


From «udder of bitch» has disappeared.

Working under the open sky and in the cold and in the heat, you can catch a cold. One arm naryvchiki began to appear, which quickly turned into boils. Raise the temperature, the pain was excruciating. The surgeon has diagnosed — hydrogenic ( «bitch udder») and said that it is necessary to operate.

Cut, I was afraid and asked for a delay at the doctor, I began to search for popular recipes
in my grandmother’s notebooks. When found the recipe, I took up the treatment and then never regretted about it.

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Folk remedies.

CLIMAX FOR MEN. In men, menopause occurs at the age of 50-60 years. By this time, the production of the sex hormone testosterone decreases, which leads to dysfunctions of other glands — the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland. Usually menopause lasts 2-4 years.

Menopause symptoms: In some cases, palpitations, increased blood pressure, dizziness, memory impairment, and insomnia may appear. Working capacity is sharply reduced. There may be a weakening of sexual potency.

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Types of herpes.

Types of herpes.

Types of herpes.

HERPES: how to curb the insidious virus?

Species herpes virus there are more than 200, but human mostly affect 8 virus types.

One of them — the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1. This agent of the disease is mainly localized in the area of the lips, cheeks, tongue, and around the eyes. But it can also appear on the genitals, thighs and buttocks.

Type 2 — herpes simplex virus, which causes genital form of the disease. Dispatched by this type of virus through sexual contact or through use of personal hygiene products.

Another type of virus (type 3) is shingles. It is more common in children aged 7 to 14 years. Its appearance can cause chicken pox. But this is if the patient has not previously had chickenpox. This disease is rare in adults. However, the danger is that the virus can infect the cells of the spinal cord and brain.

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Herpes. The virus, which is always with you. Herpes is an unpleasant, but not fatal disease. First described in the times of ancient Greece by Hippocrates.

From Greek translates as herpes creeping disease. A viscous, uncompromising, incurable disease caused by viruses.

Herpes simplex virus.

Often causes manifestations on the lips. Herpes simplex type 1. Manifested in the form of genital lesions herpes simplex virus type 2.

Interesting fact. The risk of infection with genital herpes in women is higher than in men. This is due to the physiological signs of the vagina.

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Chronic pyelonephritis.

Chronic pyelonephritis.

Chronic pyelonephritis.

Kidney problems back pain. Chronic pyelonephritis.

Pay attention to the appearance: with kidney disease often have swelling on the face in the morning (bags under the eyes) and on the legs, which take place in the evening. The skin becomes pale, dry, with a yellowish tinge.

Chronic pyelonephritis.

A frequent symptom of infectious diseases (pyelonephritis), and in violation of the outflow of urine (hydronephrosis) — back pain.

Also, you should alert unexplained weakness, fatigue, headaches and elevated temperatures — a consequence of metabolic disorders and inflammation. It can change the color, the smell and the amount of urine per day. The main reason of pyelonephritis — hypothermia.

To cause disease and failure to comply with personal hygiene, abuse of spicy, fatty and smoked food borne viral diseases on the feet.

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Tampons for thrush.

Tampons for thrush.

Tampons for thrush.

At home, thrush in women is recommended to be treated with cotton swabs soaked in special compounds. You can take tampons from the pharmacy or those made by yourself. In the second case, it is important to remember about the need for a «string» for extraction. Typically, tampon treatment continues for up to two weeks, especially if the disease is chronic.

Fifty milliliters of olive oil is poured into a porcelain container. Add a few drops of oregano essential oil and mix thoroughly. A tampon is dipped into an oil folk remedy, which is then inserted as deep as possible into the vagina and left overnight.

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A method of treating thrush.

A method of treating thrush.

A method of treating thrush.

Half an hour in 800 ml of boiling water withstand two large spoons of linden inflorescences and three — oak bark. A method of treating thrush. The filtered infusion is used in the evenings.

With thrush on the vaginal mucosa, douching with chamomile infusion (three large spoons) and cuffs (two tablespoons) helps. The herbs are added to 700 ml of water and kept in a water bath for fifteen minutes. The strained broth is used for the procedure in the evenings.

Half a liter container is filled with green walnut shells. The jar is filled to the top with moonshine and left in a dark place for a couple of weeks. Shake the container periodically. The filtered tincture is used as follows: so much is taken per liter of water so that the color of the liquid turns out to be brown, like tea. Douche, 70 ml outflow, repeating three times a day.

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