Trays for hemorrhoids.

Trays for hemorrhoids.

Trays for hemorrhoids.

  1. Prepare a strong broth of onion peels. Used for baths at bedtime for eight days. The procedure is performed to eliminate acute inflammation in women and men.
  2. For external hemorrhoids, baths with a decoction of a medicinal hard bread are recommended (30 g of raw material per liter of moisture).
  3. To the state of the pulp, chop the head of garlic. Dissolve in 5 l of warm moisture. Used for sedentary baths, performing the procedure for at least fifteen minutes. Use the prescription until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  4. Finely chop the head of garlic and add to half a liter of milk. Allow to brew for an hour and heat in a water bath to a comfortable body temperature. A sedentary bath with the received milk-garlic broth is taken for twenty minutes, eliminating the appearance of the disease. The course lasts two weeks.

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Syrups for sinusitis.

Syrups for sinusitis.

Syrups for sinusitis.

Taking home-made syrups speeds up the healing process. Continue treatment until symptoms are relieved.

  1. On a grater rub a small piece of horseradish root. Combine the gruel with juice squeezed from three lemons. Drink half a dessert spoon on an empty stomach, repeating every morning for four months. The recipe is suitable if a running sinusitis is diagnosed.
  2. Connect a glass of honey and a cup of viburnum juice. Drink three times in a large spoon, keeping the syrup in the refrigerator. Heated before taking. Treatment of such a plan is indicated for patients of all ages.

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Tinctures from erosion.

Tinctures from erosion.

Tinctures from erosion.

For the treatment of erosion of various organs, tinctures are recommended, most of which are prepared using alcohol or vodka. The course of treatment, according to the recommendations of adherents of alternative medicine, ranges from a month to two.

  1. Propolis helps in the treatment of erosive lesions of the stomach and duodenum. Fifteen grams of it is poured with alcohol 96% (100 ml). Leave for 15 days. Filter. 50 drops, diluted with half a cup of milk, are drunk half an hour before meals. To eliminate the pathology of the uterus, 20 drops are taken three times a day. The following recipe also helps in the fight against a uterine defect: 20 g of pure propolis are taken for 500 ml of vodka. After fourteen days, filter. Drink 1 tsp. before bedtime.
  2. The pathology of the stomach and intestines is treated as follows: 15 immature walnuts, previously peeled, are placed in a glass container with vodka. 14 days are kept in a dark place. Filter and take 1 tbsp. l in a day.

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Diet for women.

Diet for women.

Diet for women.

Many women have problems with excess weight are caused by a violation of ovarian function. Diet for women.

Lose weight you want, but there is a risk to provoke persistent dysmenorrhea.

What to do? Specialists in this case recommend a diet with a sufficient amount of protein. It does not deprive the body of the material for hormones. Such a diet, which we offer to your attention today, can be called the most female diet. This will help to lose 2-3 kg per week. You will not feel hungry.

Hold diets result is very simple — it is enough to achieve the desired weight after adhere to at least a pair of rules in this diet. The apparent advantage of this diet is that it is very convenient for working women, they do not have specially prepare and carry on the work of the containers with food, all authorized products and foods can be purchased in the café or grocery store.

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Cervical spine injury.

Cervical spine injury.

Cervical spine injury.

Osteochondrosis under control!

Osteochondrosis in the neck. Cervical spine injury.  Yes, such that it is sometimes not turn his head, the pain that barely put up, so sharp, pierces the shoulder and arm.

Time-tested recipes.

To compress need amanita: 4 to take the red mushroom, put in a large pot and pour on top of boiling water (2-3 liters). When slightly cool (so that you can tolerate without burning), do yourself a hot compress on the neck and a sore shoulder.

The horseradish leaves have an amazing effect. They are applied to the neck of the lower part of the horseradish leaves. Top with a woolen scarf. The procedure is mainly at night. But there can be a lot of pain during the day.

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Cellulite — is a disease.

Cellulite - is a disease.

Cellulite — is a disease.

Myths about cellulite.

Cellulite is a disease? People learned about cellulite in the 70s of last century. The American magazine for women «Vogue» decided to use this purely medical term. In order to describe the phenomenon of cosmetic «orange peel». And since then, has grown into a cellulite problem almost the number one. For most women, both full and very thin …

But our ancestors is considered erotic and called simply «dimples on the priest.» So why are women so eager to get rid of that just talks about their sexuality?
What is so «zapudrili our brains» sellers of all kinds of means of cellulite, promising instant relief from it?
Let’s try to figure it out.

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What diet to choose?

What diet to choose

What diet to choose? 

Diet Doctor Bircham-Binner. Lose Weight correctly!

There are many popular diets that promote rapid weight loss. What diet to choose? But they tend to break in the body’s metabolism. That’s why after a short period of weight loss it increases again. And most importantly, that in this case the person has poor health and even deteriorating appearance. We also offer a weight loss diet, recommended by Dr. Bircher-Binner.

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