


Longevity. Recipes of folk medicine.
Finnish doctors have worked out seven rules which, according to them, allows prolonging life by at least 10 years:

do not smoke (quitting tobacco reduces by 1/3 the risk of malignant tumors and by 1/4 the risk of death from heart attack);
stop drinking alcohol or drink it in moderate amounts;
keep your body weight in a normal range (the mortality rate among obese people is 1.5 times higher than among people of normal weight);
Stay physically active;
always eat breakfast;
Do not eat between meals;
sleep at least seven hours a night.

The most important condition for longevity Justine Glasse considers proper nutrition. Here is, in her opinion, a menu that will do nothing but good.

Breakfast: Eggs or liver (grilled), or bacon (grilled), or fish (but not fried). No more than two slices of bread, butter, honey, fresh fruit for the whole breakfast. No porridge.

Second breakfast: A glass of milk or some dairy product. No rolls, cakes, sandwiches.

Lunch: Broth, tomato juice or some fresh fruit juice. Meat, fish, cheese, egg (what you did not eat for breakfast), potatoes (2 small potatoes or one large potato), cooked raw, or one piece of bread with butter. Green vegetables or salad. Fresh fruit.

Afternoon snack: Light coffee or tea. No rolls, cakes, or bread.

Dinner: Same as for lunch.

It is important to remember that:

spinach and rhubarb turn calcium in the body into a useless mass;
plums and prunes upset the balance of minerals in the body;
raw protein contains a substance that inhibits biotin, one of the most useful varieties of vitamin B.

An entirely different viewpoint is held by Herbert Shelton. He is convinced that you should never, under any circumstances, forget the incompatibility of proteins and carbohydrates. Each of these foods goes well with fruits, vegetables and greens (the «living» foods), but the other.

Try, Shelton suggests, to remember this simple pattern:

The proteins and fats found in meat, fish, broths, eggplant, beans, legumes, mushrooms, nuts are compatible with «living» foods: greens, fruits, vegetables (except potatoes), juices, berries, watermelons, dry wine, which in turn are compatible with the carbohydrates found in bread, cereals, potatoes, sugar, honey. The consumption of foods in a different set of compatibility, is unacceptable and dangerous to health.

So it’s hardly a good idea (according to Shelton) to indulge in meat with potato side dishes or to eat fish with bread. Eat as much as you like separately, and be sure to remember that after, for example, a meat dish you can give credit to porridge no sooner than 2 hours later!

Also, do not forget that melon and dairy products are not compatible with anything.

The following daily menu is recommended, which will save you from many troubles and illnesses:

«For breakfast, it is better to eat foods with a high fiber content. Kashi, vegetables, fruit, bread with bran — they will go all over the gastrointestinal tract and give work to the large intestine — a biological powerhouse.

Here’s a sample menu. Porridge with butter or honey. Vegetable salad — cabbage, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes — whatever you want. Tea, compote, or fruit. Can not talk about milk, dairy porridge: for example, rice, semolina.

Lunch can be a protein or carbohydrate. If protein, it should consist of meat, fish or poultry with beans, mushrooms, eggplant. But it should not contain bread.

Such a meal should not be eaten with sugary fruits, washed down with tea. Gastrointestinal juice will do fine if it is not diluted with water or tea. Have tomato juice — it’s a great addition to proteins. Eat a cucumber, tomato, sour apple.

If lunch is carbohydrate, make any vegetable soup or soup with the addition of cereals, dress it with herbs, fried onions, crushed lard, butter, garlic.

Prepare stewed vegetables, all kinds of vinaigrettes and salads, tea and compote, cakes with fruit and jam, finally, coffee, kissel, juices, infusions of herbs and berries. This will all go to the carbohydrate lunch.

When you follow the order of separate meals for a long time, the desire for protein food decreases dramatically, and the carbohydrate food increases.

For dinner, if you wish, repeat the protein or carbohydrate table. If you have a dense dinner — a piece of fried chicken or meat, stewed cabbage, a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh sorrel with radish, parsley, dill — drink such a dinner with tomato juice. And only two hours later drink tea or juice with bread.

If it will be a carbohydrate table, eat any dish of vegetables — stewed zucchini, potato or carrot cutlets with greens, baked or boiled potatoes.

Drink tea, kissel, or juice with slices of pan-fried bread.
Listen to your body — it will not deceive. Follow it and live a long life!


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