Fruit mono diet.

Fruit mono diet.

Fruit mono diet.

Fruit mono diet. Fruit is a delicious and healthy food found in many diets. Thanks to fruits, the human body receives a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Fruits have a juicy and bright taste, giving a person a great mood.

Various fruit diets have been developed on the basis of fruits. The most common diets are apple, citrus, and mixed diets.

In any of the options, the fruit should be organic and fresh. It is not recommended to use exotic fruits for dieting.

The duration of any fruit diet is no more than three days.

Sample menu of different fruit mono-diets

Apple diet

1 day
For breakfast: A glass of apple juice, 2 apples.
For lunch: 3 baked apples (you can add cinnamon).
For dinner: Sliced ​​apples, seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt, a glass of any fruit juice.

2nd day
For breakfast: A glass of apple juice, 2 apples.
For lunch: Salad of different types of fruits (except for bananas), a cup of tea.
For dinner: A portion of applesauce (can be in the form of baby food), rosehip tea.

Day 3
For breakfast: A glass of apple juice, 2 apples.
For lunch: 3 baked apples (you can add cinnamon).
For dinner: Sliced ​​apples, seasoned with natural unsweetened yogurt, a glass of any fruit juice.

Citrus diet

1 day

For breakfast: Fruit salad (any citrus + apple), herbal tea
For lunch: Fruit salad (any citrus + kiwi), herbal tea
For dinner: Banana, a cup of green tea.

2nd day

For breakfast: 250 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice.
For lunch: Fruit salad (grapes + kiwi + banana + orange), a cup of tea.
Dinner: 2 baked apples, vegetable stew, herbal tea.

Day 3

For breakfast: Fruit salad (citrus + apple), tea
For lunch: Fruit salad (any citrus + kiwi), green tea
For dinner: Banana, a cup of herbal tea.

Mixed Fruit Diet

1 day

For breakfast: Fruit (excluding bananas), a glass of juice
For lunch: Salad of various types of fruits, a cup of green tea
For dinner: Salad of various types of fruits (except for bananas), a glass of juice

2nd day

For breakfast: Fruit, still mineral water
For lunch: Salad of various types of fruits, water
Dinner: Vegetable stew (no potatoes), fruits

Day 3

For breakfast: Fruit (excluding bananas), a glass of juice
For lunch: Salad of various types of fruits, water
For dinner: Vegetable soup.

The presence in the diet of a large amount of dietary fiber and fiber allows you to tolerate the diet well without suffering from hunger. Fruits can be eaten raw, baked, stewed and boiled. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of liquid: mineral water without gas, green tea, infusions of mint, lemon balm, rose hips.

Contraindications for the fruit mono-diet

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive organs;
metabolic disease;
tendency to allergic reactions;
children and old age;
pregnancy and lactation.

The exit from the diet should be smooth, with the gradual addition of chicken eggs, vegetables and mushrooms to the diet. Further, cereals, dairy products and dietary varieties of fish and meat are added.

Since the diet of the diet does not provide the body with a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is allowed to carry out a fruit mono-diet no more than 1 time per month and no longer than 3 days.

Weight loss over this period will be from 3 to 5 kg. Physical activity, walking in the fresh air and playing sports will help improve and consolidate the result.

Fruit mono diet.

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  1. […] one food has its own metabolic properties. Various macro and trace elements in food affect hormone levels and metabolism. Some foods are digested more […]

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