Natural medicine.

The ancient Greeks called this shrub small cedar, Slavs — Mozzhuha, mezhelnikom. Juniper was worshiped as a healer and protector in all countries and at all times.

The plant has the strongest Phytoncidal properties: 1 hectare of juniper may one day improve the air of an average city!

— Useful fruits of juniper in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

— Indispensable as an anti-inflammatory agent.

— To clean up after the negative impact of energy on the part of — rub the palm of the essential oil of juniper.

— To cleanse the house of bad energy, it is necessary to fumigate the room burning juniper branches.

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Treatment of folk remedies.

Treatment of folk remedies.

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Inflammation of the appendages (adneskit).

Treatment of adnexitis according to popular recipes often gives a strong effect. But use of folk remedies is possible only with the approval of the doctor.
It is very important to refuse sex in order to cure acute forms of inflammation.

In folk medicine, herbs are most often used for inflammation of the appendages. Since they provide the maximum therapeutic effect.

Good for treatment of a complex adnexal herbal therapy, involves several steps:

Calendula and aloe. For this treatment, it is important to use a variety of herbs in different days! On odd days (1 to 9) take the solution from the cup of aloe juice, a glass of honey and two glasses of Cahors.

Treatment of adnexitis.

The mixture insist to 2 days in the heat, when stored in the refrigerator and drink 2 times a day to 2 tablespoons On even days (2 to 10), a mixture of 2 ch.lozhek calendula and 2 ch.lozhek dried plantain. Pour a glass of water and insist hour. Filter and drink the infusion during the day.

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Diseases of the skin.

Diseases of the skin.

Diseases of the skin. Lipoma.

How can you cope with the oil lamp with the help of folk remedies?
Diseases of the skin. Lipoma — a benign tumor of adipose tissue. Lipomas — a soft movable subcutaneous nodules (often have a well-defined capsule), over which the skin remains normal.

Lipomas are located in different areas of the body: face, back, shoulders, hips; they usually occur in the subcutaneous tissue, the skin may appear less frequently in the retroperitoneal, perinephric tissue in the breast, lung.
Surface (subcutaneous) tumor is sharply demarcated, has a soft consistency, mobile, painless. On average, its dimensions are 4.1 cm in diameter. Some can reach 5-10 cm in diameter, causing a cosmetic defect.

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Clay treating prostatitis.

Clay treating prostatitis.

How to get rid of prostatitis? How is the treatment of prostatitis clay? Clay treating prostatitis.

People’s treatment of prostatitis glinoterapiey. Prostate Diseases (adenoma and prostatitis) can be treated and clay.

Prostatitis — a problem familiar to many. So I want to talk about the treatment of this disease with the help of clay. To do this you will need a gray or blue clay, which is easily available over the counter.

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Treatment of stroke.

Treatment of stroke.

Treatment of stroke.

Stroke, as at home, recover from a stroke.

Treatment of stroke by the bees.

In the treatment of stroke, podmor (corpse bees) is used as a stabilizing agent. This natural remedy cleanses the blood, stabilizes blood vessels, helps the body make up for the defenses and restore functions.
This folk remedy for the treatment of stroke from the bee humor is prepared on a water basis.

The recipe for the preparation of the medicine is simple:

Pour in an enamel saucepan 3 liters of water. Pour out there 1 tbsp. Dead bees (it is better to take spring zamor, but you can use the fall).

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Healthy lifestyle, health and longevity.

The highest human lifespan, known today — 140 years. But more often this term twice (or even more) shorter. SECRETS OF LONGEVITY. So what affects the length of our stay on earth?
How to live long?

• You are lucky if you have good genes. And your grandparents lived for more than 80 years. And even luckier, if your parents have reached the same age.

• Obesity — also a gift from our ancestors. Just one gene to all subsequent generations have given up hope to be slim. That’s just the gift that hardly anyone will appreciate. Overweight eats two years of your life. Fight kilograms — fight for life!

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Headache. Do not strain yourself!

Headache Treatment.

The usual annoying pain is familiar to many.
Classical man appeal who has suddenly got a headache‘My head like a tight cover band. »

Doctors call it a tension headache. The reason for this is simple — chronic stress. Another reason for this pain is the mandatory long-term non-physiological position.

In short, after a few hours the same seat on the chair in front of the computer. Or worthwhile work on the conveyor of the muscles of the eye, head and neck as a result of prolonged psychoemotional or physical overstrain.

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