


Without the cleansing there is no healing.

«Waterway» to health.

Clean the body better resists any infections, and when cleaning during illness faster to cope with it.

Drinking enough fresh water — a necessary condition for maintaining health and slowing the aging process. We need to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day — this ensures the hydration of the body necessary for normal digestion, metabolism and excretion of waste.

According to gastroenterologists, the use of water in the morning — a very good way to «run» the gastrointestinal tract and excrete toxins. After all, for a night on the walls of the digestive tract accumulate waste digestion, gastric juices and mucus, and hot water washes away all the «extra» and removes away from the body (which is why there is often «laxative» effect of this procedure).

But what kind of water to drink to cleanse the body — cold, warm, hot or mineral you have to choose yourself.

Meltwater improve metabolism.

To cleanse the body of toxins and with a vengeance run metabolic processes regularly enough to eat on an empty stomach in the morning for about half an hour before a meal melt water. The fact that it is structurally closest to the water, which consists of our body.

Cooking melt water to drink.

Pour into a container tap water and place in freezer. We expect the appearance of thin, long icicles, get them and throw away, drain with the water in another bowl, and again by sending in the freezer.
By freezing the water is divided into 2 parts: a really clean and turbid ice mixture in which settle contaminants from water. Now you need to remove the mud and water from the melted ice will be clean to drink.

! Remember: useful properties meltwater retains a maximum period of 3 days. Moreover, it is desirable to melt water to drink, as long as it is still floating pieces of ice.

Hot water will keep youth.

Doctors believe that the warm water helps get rid of many gastrointestinal problems, because the water that gets into the stomach before meals, prepares it to the top of digestion.
Drinking boiled hot (but not scalding mucosa) water should be every morning: 1 glass on an empty stomach 40 minutes before meal for 3-4 weeks. To conduct such cleaning should be 4 times a year.

Hot water helps preserve youth, as it speeds up the metabolism. It has a laxative effect, due to which you can safely lose weight, and is a kind of «cleaner» for the whole organism.
This way you can get rid of arthritis, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, constipation, normalize weight, improve your skin, bring sand and stones from the kidney, gall bladder and liver to remove excess fat from problem areas, to give the joints and spine flexibility.

Exercise for effective cleansing.

Sit on a chair with straight legs and back straight, close your eyes and relax, slowly, with breaks to drink a glass of hot water. Then lie down on the mat in the abdomen, dissolve hands, palms down at shoulder level, looking in front of him, leaning chin on mat.

Slowly raise your head and look over your left shoulder to the right heel (when lifting the head to fix the attention of the thyroid gland, and then on the spine between the shoulder blades, then to the lower back). Lower the head to the starting position (delay attention to body parts in reverse order). Repeat to the other side.
When lifting the head can be lifted in his arms, keeping elbows on the mat. This helps promote the water drunk by the gastrointestinal tract and to stir up the spine.

In the process of implementation can occur mild pain, it shows that the body’s purification process is correct.
After exercising in the body a pleasant relief should occur, and you will feel rejuvenated.


Herbs help.

Herbs help.

Herbs help.

Herbs help. Herbs can help prevent exacerbations.

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The complexity of the treatment of gallstone disease is compounded by the involvement in the pathological process of other digestive organs, particularly the pancreas.
A surgical treatment does not always provide a solution as 15-30% of patients developed postoperative postcholecystectomical syndrome characterized dyspeptic disorders and pain.

Thus, the use of herbal medicine is justified not only in the absence of direct indications for surgical treatment of gallstone disease, and after surgery.

Under the influence of herbal formulations significantly improved the composition of bile, it decreases bilirubin and cholesterol, that is, it becomes less lithogenic. Complex vitamins and other biologically active substances of medicinal plants has a normalizing effect on the liver function and restores the water-salt metabolism.
Medicinal plants anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial and choleretic actions contribute to the elimination of infective and inflammatory processes, eliminate stagnation of bile.

Herbs help.

Treatment of gallstone disease using herbs should be carried out continuously for 1.5-3 years, under medical supervision, with the alternation of various fees and breaks between courses of 2 weeks after receipt of 1.5-2 months. The only way to reach the reception correction of all types of metabolism that occur at this pathology.

! In the presence of large stones, expressed exacerbation during the treatment dose used drugs reduce fees.

1. You can start with a universal collection of medical, well-proven with sand and stones in the gallbladder.
Leaves of nettle, plantain leaves, yarrow flowers ordinary, flowers, tansy, horsetail sprouts field — to 30 g, the grass is common wormwood (mugwort), chamomile flowers, flowers St. John’s wort wort, peppermint leaves, petals of a rose garden — 20 g, grass repeynichka pharmacy (love spell) — 40 g of calendula flowers, the fruits of dill — 10 g
1 tbsp. spoon collection (with slide) pour 2 cups boiling water, under cover for 30 minutes, drain. Drink in 3 receptions for 20 minutes before meals in the form of heat. course — 2 weeks in the first few days of treatment may increase, in which case the infusion dose may decrease.

Herbs can help prevent exacerbations.

2. Rotate this collection can be a different composition, which also helps dissolve small stones in the gall bladder, relieves spasms and facilitates the passage of sand.
Bark of buckthorn olhovidnoy grass parsley vegetable garden — 30 g, grass strawberries forest, grass thoroughwax golden, grass Dandelion ordinary — 20 g, leaves cranberries, herb lemon balm, grass cudweed forest, grass goldenrod ordinary, flowers, Helichrysum, roots calamus, burdock roots — 10 g
Article 1.5. spoon collection brewed in the evening 0.5 liters of boiling water, in a thermos overnight,
strain and drink per day in 3-4 hours in a heated state.

3. Effectively running a mixture of herbs: take equally grass celandine, mountaineer
Avian (knotweed), Hypericum perforatum, Viola tricolor, corn silk, fruits coriander, dandelion root, fennel fruit (or anise).

2 tbsp. spoon mixture add 0.5 liters of hot water, cook over low heat, covered for 10 minutes, let stand 30 minutes, drain. Drink per day in 3-4 divided doses for 20 minutes
before meals.
If you can not find all the components of these charges, you can use the simpler compounds that also effectively help to cope with cholelithiasis.

Herbs can help prevent exacerbations.

4. Helps and this collection: buckthorn bark, roots, medicinal angelica, sage leaves drug — 30 g caraway fruit — 20 g
Prepare and apply in the same way as the previous structure.

5. To dissolve small gallstones is very useful for a long time to accept the infusion of rhizomes of quack grass.
1 tbsp. spoon rhizomes grind on a coffee grinder, pour 300 ml of boiled water at room temperature, to insist 10 hours, drain. Drink per day in 3 divided doses for 20-30 minutes before meals.

gallstones,  gallbladder




Teeth. What will help the gums?

Everyone knows that you need to take care of your teeth, but we often forget about the gums.


But gum disease — periodontitis — almost the main cause of tooth loss.
By the treatment of periodontal disease must be approached comprehensively. It is important not to lose sight of the initial stage of the disease.

soon as you began to denude the gums, immediately contact your dentist. He will assign you a personal mixture for rinsing and prescribe the necessary vitamin supplements.

To contact the doctor in cases where the gingiva remain inflamed or bleed despite home treatment;

if there were sores on the gums; there was the pain of hot or cold food.
In time remove tartar — it often leads to periodontal disease.

In the case of periodontal disease, primarily to exclude from the diet of sugar and starchy refined foods, increase the number of products containing ascorbic acid, enter into the diet of raw vegetables and fruits that require thorough mastication.

While brushing your teeth to massage the gums with a toothbrush.

After consulting with the doctor, use homeopathy:

arnica — when the gums are very painful;
Phosphorous — bleeding after brushing your teeth does not stop;
silica — gum with ulcers and inflamed.

And now some useful recipes for the gums:

In a cup of water, add 1 drop of choice essential cypress, lemon, myrrh and tea tree oil. Such mouth rinse solution in the acute phase of the disease, 2 times a day.

Dissolve 1 g of the mummy in half a glass of warm boiled water and rinse your mouth for 1-2 minutes 5-6 times a day.

To rinse can be used infusions of herbs: sweet flag root, calendula, cudweed, St. John’s wort, yarrow, or root of Bergenia. Rinse your mouth for 2 minutes at least 4 times a day.

Rinse your mouth with water and 20 drops of 15% alcohol solution of propolis.

When abscesses on the gums, use saline rinse — 1 tbsp. teaspoon of salt per cup of water.

How dangerous flux and what procedures you can do with the disease itself?

Flux (abscess) — acute inflammatory disease in the periosteum — the connective tissue that adheres to the bone.
Get rid of it at home is impossible, you can only reduce the swelling and pain.
Signs of flux — severe swelling and redness of the gums, aching
in the tooth and jaw, a sharp rise in temperature and the appearance of swelling on the patient’s cheek. Seek medical attention immediately.

Now that can not be done when the flux:

Do not place the packs, they contribute to the spread of pus;

Do not make any bandages — they compress the tissue and increase the swelling;

Do not drink antibiotics without prescription;

Do not take painkillers before the visit to the doctor;

if the doctor did you incision to drain the pus, drink aspirin, because it can cause bleeding.

You can rinse the affected area with a solution of baking soda and salt (1 hr. A spoonful of baking soda and 1 h. Spoon of salt pour boiling water, wait until cool down to room temperature), or anti-inflammatory herbs.
Rinse every two hours to relieve the main symptoms, may then be less.

Note: inflammation of the gums.

The disease, which should cause a person to be guarded — gingivitis and periodontitis, or more — an inflammation of the gums.
In women with diseased gums often give birth to babies with low birth weight.

This condition increases the risk of atherosclerosis and even multiple sclerosis — severe neurological disease that affects the motor functions.
Gum disease is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth and actively propagate in the layer of tartar.

Periodontal disease — one of the most common diseases in the world, which becomes a cause of tooth loss in people over 30 years.
For many years it was believed that periodontal disease is purely local in nature, but in recent years there is growing evidence that it has an effect on health in general.

Bacteria on the bloodstream invade other organs, disrupting their work.
Scientists have evidence of a link between gum disease and diabetes, and when undertook a study involving diabetic patients and have begun to treat their gums, blood sugar levels fell significantly in people.


Tangerines clean joints.

Tangerines clean joints.

Tangerines clean joints.

Tangerines clean joints. Want to return to its former elasticity of joints and relieve them of salt?
Eat every day tangerines! But be sure to eat them together with white mesh, which contains a large number of glycosides, strengthens blood vessels — since the first joints affected in violation of them in circulation. In order to carry out cleaning of salt every day, eat 5-6 ripe mandarins, but do not throw away the peel, and dried.

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Urolithiasis: dangerous, but curable.

Blame water and climate. First of all — drinking regime.

First of all — drinking regimen (2.5 L of pure water per day). Next — a diet with a predominance of dairy and plant products, to become more alkaline urine, intake of B vitamins excluding smoked and spicy food, canned food, pickles and spirits, coffee, all kinds of beans, salt.

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Fertility treatments.

Fertility treatments.

Fertility treatments.

From infertility.

How to quickly get pregnant: Tips

I have had several patients who suffered from infertility and could become pregnant as a result of treatment with herbs. Fertility treatments.

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Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis.

If sclerosis in general is a consolidation of organs, walls of blood vessels and tissues with a violation of the supply of nutrients, blood, oxygen to them, multiple sclerosis — when the sclerotic foci are scattered over the brain and spinal cord, the heavier the central nervous system is affected.

Multiple sclerosis is a long and intractable disease, but folk medicine has long used a number of medicinal herbs that help and soften the course of this serious disease.

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