How to quit smoking.

How to quit smoking.

Folk remedies to quit smoking.

Easy way to stop smoking. How to quit smoking.

Folk remedies to help a person quit smoking and forget about this bad habit, if he does not have his strength to deal with it. How to quit smoking.

In the world of tobacco every 6 seconds takes one life! Your decision to quit — this is the right decision. But it must be resolute and firm! Folk remedies will help you in this difficult task.

First day.

The first day of smoking cessation should be very pleasant for you. Psychologically, it will be easier for you to make a fun day, festive. For example, go on a picnic with friends. If you want to smoke, replace it with chewing gums. Eat vegetables, berries, fruits. Drink the juice! If the desire to smoke is strong, do an active physical movement. For example, jogging or go in for gymnastics.

Good folk remedy to quit smoking.

In folk medicine, there are a lot of good, effective tips to able to help quit smoking. This is one of the very effective collection of recipes.

Starts 2 of the Icelandic moss, 2 parts of horsetail grass, grass galeopsis 2 parts, 2 parts herb cistaceae (gills), 3 parts of nettle herb, 1 part knotweed (knot-grass). Two tablespoons of the collection of the finished poured half a liter of boiling water. Then, tantalized over low heat for 10 minutes. After insisting 1:00, filter. Take a third cup 3 times daily after meals.

Nicotine tea.

Drinking tea is nicotine, which can be prepared as follows. One teaspoon of loose tea. The best Indian or Ceylon. Brew two cups of boiling water. Add half a teaspoon of ground chicory root and valerian roots, stinging nettle leaves, peppermint and rut. We insist on an hour. Filter. Take half a cup 2-3 times a day.

And to enhance the action of tea to make it an additive, which is added on a dessert spoon in a glass of tea. For the preparation of supplements, take one tablespoon of shredded raw beets, one teaspoon of honey and the juice of one lemon. Stir well and can be added to tea.

People’s recipe to quit.

Two tablespoons of crushed oat grains are filled with one cup of boiling water. Simmer for 5 minutes, then infuse for 1 hour. Strained broth take on a third cup 3 times a day before meals. folk remedies The treatment is one month.

Also to break the habit of smoking, use of fish oil. Every day, morning and evening, eat one teaspoon of fish oil with bread. The course of treatment with fish oil is one month.

Recipe from Professor Filatov.

This solution will help the smoker is much easier to endure all the pain, which is present when a person parts with cigarettes for a long time. Take one tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. After tsedyat and already strained infusion add one tablespoon of honey and glycerin.

Take a quarter cup 7 times a day. folk remedies The treatment is one month.

Roots sweet flag.

Another recipe can be advised. For the purpose of smoking cessation, a two-year sprig of wild cherry chop into small pieces 5 mm thick, and before going to smoke, you must chew and spit it. The effect comes in about 10-12 days. You can also cut the roots of calamus chew and swallow well before you will have a desire to smoke. A positive result will come in about two weeks.

In the most difficult days, borne by the smoker, namely the first, second and third, should not be used in food smoked, salted meat and alcohol.

Rinsing the mouth with soda.

There is another way to quit smoking, which can weaken the craving for tobacco, — a rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda.

To prepare the solution, take one tablespoon to 1 cup water. Or you can take in, drink half a glass of water, in which a solution of 4 teaspoons of baking soda. Warning: the recipe is not suitable for those who have a reduced gastric acidity.


How to quit smoking.


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