headache relief.

headache relief.

causes of headaches.

With age, no matter how strong you are, strength and health are gradually fading. This is the law of life. headache relief.
So in my case it was the same. Retirement health began to fail, constantly aching and sore. To many of my ailments I even got used to it and didn’t pay attention to them.

causes of headaches.

But once I met people on the street, which when I saw, as I swallow the tablet (pressure, dizzy), and spoke to me. After the story of my immediately determined that I have a kidney disorder, that’s why the pressure jumps. I was surprised, but from the doctors I heard the same thing. It turns out he has the same trouble. Shared my random friend (and now good friend) and the recipe is his, from the illness to get rid of.

You need a teaspoon of fennel seeds. Pour a glass of boiled water fennel. Gently put in a water bath. Simmer for 20 minutes. Then let cool to body temperature. It is necessary to drink in the morning and in the evening a half-glass.

This recipe is very effective. It helps very well. If you start using it, you will be convinced.

causes of headaches.

The medicine must be applied until normal pressure comes. I happened about three days later. It always happens.

And in order to succeed, I started drinking a decoction of dill seeds. 10 days of each month and so on for six months. Only milk is replaced by water.

And after all that surprising: dizzy spells with high blood pressure at first, much less steel, and soon stopped altogether. Of course, age will not cure. Certainly if not pressure, then some other sore dopekut. But the people from any adversity there are ways — I’m so shared.

headache relief.

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