Gastritis and ulcer.

Gastritis and ulcer.

Gastritis and ulcer.

What causes gastritis. The symptoms of ulcers and gastritis.

During exacerbation of chronic gastritis inflammation makes itself felt an unpleasant taste in the mouth, heartburn, severe pain in the upper third of the stomach, nausea, belching, vomiting, abdominal distention.
Appetite in some cases may be good, but the patients because of pain in the stomach trying to limit their food, which leads to weight loss, weakness, fatigue.
Pain appear immediately or after a meal or on an empty stomach, with a sense of discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.
Digestive provoke diarrhea or constipation with the possible development of irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms of acute gastritis and peptic ulcer disease mostly similar, only with ulcer pain are distinct in nature and are the main symptom.
By the spring of our body to some extent weakens, it contributes changeable spring weather, sharp fluctuations of atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, the lack of vitamins in our diets, biorhythms restructuring and hormone metabolism, reduced immune defense.

And long it is known that chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease often exacerbated in the spring. Why is this happening?
According to the research activity is reduced in the spring of sympathetic-adrenal system (SAS), the main purpose of which is to mobilize all the reserves of the body to counteract the adverse environmental factors, and the mucous membranes become more sensitive to the effects of hydrochloric acid gastric juice, there are erosion.
Another cause of acute gastritis and ulcers spring is increased at this time reproduction helicobacter in the stomach, against vitamin C deficiency and B update needed for natural mucosa.

Natural remedies for gastritis and ulcers.

Gastritis and ulcer.

Prevention of exacerbations.

Every third adult Russian has signs of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease suffers from one in seven.
Anyone who is at risk, you need to follow the simple rules of behavior that will avoid inter-seasonal exacerbations and disease progression:
1. Do not overeat and do not go hungry during the day, eat small meals 5-6 times a day, to give up junk food snacking, drinking heavily carbonated sugary drinks.
2. The daily menu at an aggravation of gastritis should be present:
• milk and milk products
• Alkaline dining curative mineral waters
• jellies, compotes, jelly, non-acidic fruits
• Various porridge (semolina, rice, oats)
• lean meats, steamed.
3. Try to avoid stress, conflicts at work and at home — for good reason say that the cause of ulcers is not only what you eat, but also in the fact that gnaws at you.
4. Leave the past addictions — smoking, liquor — to talk about their health warnings, I think, too.
5. People who have problems with the digestive tract, should be very cautious about accepting any medications, particularly those containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances that can trigger the formation of erosions and ulcers on the gastric mucosa.
6 To prevent penetration of helicobacter body should be washed thoroughly, not only hands, but also fruits and vegetables under running water, you can even with soap and water, and some of them parboil, do not use other people’s dishes, toothbrushes, etc.
7. During the 2-3 weeks before the onset of the period of the alleged aggravation of gastritis or peptic ulcer should begin to take for prevention of herbal teas and herbal teas, be more careful diet.
Gastritis and ulcer.




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