Epilepsy treatment.

Epilepsy treatment.

Epilepsy treatment.

Epilepsy treatment. Medicine for «nerves».

All diseases of the nerves. Also, the nervous system needs treatment and support. I offer recipes to help deal with some of the “nervous” problems.

• When applying, apply pads to the sore spots, filled with elderberry flowers and chamomile.

• In violation of the nervous system. Pour 1 table spoon of seed salad with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 1-2 hours. Drink 0.5 glass 2 times a day.

• With functional diseases of the nervous system. These are neurasthenia, neuralgia, migraine, insomnia. Pour 2 teaspoons of grass shot open 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for a day. Drink during the day 1/4 cup.
Remember that fresh herbal lumbago is poisonous. Therefore, you can only use dry sleep.

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Medical vinaigrette.

Medical vinaigrette.

Medical vinaigrette.

Medical vinaigrette. How to lower the pressure at home. Pressure medicine.

Pressure began to disturb me. Before the eyes of flies running around, often the head hurts, my fingers go numb. Doctors, of course, prescribed pills to reduce the pressure, but I is not so big, so for myself decided to treat yourself to a smaller chemistry.

So, in the autumn viburnum juice drink — three-liter jar stuffed brushes viburnum, fill a cup of sugar and pour a glass of water.

And when viburnum ended, he moved to the beets: squeeze the juice through the juicer, defended 2:00 and add apple juice (from the store, but no preservatives). Saw 2-3 cups a day.

And eating sauerkraut with beets and garlic, constantly made vinaigrettes. Beets can be eaten because in any form.

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Treatment of obesity.

Treatment of obesity.

 Treatment of obesity. Weight loss at home.

Treatment of obesity. The correct weight loss. For the treatment of obesity in folk medicine the following collection is used. Herbal chamomile — 1 part, white birch buds — 1 part, St. John’s wort — 1 part, herbs immortelle sandy — 1 pc.

Treatment of obesity. 

Herbs were ground in a coffee grinder or ground in a mortar into a fine powder.
1 tbsp. l. Herbal powder poured 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for 15 minutes, filter. Take 2 times a day on a glass infusion, adding 1 tsp. honey.
After the evening reception, do not drink or eat anything else.

At excess weight, and in some cases obesity can accept a collection of herbs. This has a beneficial effect on the metabolism.

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Obesity. Weight loss at home.

Obesity is called excessive accumulation of fat in the body. Its deposition in the subcutaneous tissue, gland and other tissues and organs.

Disease obesity is caused by metabolic disorders, if the fat of nutrients is not destroyed and does not accumulate.

Often obesity leads to disruption of the body. This is hard work of the heart, blood circulation, dyspnea, fatigue, a decrease in resistance to infections.

To lose weight, we must first consult with your doctor.
Self-medication obesity should be physiotherapy. Observe the appropriate diet. But it should be remembered that rapid weight loss is bad for the body. Especially on the face.

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Siberian broth.

Siberian broth.

Siberian broth.

Unique Vitamins.

In Siberia, almost all diseases treated pine broth. Siberian broth. First we try it. Then we will use other means.
I can recommend this recipe to everyone without exception. Because coniferous trees grow in Russia everywhere.

A pine broth helps me treat children. When they catch cold. I myself drink it in winter and spring, when there is not enough vitamins. And my wife, thanks to this decoction, reduced the level of cholesterol in the blood. Has passed or has taken place a tachycardia.

Recipe broth coniferous: 5 Art. spoons of crushed needles of pine needles, tree, fir, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Insist night in a dark place, strain and drink in the form of heat during the day instead of water.

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Anti-aging mask for face home.


Tonic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antisclerotic effect is lemon. Essential oil of lemon has a pronounced anti-infective activity.

To help restore the gentle skin of the hands and face, keep it until old age, strengthen the nails and hair — use lemon. There are recipes that have been tested for centuries. He who has dry skin, he must be careful with lemon juice.


Lemon juice is one of the most effective and sparing means for whitening the skin. Therefore, to remove freckles and age spots on the face. In the morning and in the evening wipe with lemon juice. Dilute the juice in half with boiled water.

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Medical peroxide.

Medical peroxide.

Medical peroxide.

It is well known that hydrogen peroxide is usually treated with wounds. Medical peroxide. In order to avoid infections. But, of course, many readers will also be interested in the other healing properties of this amazing solution …

Medical peroxide.

For example, with peroxide inside and using napkins moistened with the same peroxide, pain in the heart. Arrhythmia disappear in the chest. The asthma attack stops.

It is said that one person was removed from the tumor in the stomach. The family was told: «Take it, it will not last long». After taking hydrogen peroxide for 3 weeks, a person does not just come to life. He went on to recover.

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