The three most harmful diets.

The three most harmful diets.

The three most harmful diets.

Fasting Diet

The most unhealthy diet is certainly fasting. This is when food is generally removed from food, and only water remains, because a person cannot live without water, he will live only a few days.

Therefore, it remains to eat only water. The effect of this diet is obvious — a person loses weight.

The three most harmful diets.

But the physiology of human metabolism is such that the body does not receive energetic material, but the energetic material is primarily carbohydrates and only then it will be fats, and then at the very end of proteins, then the body itself begins to act autonomously, i.e. independently begins to accumulate in the liver all the fat that is in the body.

Thus, the liver cells are filled with fatty tissue. At the moment when a person is starving, eating nothing and drinking only water, liver cells begin to quickly accumulate fat in themselves, as if turning on a protective function.

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Herbs for immunity.

Herbs for immunity

Herbs for immunity.

Herbs for immunity. What folk remedies can be used to strengthen immunity.

The immune system is a kind of defensive line of our body, protecting it from genetically foreign substances that come from outside or are formed in the body itself.

The organs of the immune system produce immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes, plasmacids), biologically active substances (antibodies) that recognize, destroy or neutralize cells and other foreign substances (antigens) that have entered the body or formed in it — viruses, bacteria, fungi, transplanted tissues and organs, pollen, chemicals, etc.

A decrease in immunity is the main cause of most of our diseases.

In our time, almost all people, especially children, have a severely weakened immune system. This happens largely because our immune system is constantly working in an exorbitant mode. Simply put, the daily intake of environmental, household, medicinal and food toxins in the body does not give the immune system a minute of rest.

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Cardioneurosis. Poor sleep, rapid fatigue, palpitations? Hurry to the bath!
How often, coming to an appointment, patients complain of increased fatigue, decreased ability to work, emotional exhaustion, and poor sleep.

Some feel stabbing and sometimes aching pains in the heart area. You listen to the patient’s story, examine him. Yes, we have to admit: there are all the signs of cardioneurosis. What is this disease?

Cardioneurosis is a functional disorder of the heart. It is characterized by an increase in the perception of their pulse — some patients feel it all over the body, in the hand, in the head, chest pains last for a long time, causing the patient to feel fear of real heart diseases.

All this can be accompanied by sweating, slight dizziness, and a tendency to faint. More often women are susceptible to neuroses, cardioneuroses and neurasthenia. But now we can say with confidence that the stronger sex is quickly catching up with them.

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Recipes of traditional medicine.

Recipes of traditional medicine.

Recipes of traditional medicine.

Recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of reactive arthritis.

As an added treat to conservative therapy for the relief of the patient are used in folk medicine Various ointments and compresses. At the pharmacy, you will always find a liquid or anti-inflammatory ointment. Recipes of traditional medicine.

However, there are simple ways to treat arthritis.

Here are a few recipes.

1) ointment of comfrey. For preparing ointments, mix and pour a glass of vegetable oil with one cup of comfrey leaves or 1/2 cup of chopped comfrey root.

Put the mixture on low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Broth strain, slowly pour in 1/4 cup of it, beeswax, passed through a meat grinder and a little bit of vitamin E in the oil fraction. Cool and use the ointment: a compress to keep 1 per day.

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How to treat bruises.

How to treat bruises.

How to treat bruises.

How to treat bruises with folk remedies.

They say that scars, scratches, abrasions and bruises adorn men, but women certainly do not need all these «decorations».

But, unfortunately, this can happen to anyone, and necessarily at the wrong moment, but in the most conspicuous place where it is impossible to hide it.

We are trying in vain with the help of various cosmetics to mask the problem, but no foundation is capable of doing this. We become desperate and do not know what to do in this case.

At the same time, all women remember that they have a lot of cosmetics, but about simple folk remedies that we always forget at hand, and in this case, they will help us much more than any of the most expensive cosmetics.

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The main cause of rosacea is in weak vessels. Their disease can occur due to genetic characteristics of the body or hormonal changes.

Excessive alcohol consumption, persistent overeating, smoking and climatic conditions can also cause red spots.

So, in the winter months, entering a warm room from the street, the capillaries are exposed to sharp temperature changes, as a result of which we can observe redness on our faces.

Removal of blood vessels on the face: folk remedies.

We all know how couperosis manifests itself on the face. Capillary redness can cover quite large areas of the skin and therefore it is possible and necessary to deal with this manifestation.

However, not everyone is in a hurry to immediately resort to medical methods of hardware treatment; it also seems logical enough to turn to folk methods of removing blood vessels on the face, which usually solves the problem after using natural remedies.

— you can start with a mask No. 1 that strengthens blood vessels. Mix equal amount of grape seed oil, tincture of calendula, sophora and dandelion. Apply to skin in the evening before bed. You need to keep the mask for about half an hour, removing the excess with a napkin. Such a course should last two months;

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Birch buds will help. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatism. Those who live in the countryside know about birch buds. This is an indispensable remedy for many ailments.

But I want to share with your readers recipes from rheumatism. Winter in our area have now become some strange: the frost under thirty degrees, then thaw, melting all around. That and look, blow! But I’m not afraid of any drafts, and if they will suddenly lower back ache, I have always in stock procured dried birch buds.

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