Live Hair.

Live Hair.

Live Hair.

the use of traditional medicine.

Live Hair. There is a flower home — «Live Hair», «Golden mustache», «Home ginseng.» When he grows up to 60-70 cm, it provides the boom length with the meter (but the longer, the better).

It is this boom chop in a quart jar, fill one-third of the container and add 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse in a dark cool place 30-40 days. Then drink dessert spoon before meals for 30 minutes.

Treats for colds, coughs, stomach. Yes by all, but gently to drink in the morning and evening. I was 5 years old do not get sick with influenza, and stomach does not hurt.

Tincture of golden whiskers.

Tincture is made from all parts of fragrant callisia separately: whiskers, leaves, joints, young shoots, stem. It is also possible to prepare the drug using the whole plant. The tool can be used externally, make it compresses, lotions, rubbing.

It is also taken orally for thrombophlebitis, diseases of the lungs, blood vessels, and blood vessels. The medicine of leaves and whiskers is suitable for internal use. But the main stem of the plant is used only locally — with lesions of the joints and spine.


Crushed side shoots of the golden whisker pour a liter of vodka.
Put the infusion in a dark, cool place.

Insist in a glass container for 14 days.
Strain the solution in a dark bottle.

How to drink tincture? There are two regimens.

The first scheme. The first dose is 10 drops. Then every day the dose is increased by 1 drop. The increasing dose should be taken within a month.

Then over the next month, the dose decreases by 1 drop every day. As a result, the course takes 2 months. Repeat the treatment can be a month to enhance the therapeutic effect.

The second scheme. Single dose — 30 drops, divorced in ½ glass of water. You need to take 2 times a day. The course lasts no more than 10 days, after which a break for 10 days is made, and if necessary, the course is repeated.

Compared with the first homeopathic scheme — this is an intensive course of treatment. With it, the risk of side effects is higher.

This tool can also be used as an antiseptic for external use in acne, inflammatory processes on the skin. It can be applied to wounds and burns.




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