Get Rid of Dandruff.

Get Rid of Dandruff.

Get Rid of Dandruff.

• Sometimes, in order to get rid of dandruff, you just need to start using only baby shampoo. For example, for all members of my family this was more than enough. Although not every baby shampoo is good. You must be careful.

• It is also good to wash hair with resin or ichthyol soap.
Rinsing hair can be a decoction of bones or nettles, chamomile, St. John’s wort, cones of hops, leaves of mother and stepmother, tansy, onion husks.

• There is also a mask for dandruff. You need to take mint, rowan and dandelion. Grind. To put on a scalp. Get warm. And after a few hours, wash it off.

• Or try taking birch resin (10 g), castor oil (20 ml), alcohol (100 ml). Mix everything.
Rub into the scalp a few hours before washing.

• You can also rub this mixture. Onion juice — a tablespoon, vodka or alcohol — 2 tbsp. Spoons, castor oil — a tablespoon.

• And sometimes you can wash your hair and rye bread, oat flakes, egg, yogurt. All this helps to get rid of dandruff. Make hair beautiful.

• By the way, shampoo from beet helps too. Wash the beets, clean, cut, water. Infuse 1.5-2 weeks (then remove the beets). Get mucus gelatinous mass. It also needs to be rubbed into the head. And when washing, you get a shade. From golden to chestnut.

But remember that all these tools are effective. Effective if your body does not have a metabolic disorder.
Without the establishment of a metabolism, all means can be useless. Maybe only for a short time or only partially help.

What causes dandruff.

Dead cells accumulate, stick together in unpleasant whitish scales, generously showered from head to shoulders, causing others to dislike.
Like, people do not care for themselves. In fact, of course, dandruff happens from neglect of personal hygiene, but often the problem lies in internal malfunctions in the body.

What causes dandruff?

From what «snow» is poured from the head. 8 reasons why this can happen.

1. Hormonal imbalance can be the cause of dandruff. But in itself hormonal imbalance does not arise. It can be caused by some factors, for example hormonal restructuring in the female body during puberty, with menopause.

The hormonal background can vary from the hormonal drugs that the doctor prescribes for the treatment of diseases. Endocrine disorders can cause hormonal failures in the body.

2. Diseases of the internal organs can also contribute to the appearance of dandruff. Although not directly. Diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system and others make it possible to activate the fungus that lives on the scalp on the background of a general decrease in immunity. Protective forces are barely enough to cope with the underlying disease, here the fungus and begins to behave more actively, disrupts the natural processes of renewal of skin cells. His vital activity speeds up exfoliation. As a result, the mass of cells peels off in greater amounts and falls from hair to clothing.

If the whole thing is in the fungus, the dandruff is of a light, light color and is localized on the vertex or occiput or other part of the head, and not over the entire head.

3. Stress and depression affect dandruff more indirectly. For example, prolonged nervous experiences reduce the defenses of the body and activate the same fungus that causes dandruff. On the other hand, the habit of eating stress tasty, but not useful, disrupts the metabolism — and «again dandruff.»

4. Exchange processes. Exchange processes occurring in the body affect all organs, are reflected on the skin of the face, body and head. The predilection for unhealthy food, rich in fast carbohydrates, saturated fats, depletion of the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, worsens the work of the digestive system and affects the appearance of the skin, including the scalp. Smoking also affects normal cell renewal, hindering cellular exchange.

5. Allergic reactions. Sometimes dandruff is the result of an allergic reaction of the body to a product, shampoo, headdress.

6. Psoriasis. Disease, when immune cells take for «enemies» healthy skin cells and rush to deal with them. As a result, the cells peel off, but new cells await the same thing. If psoriasis seizes the scalp, then with an abundance of dandruff itself can not cope, you need treatment with a dermatologist. The presence of psoriasis is indicated by characteristic pinkish plaques.

7. Seborrhea — a dysfunction of the glands that produce sebum. In the case of seborrhea, dandruff is formed due to the fact that the skin particles are glued together by excess skin fat. The process of exfoliation occurs at a normal pace, but excess sebum forms layers of fatty dandruff. With seborrhea, dandruff is larger, greasy, greyish. Hair looks unwashed, even if you wash them every day. The disease must be treated.

8. Sensitive scalp
If the scalp is sensitive, then a variety of factors can cause dandruff. Any factor affects the skin, whether it’s drying with a hot hair dryer, because it’s hot under the hat, and without a hat cold, shampoo, hair dye or too hot weather is not suitable. Everything can provoke «snow», pouring from the head. With sensitive skin, you need to gently pry means, shampoos, balms, take care of hair using folk techniques ..


Get Rid of Dandruff.

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