

Obesity. Weight loss at home.

Obesity is called excessive accumulation of fat in the body. Its deposition in the subcutaneous tissue, gland and other tissues and organs.

Disease obesity is caused by metabolic disorders, if the fat of nutrients is not destroyed and does not accumulate.

Often obesity leads to disruption of the body. This is hard work of the heart, blood circulation, dyspnea, fatigue, a decrease in resistance to infections.

To lose weight, we must first consult with your doctor.
Self-medication obesity should be physiotherapy. Observe the appropriate diet. But it should be remembered that rapid weight loss is bad for the body. Especially on the face.

In addition, if obesity is associated with diseases of the endocrine glands, exercise or diet will not help.
To prevent the appearance of obesity, especially those people who are prone to it. You need to limit your diet. Watch for high-calorie food. Do manual work.


It is also necessary to reduce the amount of high-calorie and easily digestible products. This white bread, pastries, muffins, pasta, potatoes, sweet varieties of fruits and berries, sugar, honey, jam.
You need to drink less water. You can not drink alcoholic beverages, especially beer.

With developed obesity, carbohydrates should come in the form of fruits, vegetables, unsweetened fruits or berries. The content of fat in food is also necessary to reduce the need to switch to the use of vegetable oil.
However, the power must be full. Contain enough protein, vitamins and mineral salts.

Traditional medicine to help get rid of excess weight

Bird mountaineer (sporish). Daily allowance — 2-3 tablespoons of herbs in 2 cups of boiling water. Drink before eating. Apply to metabolic disorders, including obesity.

Cabbage. Fresh juice to drink 30-40 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Start with 1/2 cup to receive and increase to 1 cup. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Parsley. It is useful to drink 1 cup of fresh parsley each day.

Collection. Sea-buckthorn — 50 g of garden parsley seeds — 20 g, fennel seeds — 20 g, dandelion root — 15 g, peppermint leaves — 1-2 tablespoons. The mixture is poured into 0.5 l of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Drink all the infusion in the morning. Use as a remedy for obesity.

To prevent obesity and reduce appetite, it is necessary to pour corn stigmas. In 1 cup of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. stigma. Keep at low temperature for 10 minutes. Insist 30 minutes. Filter. Take 4-5 times a day for 1 tablespoon.




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One Response to “Obesity.”

  1. […] of obesity. For the treatment of obesity in folk medicine the following collection is used. Herbal chamomile — 1 part, white birch […]

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