Nutrition for the eyes.

Nutrition for the eyes.

Nutrition for the eyes.

How to restore vision home.

Nutrition for the eyes. Minerals are required as a building material for all organs, including the eyes. In addition, minerals are active participants in all the biochemical processes in our body.

All minerals are divided into two groups. Macronutrients that are needed in relation to the body in large quantities. Trace elements needed in small doses.

Essential macronutrients and minerals must be ingested with food and water. But not always people get enough minerals.

To a large extent it depends on the composition of the water and the soil of the area of ​​residence. New technologies of growing fruits and vegetables on special artificial soils. Which give an excellent harvest, do not give fruits enough vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins eye to improve vision list.

By macroelements that are especially important to our eyes, include the following seven elements: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur.


Daily need for other macronutrients. Phosphorus — the same as in calcium, and is 1 g per day. If phosphorus enters more than calcium. This can lead to weakness and stretching of the sclera. What is directly related to the development of myopia.

The ratio of calcium and phosphorus is close to ideal (1: 1) in dairy products. And also in the favorite Russian dish — buckwheat porridge with milk.


The role of calcium in strengthening the sclera is great. Performs a protective function for the eyes and the role of the skeleton.

Calcium deficiency due to the weakening of the sclera can contribute to the development of myopia. The main suppliers of calcium in our bodies are milk and dairy products. In which high calcium content. It is not an easy digestible form.

Calcium absorption plays an important role in vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and thyroid gland.

The first thing to be said of sodium, which ensures proper operation of the cell membrane, regulates the balance between potassium and calcium, prevent excessive outflow of water from the tissues.
1 g of sodium contained in 2.5 g of salt. Our body is closely related exchange of sodium with potassium exchange. So, if you eat a lot of salty foods, it causes the body potassium loss.

For the eyes of sodium is particularly important. An excess is extremely undesirable, especially to the eyes of patients. The fact that an excess of salt increases blood pressure, including vessels in the eye. When expressed in atherosclerotic process vessels elderly eye sometimes «can not withstand» high blood pressure, which can lead to intraocular hemorrhage — or intravitreally to the retina.

Such bleeding is significantly impair vision.
People suffering from glaucoma are not recommended salty products (herring, pickled mushrooms, sausages, canned vegetables, salted nuts, chips), as excessive salt intake leads to a delay of intraocular fluid and increased intraocular pressure.

Glaucoma patient enough 3-4 grams of salt a day (by the way, and a healthy person it is expedient to be so limited quantity). This is the amount of salt a person gets from food — bread, sausage, cheese, hamburgers, etc. -. Without additional dosalivaniya.

Nutrition for the eyes

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