Green diet against cancer.

Green diet against cancer.

Green diet against cancer.

Food acidity and alkalinity.

Green diet against cancer. The main principle of the diet — the maintenance of normal acid-alkaline balance in the blood. This figure is known as pH. Normally it should be 7.
It corresponds to less than pH 7 acidic, greater than 7 — alkaline.
Optimal blood balance slightly shifted to the alkaline side and is 7,364.

Green diet against cancer.

This is due to the fact that the connection with hemoglobin oxygen has slightly alkaline reaction, and the cells of precisely this need.

Even a small deviation from the normal pH triggers the disease, said Chris Carr.

Wrong lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits shift, the figure toward acidity. And many diseases ranging from inflammatory bowel blockage and vessels to cancer, have their origin from the oxidation reactions.

They underlie aging skin and other tissues.
Chris Carr has found a way to stop this process — alkaline diet.

Green diet against cancer.

By Carr alkaline foods include: almonds, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, flax seed; avocado; olive and flaxseed oil, cold pressed; quinoa, wild rice, brown rice; sprouts; green vegetables of all kinds, including lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cabbage; lemons, limes and grapefruit; lentils, beans, peas; green olives; raw tomatoes; root vegetables — sweet potatoes, carrots, turnip, radish, celery; seaweed; stevia (sweetener).

Acidic foods: red meat, poultry, fatty cheeses; heavy and fatty food; products with preservatives and dyes; coffee (even decaf), black tea; sausages and smoked products; honey, white and brown sugar; ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard;
margarine and refined vegetable oil; white bread, white flour pasta, white rice; soft and energy drinks; sweeteners; soy sauce; boiled tomatoes.

Green diet against cancer.

Carr recommendation is that if a healthy person does not want to comply with the alkaline diet by all the rules, it can adhere to such a relation between alkaline and acidic foods — 3: 2.
But the sick and recovering, it is desirable to comply with other proportions — 4: 1.

Chris does not require the reader to change your diet in one sitting.
It is only recommended to gradually reduce the share of meat on the menu.

Green diet against cancer.

Green juice for breakfast.

Start your morning with a cup of coffee do not, and with a glass of fresh vegetable juice green. It gives energy to the cells, restores the immune system and raises the tone.
In 800 ml of 2 large cucumbers, 4-5 leaves of cabbage, 4 stalks celery, broccoli florets 1-2, 1-2 pear, pinch (or less) of ginger.
Skip all the products through a juicer. Additional options: You can add the parsley, spinach, sunflower sprouts.

Why can not limit ourselves to salads of vegetables? Because many vegetables a day you just do not eat it!
In addition, Carr recommends drinking plenty of water, preferably filtered.

Detox for 3 weeks.

Those who want to cleanse your body of toxins, Chris Carr offers a wellness menu and advised to comply with it for 3 weeks.

• Breakfast. A large glass of filtered water with a slice of lemon. A little later — 1-2 cups of herbal tea. When hungry, drink half a cup of green vegetable juice. If you stay hungry, drink the same amount.

• Lunch. A plate of salad vegetables of different colors, filled with olive oil. Vegetable soup. The choice: pasta from wheat flour, boiled or baked sweet potatoes; dish of beans or whole grains (buckwheat, barley, brown rice, etc.).

• Snack. A glass of green vegetable juice. A handful of almonds or walnuts.

• Dinner. Salad with leafy greens, tomatoes, purple onions, dressed with olive oil and a handful of flaxseed. Boiled quinoa with broccoli, seasoned with garlic and linseed oil.

• Desert. If you can not without the sweet, you can eat a few cubes of dark chocolate (with a cocoa content of at least 70%).


Green diet against cancer.




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