Hypertensive heart disease.

Hypertensive heart disease.

Hypertensive heart disease.

Hypertension, referred to as diseases of the century. Hypertensive heart disease. She-result neurosis, in particular vascular dysregulation peripheral circulation. It tak called — a disease of impaired regulation. Everything starts with the so-called neuro dystonia of hypertensive type. Here at this stage of vascular neurosis would be good «in the bud» to intercept the development of hypertension. How this can be done without resorting to medication pharmacy, we’ll talk.

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Glaucoma causes symptoms.

Among people aged 40-50 years, glaucoma suffers from 1.5-2%. However, the older the person, the greater the likelihood of developing the disease.

Glaucoma is associated with impaired outflow of fluid from the eye for the thinnest tubules.

The main symptom of the disease is an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP). What is detrimental to the optic nerve. As a result, incurable blindness may occur. The first signs of glaucoma may be a feeling of fogging. Or the appearance of bright circles in the morning. However, the disease most often occurs without any symptoms.

Early detection of glaucoma requires annual monitoring of IOP, beginning at the age of 40.

And in the presence of glaucoma in the family — from 35 years. Medicine has a means of slowing the development of glaucoma. Therefore, it is important in time to detect the disease.

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Diet with rheumatism.

Diet with rheumatism.

Diet with rheumatism.

With exacerbation.

In the active phase of rheumatism due to compliance with bed rest, the energy value of the diet should be limited. Mainly due to carbohydrates, especially easily digestible. Diet with rheumatism.

Food should be consumed 4-5 times a day. Last meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Approximate diet menu for patients in the acute phase of the disease:

First breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, porridge porridge, tea with milk.

The second breakfast: an apple baked without sugar.

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Cervical degenerative disc disease.

Cervical degenerative disc disease.

Cervical degenerative disc disease.

Treatment and prevention.
Osteochondrosis — is the deposition of salt?

Osteochondrosis is now widely regarded as a disease of the century. Even young people aged 30-40 are increasingly affected by it. Also leading a sedentary lifestyle.

When there is pain in the cervical spine, discomfort and crunch when you turn the head, usually a person believes that this is due to the deposition of salt. Although it is not quite so.

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Save from drinking puppeteer.

Save from drinking puppeteer.

Save from drinking puppeteer.

My relative was a prosperous man in life, in the family, at work. Yet he often drink alcohol, are increasingly returning to work intoxicated. The reason for drinking alcohol become a normal day, work and festive, night and day. His wife and children did not survive the life of a drunken husband and went to her parents.

I know many ways to treat alcohol dependence. But the trouble is that a relative of mine, as well as the vast majority of alcoholics, does not consider himself sick. I tried to explain to him that he was sick, but heard in response:
I’m not an alcoholic, I can stop at any time. And then I advised his mother to start his treatment without his knowledge, ie, so that he had no idea about this.

We treated him puppeteer medicinal root.
Recipe broth I know from my grandmother’s recipes. In the old days used the puppeteer roots in Russia folk healers from drinking. This herb improves the immune system, stimulates the body’s defenses. When you receive a decoction of the root in patients disappears craving for alcoholic beverages, is produced by indifference to alcohol, to the point that sometimes people abuse alcohol just can not drink, even if hand out of habit reaches for a glass.

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If the glands are swollen.

If the glands are swollen.

If the glands are swollen.

Adenitis is a swelling of the glands under the arms. Sometimes it can be under the jaw. Here, if the glands are swollen and pain appears in them, it is necessary to gently lubricate them with iodide or ichthyol ointment. Then tie.

In no case can not tear such glands. Because it gets worse.
Along the way, we must take care of strengthening the body.
Salt bath, fish oil, more nourishing table.

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Lose Weight correctly.

Lose Weight correctly!

Lose Weight correctly.

How to start losing weight at home.

You could not lose weight, even with diets. Some try to eat as little as possible — no more than 1-2 times a day. And the weight does not go away.

The less we eat during the day, the greater the risk of overeating. Israeli scientists have found that you can lose weight even by eating quite fatty foods. If you divide it in 5 receptions.
It’s not just that we usually eat less, because less hungry.

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