Folk methods from fibroids.

Folk methods from fibroids.

Folk methods from fibroids.

Recipes for treating fibroids with folk remedies include the use of improvised products that have a devastating effect on the tumor and prevent its further growth.

Elderberry Balm

If abundant menstruation is observed with myoma, a special balm is prepared at home. Take a glass container with a volume of five liters. Pour elderberry berries in a black layer of a few centimeters. A layer of sugar follows, and a new layer of berries. So repeat to the very top of the tank. The top layer consists of sugar.

The throat of the container is covered with a dense cloth. Send the product to the sun, keeping there until the sugar is completely dissolved. After filtering and pouring balm into small containers, each tightly clogging. Drink a third of a glass before each meal, continuing treatment until the end of the remedy.
The composition of elderberries includes the substance of amygdalin, which causes severe poisoning.

Folk methods from fibroids.


Sedentary baths help improve circulation in the pelvis. Infusions for them are prepared from horsetail or wild yam (four handfuls of raw materials per three liters of water). Procedures are arranged three times a week. After the bath, rub the lower abdomen with castor oil.

Stone oil

To eliminate the formation localized in the uterine cavity, a solution of stone oil is prepared — three grams per two liters of water. They drink it for twelve days in a glass three times a day. After two weeks, take a solution prepared from a liter of water and three grams of stone oil. A month later, begin a new course.

Goat milk

The product contains enzymes that are easy for the body to absorb and promotes resorption of the tumor. Every day you need to drink a glass of milk in which 1 tbsp is dissolved. l goat fat. For more effective help, it is also recommended to introduce several cloves of garlic into the drink. The course of treatment is continued for three months.

Honey water

As a sedative for uterine myoma, natural honey is used. A tablespoon is dissolved in half a glass of warm boiled water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, taking small sips.


At home, multinodal fibroids are treatable by mummy. 40 mg of the present substance are taken per 250 ml of water. Drink for ten days. After a five-day break, treatment is resumed. Such therapy is good if, along with the tumor, endometriosis, adenomyosis, or ovarian cysts are observed.

Fly agaric

Take the young mushrooms hats. Grind and stack in a liter jar. Cork tightly with a lid and bury it in the ground for a month. After they get a jar and filter. It turns out a red liquid, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, starting with one drop.

Bred in two tablespoons of fresh milk. Gradually bring the amount of folk remedy to 52 drops. After acting in the reverse order. At the end of treatment, there is no trace of the problem.
Using fly agaric entails an unjustified risk!

Hydrogen peroxide

Intake of hydrogen peroxide helps strengthen the whole body, speeding up healing. Use begins with one drop three times a day, diluted with moisture. Gradually, the dosage is increased, reaching up to ten drops three times.

After two weeks off, the course is repeated.
Peroxide baths give no less pronounced effect. It is recommended to take them for ten days — according to the session for the night. Thus, the «cauterization» of education. The same applies to douching.

Folk methods from fibroids.
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  1. […] Candidiasis or thrush is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. In intestinal conditions, the fungus acts as a completely natural representative of the microflora, but when it enters the mucous membrane of the same oral cavity or genitals, it causes pathological processes. […]

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