Infusions from bronchitis.

Infusions from bronchitis.

Infusions from bronchitis.

Infusions from bronchitis. Medicinal herbs used to prepare phyto-infusions at home help in suppressing cough, eliminating sputum and normalizing the general condition. Treatment should be performed until complete recovery.

Mono Infusions

  1. A glass of boiling water steamed forty grams of crushed propolis. Filter in a day. Take thirty drops twice a day for any type of disease.
  2. A handful of coltsfoot plants are added to the mug of boiled liquid. After half an hour, filter. Drink from wheezing and coughing during pregnancy, forty milliliters three times.
    For more than four weeks, plant treatment is prohibited, as it contains some types of alkaloids. Accumulating in the body, they have a toxic effect.
  3. In the treatment of bronchitis, elecampane root is actively used. Ten grams of dry raw material is poured into a glass of boiled moisture and ten minutes is kept in a steam bath. After spinning, they begin to use — a quarter cup three times on an empty stomach.
  4. In the removal of inflammation helps knotweed grass. A tablespoon is steamed with a glass of boiling water for ten minutes. Filter and drink a quarter of the glass four times.
    The content of silicic acid makes the plant unsuitable for people with kidney pathologies.
  5. A handful of crushed rose hips are added to a thermos with half a liter of boiling water. The night stand. Use strained infusion in half a cup, repeating three times on an empty stomach. The recipe is designed to enhance immunity, helps to achieve faster recovery.
  6. Plantain, in the amount of two large spoons, is aged in a glass of boiling water for four hours. Use infusion for acute and chronic bronchitis in half a cup twice a day.
  7. If you lose your voice due to a strong cough, take a couple of liters of milk, previously brought to a boil, and add 0.4 kg of bran. Insist hour. Filter and introduce a little natural honey. Take during the day instead of tea, especially if wheezing is present.
  8. Treatment of the acute form of the disease is carried out with the following recipe: a handful of chopped tangerine seeds is poured with boiling water in the amount of one glass. They stand the hour and squeeze the raw materials. Take a glass every two hours.
    Mandarin bones contain the substance amygdalin glycoside, which when converted into the stomach turns into acid.
  9. Children’s bronchitis is treated with milk and walnuts. The kernels of ten nuts are crushed into medium-sized crumbs, put in a two-liter thermos and filled with boiled milk. Five hours later, filtered. Give the baby as often as possible.
  10. A teaspoon of black elderberry is steamed in 250 ml of boiling water, leaving to cool. Add some natural honey. They drink fifteen milliliters three times if there is a strong cough and there are problems with sputum discharge.
    A moderately toxic plant is contraindicated in children under twelve years of age and in pregnant women.

Infusions from bronchitis.

  1. Two hours in a glass of boiling water insist five grams of oregano. Use three times in 50 ml.
  2. A glass of boiling moisture is steamed with a handful of ground knotweed. In a water bath can withstand ten minutes. Allow to cool and filter. They drink half a glass four times.
  3. For respiratory diseases, drink nettle infusion. A pinch of color is brewed with a liter of boiling water and used instead of tea, adding sugar to taste.
  4. Steamed in 250 ml of boiling water a tablespoon of pine buds, previously crushed into small crumbs. After half an hour, filter. When coughing, give the patient two sips, repeating up to five times a day.
  5. A circle of boiling liquid is steamed 8 g of the roots of the Siberian source. It is kept under the lid until cooling and reception is started — 50 ml three times. Helps treat chronic bronchitis.
  6. 40 g of flowers of seed buckwheat are steamed with a liter of boiling water and left to infuse for an hour. Volume is drunk per day. Useful for fever.
    The recipe is dangerous for people with impaired kidney function, since the infusion is considered a strong diuretic.
  7. In a mug of boiling water steamed spoon of crushed ginger root. It is kept until cooling and diluted with hot water in a proportion of one to one. Drink per day, replacing tea. Raspberry jam is added to taste. The composition is good at elevated temperatures.
  8. Bring to a boil a mug of village milk. Pour a pinch of turmeric. After cooling, divide the composition into a couple of servings and use it on an empty stomach for a day.
  9. In case of illness in infants, the medunica is used. A teaspoon is brewed with a mug of hot moisture for half an hour. Filter. They give the child ten milliliters twice a day.
    Lungworm based formulations are dangerous to use on an empty stomach. Otherwise, abdominal pain and diarrhea are likely.
  10. If the disease is accompanied by fever, prepare an infusion of eucalyptus leaves. Add 1 tsp. leaves to a cup of boiling water. After an hour, they are filtered and drunk during the day, divided into several portions.
	Infusions from bronchitis.

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis. With damage to the vessels of the legs, horse chestnut tincture is recommended. 20 grams of flowers are kept under cover in a glass of vodka for two weeks. Thirty drops are taken per day, repeating three times. Treatment lasts about 30 days. After a two-week break, repeat.
The prescription should be used with caution if there is a tendency to constipation, hypotension and malfunction of the menstrual cycle.

For arterial pathologies, use a tincture of a golden mustache, which contains active antioxidants. Thirty-five joints of the plant are crushed, placed in an opaque container made of glass, filled with 1.5 liters of alcohol 70%. Two weeks later, filtered. Before taking, a dessert spoon is mixed with 15 ml of vegetable oil. Repeat three times before meals. Treatment is performed for ten days. After a five-day break, repeat. And so three times.

50 g of the roots and rhizomes of the white cinquefoil are combined with 0.5 l of vodka. It is kept in a dark place for two weeks, occasionally shaking. Use before meals three times a day, twenty-five drops diluted in water.

Twenty-five grams of cloves and 500 g of granulated sugar are added to 500 ml of vodka. Four shredded lemon peels are sent there. Add a little boiled water and leave for a couple of weeks. Filter. Consume 25 ml three times half an hour before a meal. Use until the end of the drug.

Five parts of 70% alcohol are added to part of the flowers of field bindweed. After two weeks, filter. The daily dose is one and a half teaspoons.
Mix 2: 3: 8 vodka tinctures of ginger roots, sowing alfalfa and garlic. Drink 1 tsp. per day, continuing therapy for about two months.

To 0.5 liters of purified moonshine add half a cup of burnt sugar syrup, five pine cones with seeds, twenty-five grams of galangal roots and a branch of heather. The container is tightly closed and left for three weeks. Use before bedtime, adding a dessert spoon of tincture to tea.

Tinctures for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Two hundred grams of fresh hawthorn fruit is poured with a similar amount of medical alcohol. A month is kept in a dark place. Take a dessert spoon before dinner. Treatment is carried out from a month to three.
Four large spoons of hawthorn flowers are poured into 200 ml of medical alcohol. Three weeks defend, regularly shaking. Use 20 ml at bedtime.

230 grams of crushed horseradish is poured into 500 ml of vodka. A day later, add a glass of carrot, lemon and beet juice, a cup of flower honey. Allow to stand for three days in the refrigerator. Use three times in 15 ml.

To improve brain function, tincture of gingko biloba is recommended. The crushed dry leaves 1:10 are combined with vodka. After fourteen days, filter. Use twenty drops before meals, repeating before each meal. Treatment takes a month or two, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

With obliterating atherosclerosis, a folk remedy based on purchased is indicated. 100 g of crushed root is combined with a liter of 70% alcohol. It is kept in a dark place for twenty days. Use ten drops, repeating twice a day. It should be treated for at least twenty days.

200 grams of pine nuts are crushed to a crumb, pour 500 ml of alcohol and add a little granulated sugar. For a month, stored under a lid in a dark place, not forgetting to shake. Use in the morning and evening for 1 tsp., Diluted in a cup of clean water. It is treated for about three months.

Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

The average duration of treatment for gastritis with tinctures is three to four weeks. After a ten-day break, you can repeat it.

  1. Take fresh fruits of Japanese acacia, finely chopped and poured into a glass jar. In a ratio of one to two, mixed with vodka. Leave in a dark place for twelve days, occasionally shaking. After pressing, they are stored in the refrigerator. Treatment is performed three times in thirty drops. The last time they eat before bedtime.
  2. Propolis water tincture helps get rid of internal discomfort in the chronic form of the disease and eliminate acute pain. Propolis is left in the freezer for a while. This facilitates the grinding process. After pour water and simmer in a water bath until dissolved. Store in the refrigerator for seven days. Take one hundred milliliters per day.
    Folk remedy can cause a persistent allergic reaction.
  3. In case of chronic inflammation, propolis alcohol tincture is indicated. Mix with alcohol at a rate of one to five. At room temperature can withstand a couple of days. Filter and dilute with moisture in a proportion of one to three. Drink forty drops, diluting in a glass of milk. Repeat three times a day.
  4. For the prevention of exacerbations using a pharmacy tincture of calendula. Take thirty drops, diluting in half a cup of water, repeating three times a day. You can prepare the product at home. To do this, take 500 ml of vodka and 20 g of calendula. Stand for twelve hours. Filter. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator. Another calendula prescription involves the use of plant pills. For 100 ml of vodka, half the tablet. Insist 12 hours. Drink thirty drops added to the liquid, repeating twice before meals.
  5. Prevent exacerbation helps tincture of plantain. Thirty grams of leaves are accounted for 240 ml of vodka. They withstand the day in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Filter and carry out reception — three times before a meal for 1 tbsp. l
  6. Erosive gastritis is recommended to treat aloe. The leaves in the amount of four pieces are peeled, crushed and filled with 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. After 1 hour, filter. Use a teaspoon twice a day.

Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

  1. High-quality medicine against the disease is called tincture of mountain ash kidneys. Half a glass of raw materials is combined with 500 ml of vodka and kept in a place protected from sunlight for ten days. Use thirty drops three times a day, diluting in a small amount of liquid.
    The prescription is prohibited for diarrhea.
  2. With the atrophic form of the disease, use tincture on cognac. Pour 15 grams of crushed rhizomes of calamus with a liter of cognac and stand for six weeks on a sunny windowsill. After the raw materials are squeezed out, 100 ml of buckwheat honey is introduced into the liquid. Leave for another month. Filter again and pour into a glass container. For full ripening, the product is left in a cool, dry place for six months. Drink a teaspoon twice before breakfast and dinner.
  3. For a week, remove Kalanchoe from sunlight. After they cut off the juicy leaves, wash them thoroughly and extract juice using a juicer. Filter through cheesecloth. To 100 ml of juice add 500 ml of medical alcohol and a little honey. It is kept in a place protected from sunlight for a month. Treatment is indicated on an empty stomach, fifteen milliliters at a time.
  4. A handful of walnuts can withstand a week in 400 ml of medical alcohol. After filtered. Use a tablespoon three times after a meal.
  5. For people with low acidity and duodenitis, tincture of nettle is suitable. About 50 grams of dry raw materials are taken per 250 ml of vodka. Three weeks stand, occasionally shaking. Use twenty drops, repeating three times.
Tinctures for the treatment of gastritis.

Baths and wines for gastritis.

Baths and wines for gastritis.

Baths and wines for gastritis.


The method helps to overcome severe pain, as it has a calming effect. Sessions are shown no more than fifteen.
During periods of exacerbation, baths should not be taken.

  1. The alternation of hot and cold sitting baths is recommended for exacerbation of the disease. The procedure is continued for a quarter of an hour. If desired, you can arrange a full bath session with the addition of salt. In this case, the duration is slightly increased.
  2. If you are concerned about chronic gastritis, arrange warm full baths lasting 10 minutes. Then take a cool shower. A cold compress is applied to the stomach.
  3. To five liters of boiling water add half a kilogram of chopped sage. Three hours later squeeze. The resulting composition is poured into a bath at a temperature of 36 degrees. Treatment is continued for ten days.
  4. To five liters of hot water add 0.3 kg of dried mint leaves. Insist about two hours, and then filtered. Pour into a bath temperature of 37 degrees. The session lasts 10 minutes, repeating ten procedures.
  5. In a full bath of water at room temperature, add one hundred grams of needles powder (prepared by grinding dried needles). Perform ten procedures every other day. Session time is fifteen minutes.

Baths and wines for gastritis.


In small doses, wine has a beneficial effect on the state of the stomach. Among other things, the drink, especially home-made, normalizes appetite and speeds up the digestion of food. The use of wine as a medicine is indicated only for gastritis with low acidity. The course continues for two to three weeks.

  1. Berries of aronia, in the amount of one kilogram, are poured with three liters of water. 1 kg of sugar is added and left to ferment for forty days. Filter through gauze. Leave for another month in a warm place. Drink the third part of the glass before lunch and dinner. Similarly, you can make wine from blackcurrant, blueberry, cranberry, lingonberry, ordinary mountain ash.
  2. On a fine grater rub one radish. Stir the resulting slurry into a ceramic container and pour 250 ml of red wine. They stand in the refrigerator for about four hours. 50 ml of homemade wine is used for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    Radish is one of the products banned for the disease.
  3. Add twenty grams of calendula color to a glass of white wine. After five hours, filter. Take a few large spoons every time before eating.
    The prescription is not safe for people with low blood pressure.
  4. In 400 milliliters of white wine, 10 grams of peppermint leaves are introduced. Leave in a warm place for half a day. Filter and take four tbsp. l every time after eating.
  5. Add 100 g of thyme to a liter of white wine and leave for a week. Shake occasionally. After bring to a boil and filter. Use 50 ml twice.

Gastritis treatment.

Gastritis treatment.

Gastritis treatment.

Gastritis treatment. Gastritis is called inflammation of the gastric mucosa, leading to disruption of the organ. The disease is observed in children and adults. It develops for a number of factors, including the influence of strict diets, stress, food poisoning and an unbalanced diet. The clinical picture is unpleasant: bad breath, nausea, heartburn, irregular stools and discomfort in the solar plexus.


The term of use of natural balms is up to four weeks. This is followed by a short break and a new course.

Gastritis treatment.

  1. Normalize the work of the stomach, removing exacerbation with mixed gastritis, helps the use of chicken stomachs. They are washed, and then peeled off. Well-dried, it is crushed and mixed with May honey. Settled in the refrigerator for three days. Reception is carried out at five milliliters each time before a meal. The duration of treatment is a month. After a short break, it is recommended to resume therapy.
  2. Hypoacid gastritis is treated with a balm based on honey and aloe. The raw materials of the plant, which is at least three years old, are used. Previously, the leaves are frozen for several weeks, which allows to increase the effectiveness of the product. After chopped in a meat grinder and squeezed juice. Mix with honey one to one. Take 5 ml three times for three weeks. You can also dilute the balm with wine, keeping the composition for two weeks. Drink a small spoon daily.
  3. The erosive form is treated like this: a similar amount of crushed aloe leaves and alcohol is mixed with 200 milliliters of honey. A week is kept in the refrigerator. Treatment is performed before meals for one tbsp. l
  4. A fresh celandine plant is ground in a mortar. Two tbsp. l mixed with 200 ml of honey. The medicine is indicated for acute pain before eating a dessert spoon (for a couple of days). In chronic inflammation of the stomach, the course of treatment continues until recovery — a large spoon daily.
    Celandine is poisonous, which is why the recipe is unsafe and can lead to complications.
  5. The increased acidity and hyperplastic appearance of the pathology are treated with sea buckthorn berries. 200 grams are washed, poured with a liter of boiling water and left for twenty-four hours. After the berries are crushed. 100 ml of natural honey is added to the resulting preparation. Use three large spoons every time before a meal.
  6. Finely chop the thick aloe leaves. Squeeze until juice is obtained. One hundred milliliters is combined with a similar amount of flower honey. They use a folk remedy for a chronic form of the disease, ten milliliters four times.
  7. To 100 ml of flower honey, add a similar amount of pork fat and cocoa, 15 ml of aloe juice. Use, diluting in 170 ml of warm milk, 1 tbsp. l Repeat once a day.
  8. To 250 ml of fresh honey add 600 ml of cold-pressed olive oil and the juice of several lemons. Eat fifteen milliliters each time before meals. Store in the refrigerator.
    Using a prescription will help to be in the office of a gastroenterologist as soon as possible, since lemon actively destroys the gastric mucosa.
  9. For low acidity, the following balm is recommended: twenty-five grams of propolis, a kilogram of lemons, crushed together with the peel, a liter of cognac and a similar amount of honey. The components are thoroughly mixed and insisted in a dark place for a month. Treatment is performed according to 1 tbsp. l three times before the end of the medicine.
  10. To fifty milliliters of buckwheat honey add two handfuls of rowan berries, previously crushed. They are used for acute gastritis at ten milliliters every few hours.
  11. To 250 ml of fresh honey add two large spoons of Icelandic cetraria. Pour in two liters of water and leave overnight. In the morning, bring to a boil and simmer on fire until half the liquid evaporates. Use 15 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and twice a day.
    Individual intolerance very often develops to the plant, manifested by symptoms of intoxication.
  12. Take two hundred grams of a three-year aloe, which has not been watered for a week. A similar amount of rowan berries is added and passed through a meat grinder. 200 g of butter, a similar amount of goat fat and 250 ml of flower honey are added to the mass. Enter half a liter of medical alcohol and incubate for a week in a place protected from the sun, periodically mixing. Drink 1 tbsp. l some time before the meal, repeating three times.
  13. Three months in 500 ml of honey can withstand three large green pine cones. Use a filtered potion for a couple of Art. l three times before meals.
    The recipe can quickly help with low acidity, but is dangerous otherwise.

Infusions for glaucoma.

Infusions for glaucoma.

Infusions for glaucoma.

Infusions for glaucoma. The disease goes through four stages: initial, developed, far reaching and terminal. In the absence of timely diagnosis and control of pathology, irreversible blindness is possible due to the death of the optic nerve.

Formal therapeutic methods are designed to slow or halt the progression of the disease. Non-traditional practices involve the treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies.

Herbal infusions help to combat increased intraocular pressure, headache and tinnitus. The minimum duration of therapy is three weeks, the maximum is three months. After the break, a new course is possible.

Mono infusions.

  1. In a glass of boiling water for an hour, insist a tablespoon of dry chopped nettle. Take 1/3 cup up to four times a day. Folk remedy helps with high intraocular pressure.
  2. Take 20 cm of a golden mustache, cut into small pieces and steamed in a liter of hot liquid. Wrap the container with a towel, stand for a day. Filter. Take a tablespoon up to four times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  3. Three small spoons of crushed calendula are steamed with half a liter of boiling water and insisted for two hours, wrapped in a towel. Three times a day, drink ½ cup.
    Calendula is not recommended for use in hypotonic patients.
  4. A tablespoon of chopped calamus root of the bog is poured overnight with a glass of boiling water. Filter in the morning. Take three large spoons two times a day.
  5. To 200 ml of boiling water add six grams of spring adonis. After 4 hours, filter. Drink twice before meals for 1 tbsp. l
  6. To 400 ml of boiling water pour 15 grams of herb intoxicating rabbit. Insist in a dark place for a day. Use 1 tbsp. l three times a day before meals.
  7. Thirty grams of field liveliness is steamed in one liter of hot moisture and allowed to stand for a day in a place protected from the sun. After filtering and drinking 1 tbsp. l twice a day before meals.
    Regular use of the composition may result in vomiting, dyspepsia and cardiac abnormalities.
  8. A teaspoon of chopped chicory root is added to a glass of boiling water for ten minutes. After squeezing and drinking two times in small sips.
  9. 40 g of medicinal eyewash are kept for 3 hours in a liter of hot moisture. Take up to five times a day, 150 milliliters. Instead of water, you can use milk. The course lasts two months. If necessary, it is repeated after a couple of weeks.
  10. Two tablespoons of chopped blueberry leaves are steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and kept under the lid for about one hour. In strained form, they drink a glass twice a day.
  11. Treatment of glaucoma is performed with kombucha. The raw materials are cut, poured with boiling water and kept for 24 hours under a lid. Filter and carry out reception — 1 tbsp. l four times before meals. 3 weeks are treated. After a month’s break, therapy is resumed.

Tinctures in the treatment of arrhythmia.

Tinctures in the treatment of arrhythmia.

Tinctures in the treatment of arrhythmia.

In the treatment of arrhythmias, alcohol tinctures have one of the first roles. The duration of the course depends on the severity of symptoms and individual tolerance.10 grams of dried hawthorn fruit is poured with 100 milliliters of 40% alcohol or vodka. Insist about 2 weeks, then filter. Take 10 drops of tincture, previously diluted in a cup of water, three times a day before meals. The recipe is good for enhancing coronary circulation and eliminating tachycardia. In some cases, tincture helps lower blood pressure.

For pain in the heart and a strong heartbeat, tincture of large-flowered magnolia is recommended. For 100 g of fresh and pre-chopped leaves, 0.5 l of alcohol 40% is needed. A week insist in a dark place. The filtered product is taken three times before meals, in the amount of 10 drops. Pre-diluted in water.
All parts of the large-flowered magnolia are poisonous. The use of the described tincture can provoke weakness, nausea and other unpleasant sensations.

Take 25 g of the crane and the same amount of bog. Pour 0.5 liters of alcohol 40%. In a dark place they defend for several weeks, periodically shaking the vessel. The strained composition is taken in 20 drops, repeating three times a day.

To 300 ml of vodka add 60 grams of pine tops, preferably fresh. One and a half weeks insist on the sun. Use three times a day before meals, 20 drops. The recipe is especially recommended for sinus pathology.

The tincture of the European zyuznik treats arrhythmia well. For cooking, take vodka, mixing with raw materials in a ratio of one to five. In a dark place they defend at least eight days. The dose is selected depending on the severity of the pathological condition — from three to twenty drops three times a day.

Tinctures in the treatment of arrhythmia.

Apply tincture of lily of the valley, which is especially good for angina pectoris. Fresh flowers are poured into a glass jar (2/3) and filled with 90% alcohol. Two weeks are kept in a place hidden from the sun. Strained tincture is used 15 drops three times a day. Previously, the drops are dissolved in a small amount of water.

When tachycardia is treated with tincture of Belozero. 25 grams of chopped herbs in dry form are mixed with 500 ml of vodka and insisted for two weeks. The vessel is periodically shaken. Drink 30 drops four times a day.

In the treatment of sinus form use tincture of elecampane. For 450 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol, 100 grams of grass are taken. Insist in a dark place for at least several weeks. Use after a meal in a teaspoon.

Tachycardia is treated with tincture of white willow. 100 g of inflorescences are poured into 500 ml of vodka. The month is kept in a dry place, occasionally shaking. After straining, take 30 drops before meals, diluting with water a little. The course is a month.

With angina helps tincture of walnuts. Take 100 grams of partitions, mix with 200 ml of vodka and incubated for two weeks. 20 drops are taken once a day, washed down with water.
It should not be forgotten that traditional medicine, which is based on leaves and partitions of walnut, is toxic. Uncontrolled intake and overdose is dangerous. With increased blood coagulability, tincture is also undesirable.

Tincture of propolis is especially recommended for the treatment of arrhythmias. Cooking it is better at home. Thirty grams of beekeeping product is ground on a grater, combined with alcohol 96%. For two weeks, insist in a dark place, periodically shaking the vessel. Take three times a day before meals, previously dissolving in a spoon of water.
Before taking propolis in any form, you should make sure that there is no allergy to beekeeping products.

The following folk remedy helps against systolic pathology: the head of garlic is peeled, ground and poured with 100 ml of vodka. It is kept in a dark place for a week, then filtered and mixed with propolis tincture (10 ml) and a spoon of fresh honey. Use three times a day for five drops, diluting in water. The course should not exceed two weeks.

Alcohol tincture of eucalyptus, consumed in 60 drops daily (divided into three doses), resists headaches and insomnia. Prepare it as follows: five tbsp. l raw materials are poured with a liter of vodka. Ten days are kept in a tightly closed jar, occasionally shaking. Filter before use. The course of treatment should not exceed three weeks.