.

  1. Mix the leaves and fruits of blueberries. 45 g of the mixture is poured with 0.6 liters of boiling water and allowed to stand for ten hours. After filtration, they drink to treat the intestines, a glass three times in 24 hours.
  2. For enterocolitis, tansy infusion is useful. 5 grams of flower baskets are steamed with 300 ml of boiling water and kept under the lid for at least two hours. Use three times a day for twenty milliliters.
    An overdose of tansy leads to impaired vision, kidney function and nervous system functions.
  3. During periods of exacerbation, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of aspen ash. Take four large tablespoons of raw materials, pour a liter of hot liquid and stand for ten days. Drink eight tsp. after meals three times a day.
  4. The chronic form of colitis is treated with a sparkling cuff. Three large spoons of raw materials are poured with two glasses of boiling water and kept under the lid for 4 hours. Drink several times in 24 hours in half a cup.
  5. A handful of dried oak bark is added to 0.3 l of boiling water. Thirty minutes is kept under the lid, after which it is filtered and taken half a glass twice a day.
  6. A tablespoon of crushed grass smoky is combined with half a liter of boiling water and kept for six hours in a warm place. Strained infusion is used before each meal for a pair of large spoons.
  7. Salt l. chopped roots of the hemorrhage steamed 550 ml of boiling water. After half an hour, filter. They let stand for some more time and begin the reception — 20 milliliters before each meal.
  8. Take 30 grams of flax, pour a liter of hot liquid and cover with a towel. After a few hours, filter. Use half a cup four times a day. Helps with exacerbation of the chronic form and atrophic form of the disease.
  9. An infusion of strawberry leaves helps to normalize peristalsis. 10 g of raw materials are steamed with two cups of boiling water and kept under the lid for half an hour. Take twice a day, preferably before meals.
  10. The astringent has horse sorrel. It is indicated in the treatment of colitis and enterocolitis. Ten grams of the raw material is steamed with 220 ml of hot liquid and held for ten minutes. After being heated in a water bath and filtered. Drink a third of a glass twice a day before meals.
    Daily use of horse sorrel for bowel treatment is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, calcium will be washed out of the body and kidney stones will form.
Phyto - infusions from colitis.

Alcohol tinctures from mastopathy.

Alcohol tinctures from mastopathy.

Alcohol tinctures from mastopathy.

  1. Half a glass of shells of pine nuts is poured into 500 ml of wheat vodka. Sent in a dry, dark place for two weeks. Take 1 tbsp. l three times a day. The recipe is considered one of the best among those that helped women quickly overcome the symptoms of the disease.
  2. Two large spoons of aconite Dzhungarsky pour 200 ml of medical alcohol. After a couple of weeks, the raw materials are pressed and treatment begins — one drop a day, diluted in water. Every day, the number of drops increases by one. So you should go to ten, and then follow in the reverse order. The recipe is good when there is a focal pathology.
    Alcohol tincture of aconite is a potent toxic substance.
  3. Two handfuls of chopped joints of a golden mustache are poured with a mug of vodka for five days. Take a folk remedy for three small spoons per day, diluting with a small amount of water.
  4. To 400 ml of vodka add two tbsp. l roots of eleutherococcus. After eight days, filtered. Take ten drops inside, diluted in a cup of liquid, morning and evening.
  5. Pour 100 g of white cinquefoil roots with a liter of vodka and incubate for a month, hiding from sunlight. Take thirty drops three times on an empty stomach, adding to water.

Alcohol tinctures from mastopathy.

  1. A couple of sheets of alocasia are torn off and left until wilting begins. After cut and pour the same amount of alcohol in volume. For two weeks, cleaned in a dark place. They drink the remedy as follows (they must be washed down with vegetable oil!): On the first day, one drop three times, on the second — two, in the third — three, and so on up to ten drops. From the eleventh day they move in the reverse order.
    To date, the consequences of taking alocasia have not been fully studied. Official medicine recommends abstaining from such treatment.
  2. Mix thirty grams of licorice root, red brush and peony. Grind and combine with a liter of vodka. After two weeks, the liquid is drained, and 750 ml of new vodka is added to the roots. Insist a month. Treatment with the drug is recommended for menopause — 1 tbsp. l thrice a day, adding to tea.
  3. Pour 100 g of tamus root 500 ml of vodka and incubate for a week at room temperature. After filtration, add 150 ml of honey. Use three times a large spoon.
  4. Half a liter of medical alcohol is poured into two large spoons of dry grass of the uterus of the pine forest. Two weeks are stored in a dark place and filtered. Take ten drops three times a day, washed down with water.
    The uterus is often recommended by representatives of traditional medicine as one of the most effective means in the fight against female diseases. However, the plant has a number of serious contraindications: it negatively affects the liver, exacerbates chronically the disease and contributes to the violation of the menstrual cycle.
Alcohol tinctures from mastopathy.