Cleansing the gallbladder.

Cleansing the gallbladder.

Cleansing the gallbladder.

The funds, which have dissolved gallstones, to my knowledge, in scientific and folk medicine there is.
Therefore, of particular importance are two methods to deal with gallstone disease: Surgical and Phytotherapy.

Prior to purification procedures go through the usual X-ray to find out the shape, structure, size of stones and what changes have occurred with the gall bladder, and liver ducts.

The stones are:

1. Cholesterol, round or oval. Usually single.

2. The pigment (bilirubin and consist of lime) is always very small and numerous.

3. The cholesterol-pigment-calcium that is mixed. They are multiple, varying shapes and sizes. Sometimes there and monoliths.

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Chronic bronchitis treatment.

Chronic bronchitis treatment.

Icelandic moss.

Chronic bronchitis treatment.

This is one of the best ways to fight a cough.
I want to start with the fact that since childhood I have had problems with the lungs. Bronchitis and pneumonia were my diseases.
With age, the diseases receded, but as soon as one caught a cold, how did a strong, exhausting cough

He could chase me for months. What I did not drink: antibiotics, various syrups and pills for cough, piles, grass, nothing helped. The cough became weaker, but did not pass.
And then one day I was advised to drink Icelandic moss or Cetraria Icelandic.

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Gastrointestinal problems.

Gastrointestinal problems.

Gastrointestinal problems.

Gastrointestinal problems. After the army, my husband got gastritis. Over time, gastritis developed into a duodenal ulcer. During the exacerbation of the disease, he felt very bad. But he refused to go to the doctors and drink pills.

And then I convinced him to try the recipe. With the help of which my grandfather got rid of the ulcer.
He, however, had a stomach ulcer, but I do not think it is of fundamental importance.

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Diet to lose weight.

diet to lose weight.

Potato and Watermelon Diet.

Diet to lose weight.

The end of summer is the time to spend a unique potato diet, and watermelons will become an assistant to potatoes in the matter of losing weight. Diet to lose weight.

During the diet it is recommended:

• Exclude baked goods.

• In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of cold decoction from potatoes (cook in the evening, boiling 2-3 potatoes until half cooked in uniform) or a glass of cold water.

• Dinner (no later than 19 hours) is always the same: 1 kg of pulp of watermelon.

• Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of tea or, if the feeling of hunger is strong, — a glass of kefir.

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Wonder tincture.

Wonder tincture.

Wonder tincture.

Wonder tincture. Not so long ago, it has tested one universal recipe for healing tinctures on themselves and neighbors. Grandson often suffers from sinusitis, and poured on his face acne. And the old mother is very sore feet.

We took advantage of tincture: Finely chop a large sheet of Aloe (before this week, not water), one medium red hot pepper and a tablespoon with the top of the dry celandine herbs pour 0.5 liters of vodka and put in a cool dark place for 10 days. Then tincture stored in the refrigerator.

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Cardiac arrhythmia.

Cardiac arrhythmia.

Cardiac arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation treatment.

Cardiac arrhythmia. Treatment of folk remedies. How to calm the heart? Homemade recipes for cardiac arrhythmias, treatment of folk remedies.

The health of the cardiovascular system largely determines the general condition of a person. Never under any circumstances can you ignore the alarming «bells.» Even if at first it manifests itself completely harmless heart arrhythmia.

Treatment of folk remedies of this pathology is not only possible. But in some cases it is necessary, this can be confirmed by any specialist cardiologist. Especially — if you have in mind not only the use of medicinal recipes. But also compliance with known preventive measures.

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Treatment for depression.

Treatment for depression.

Treatment for depression.

How to wait for spring? Depression, fatigue.

Late autumn and winter is the most difficult time of the year. Cold, early darkness.
It is not surprising that many at this time overcome depression. So I just was. Insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. In this state, about any activity can be no question.

Go to work through effort. At home, too, did not want to do anything. I don’t like going to doctors. Especially with this «nonsense.» I also will not listen to a local therapist. People have more serious problems. It is good that I have a girlfriend. She is a neurologist by profession.

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