Herbs for the joint.

Herbs for the joint.

Herbs for the joint.

Herbs for the joint. Almost everyone knows that joint diseases are nothing more than manifestations of impaired salt metabolism. And in any disease, it is not the manifestations that need to be treated, but the true cause.

Therefore, when my joints on my hands began to ache — arthritis first made itself felt, I decided to fight the disease from the inside. I dug up a bunch of different literature and found out that herbal infusions are a good prophylactic remedy for the manifestations of salt deposition.

The most famous and widespread of these is ordinary green tea, which also stimulates the functions of the skin. Since then, green tea has firmly settled in my diet. And from the medicinal preparations, I chose only two for myself and drank them, alternating.

• Mix in equal proportions lingonberry, blue cornflower, sage and veronica herb.
Brew 1 teaspoon of the collection in 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink hot at a time. One glass a day is enough. I drank this collection for two weeks, and then, also for two weeks, switched to another collection.

• Mix the dill, currant leaves, rowan berries, parsley and pumpkin seeds evenly, chop well. Brew 200 g of the mixture with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Drink warm 1 glass 2 times a day with sugar or honey.

And outwardly, I used propolis ointment. 100 g of propolis pour 100 g of vegetable oil, heat in a water bath for half an hour, stirring constantly, until the propolis is completely dissolved in oil. Do not forget to cool the resulting ointment before rubbing in.

So little by little my joints stopped hurting. I did not go to the doctor, but since there has been no pain for a long time, I think that I have coped with the disease.

Burdock knee saved

Ligament tear in the knee. At least that was the timid diagnosis of the free therapist. The only remedy that the doctor could offer was ice (and this is on the third day after the injury!), Rest and some local ointment. The knee was swollen, a lump on the muscle swelled when bending, it was possible to walk with great difficulty, through pain.

I endured a month and used ointments. Relief, though it did come, but very insignificant and not for long.

And then they advised burdock! I also tried previous homemade recipes, even urine compresses are not
could. But what to do, I decided to try, although there was no faith. I put the rubbed sheet on my knee, covered it with another whole sheet and wrapped it with an elastic bandage all night.

Imagine my surprise the next day when I felt better! The knee was smaller. In general, a month after the nightly burdock compress, I was already running. True, bend the sore knee completely
I could not yet, but it was clear that this was not far off.

I continued to apply burdock almost every night and after each time I felt a slight improvement, albeit barely noticeable. How it works, I have no idea, but I saw the result — and this is the most important thing.

Herbs for the joint.

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