Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis — a disease of nerves exposed.

Treatment Multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is one of the most complex and serious diseases of the nervous system. A feature of the disease is alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.

Usually, most of the nerves in the body are covered with an insulating coat of fat-like substance — myelin. It provides efficient and accurate transmission of electrical signals to organs (nerve impulses).
With multiple sclerosis, this protective inflammation of the myelin sheaths is partially destroyed.
As a consequence, various pathological neurological symptoms appear.

Destruction of the foci of myelin, the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. The size of plaques can be from a few millimeters to centimeters. At the same time, lesions accumulate in more than one place. They alternate with healthy parts of the nervous tissue, that is, they are «scattered».

The plaques in multiple sclerosis trigger an autoimmune response that leads to scarring of the myelin layer. The term «sclerosis» refers to scar, as the connective tissue is formed at the site of the lesion. The same processes occur in atherosclerosis occurs.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a fairly common disease. There are many patients with this diagnosis. Their number continues to grow. Women suffer from this disease more often than men.

The exact causes have not yet been clarified.

It is thought that MS may develop as a result of a combination of internal and external adverse factors, such as:

• transferred serious bacterial and viral infections;

• exposure to radiation and toxic substances;

• surgery and injuries;

• the effects of ultraviolet radiation;

• frequent stress;

• geographical location of residence (cold zones climatic conditions);

• Genetic predisposition — probably due to a combination of several genes that determine violations of immune system.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

In MS, there is a set of symptoms is due to the fact that sclerotic plaques occur in various areas of the brain and spinal cord.

Alarms onset of the disease:

• violations of coordination, unsteady gait uncertain, problems with balance;

• tremor (shaking) hands, the feet, the whole body.
The difficulty in the letter, hold the hands of a subject, sometimes the inability to bring the spoon to his mouth.

• reduction or loss of sensation in the hands and feet, muscle weakness with numbness, tingling and pins and needles in the skin.

• weakening or disappearance of some reflexes, particularly abdominal;

• damage to the optic nerve:
blurred vision, blurred objects, double vision, nystagmus (rapid eye movements), optic neuritis, which can result in complete blindness;

• paresis of the facial and trigeminal nerve — skewing the face, mouth, eyelids nesmykanie;

• mental disorders — reduced intellectual ability, emotional instability, depression, or vice versa — the euphoria, loss of self-criticism

• seizures;

• disorders of bladder function, impotence, menstrual irregularities;

• chanted (divided into syllables, slow speech).

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multiple sclerosis


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