Harmful exercise in osteoarthritis.

Harmful exercise in osteoarthritis.

Harmful exercise in osteoarthritis.

How to reduce stress on joints with osteoarthritis?

— Do not gain weight.

Walking, use a cane or stick, if you are impressed by hip or knee

— If you need to kneel down, place a pillow under them.
— If it affects the joints of the big toe shoes carefully choose. It should be comfortable, soft, not pressing on the joints, but at the same time supporting them well.

Dull and aching joint pain can relieve heat. To do this, fill the plastic bottle with hot water (not boiling!). Wrap it with a towel so that a light warmth comes from the bottle. Attach it to the aching joint. How to reduce stress on joints with osteoarthritis?

— Do not gain weight.

Walking, use a cane or stick, if you are impressed by hip or knee.

Harmful exercise in osteoarthritis.

Electrotherapy and acupuncture can help to get rid of the pain.

Use of orthopedic insoles, knee pads, bandages corrects the possible deformation of the affected joint. Helps reduce pain. Reduce the degree of progression of articular cartilage degradation. To reduce the strain on the affected joint, use a cane (or stick) in the opposite arm.

Physiotherapy is justified, because it also contributes to the relief of pain. To do this, it would be superfluous to use a superficial cold, ultrasound effect on the diseased joint.

Thus, in the treatment of osteoarthritis, one should not forget about non-medicinal methods of influencing the affected joint. This can have an effect no less effective.

Harmful exercise in osteoarthritis.

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One Response to “Harmful exercise in osteoarthritis.”

  1. […] Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease of the joints, which is expressed in the form of violations of articular tissues. […]

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