Muscat liqueur.

Muscat liqueur.

Muscat liqueur.

Tomatoes from varices.

My mother suffered greatly from varicose veins. Muscat liqueur. I have tried a lot of different medicines and ointments, but nothing it did not help.

There is experience in treating varicose fat enlargement with green tomatoes.
You need to take a green tomato. Cut into slices. Apply to varicose veins.

I remove the circles as soon as I start to feel a burning sensation. Then immediately washed that place with clean cool water.

Repeat this procedure at least five times in a row. Twice a day — in the morning and in the evening.

After about three weeks, the nodes become soft. They acquire a pale color. They begin to resolve.
And over time, they remained weak bluish traces, as in the early stages of varicose veins. But most importantly, the disease no longer comes back

Tomatoes from varices

Muscat liqueur.

I want to talk about the means by which I got rid of varicose veins. The treatment is quite long, but simple. You need only nutmeg and vodka. From it is necessary to prepare tincture.

For the preparation of Muscat tincture. It is necessary to take 100 g of nutmeg. Grate on a fine grater. Pour grated walnut 0.5 liters of vodka.
Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Then strain. Press the cake (mash). Ready tincture to take 25 drops 3 times a day.

One serving is enough for six months. During this time, I got rid of varicose veins. But when I started treatment, I did not particularly believe in success. Treat these means. Be healthy!


Muscat liqueur

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