


High-pressure. From high pressure to help flax seeds and onion water.
2 tbsp. tablespoons flax seeds pour 2 cups boiling water in a thermos.
Leave overnight, shaking occasionally.

In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of infusion. The second glass of a drink before dinner. And normalizes the work of intestines. The course of treatment — a month.

But do not forget that flax seeds, like many herbs should not be used continuously. onion water pressure can be maintained during the break.

Recipe onion water pressure: 1 medium-sized onion in the husk put in a glass, cover with cold boiled water and leave overnight.

In the morning on an empty stomach to drink this water — and so each time with a new bulb.

Vintage recipes from high blood pressure.

A mixture composed of lemon, cranberry, rose and honey. Scroll through the wringer lemon and 1 tbsp. spoon, mix with the same amount of cranberry, add 0.5 st. spoons of fresh rose hips scrolled on a meat grinder. And add to the mixture of honey glass.
The mixture morning and evening take 1 tbsp. spoon.

Take rye flour — 1 tbsp. spoon, fill it with 2 tbsp. tablespoons boiling water. Eat the resulting mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. With strong high pressure can then use this structure to take a laxative. But usually, a mixture of rye flour and makes no laxative. Take this line-up until you feel better.

! Just remember that these recipes are better to alternate with each other, so they are much more effective.

I hope you have found the best way. Now check it out for yourself.


High blood pressure in the morning after sleep may be the norm. The consequence of an improper lifestyle, or a signal about the presence of cardiovascular pathologies.

In fact, a slight increase in pressure in the morning is observed in absolutely all people and this is normal.

This is due to the fact that already in the evening, before bedtime, metabolic processes in the body slow down. In this case, the pulse and blood pressure in the vessels decrease. The lowest numbers of blood pressure are observed at night and early in the morning.

And immediately after waking up, the metabolism is accelerated back. The production of hormones increases, which causes a jump in blood pressure. At the same time, in healthy people, the indicator rises only slightly. Just a few points, and then aligned to normal values.

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  1. […] is understood as a chronic disease characterized by the formation of plaque cholesterol plaques and fats on the walls of arteries. At the same time, the walls themselves lose their […]

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