Early arthrosis.

Early arthrosis.

Early arthrosis.

Early arthrosis. Become disabled at an early age I did not want, so I decided that I would punctually perform all prescription.

First of all, to reduce the load on the affected joints — no longer play basketball, to carry weights.

He began to perform a special set of exercises, during which the development of the joints.

Next course propyl drug filling shortage of «natural» intra-articular lubricant improves nutrition of cartilage tissue and normalize the blood circulation in the joints, increasing their mobility.

The doctor picked up the medication painkillers. Became a regular basis to make compresses with bischofite (sold in pharmacies), as well as medical bile, put cakes of blue clay.

Particularly effective was a compress (a course — 10-12 procedures) to take on 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, dry mustard, vegetable oil, all mixed, bring to a boil. The mixture was put on a clean cloth and make a compress on the area of the joint. Top cover them and scarf. Hold compress 1.5-2 hours. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day.

Early arthrosis.

And, of course, changed the food. It excludes from the diet of fried and fatty foods, salt, honey instead of sugar it. No hot dogs, sausages, bacon, chips, pastries. Moved on vegetable salads, dressed with olive oil, vegetable soup, natural meat and fish, sour-milk products, nuts (cashews, almonds and Brazil).

I noticed that a good effect on the recovery of joints avocado, began to eat for half every morning. The same effect have vitamins A, C and E, which are available over the counter.

For good hands simulator turned ordinary rubber ring (expander). Its just I at any convenient opportunity crumpled in his hand. During the day, I try as often as possible greatly compress and decompress fists and fingers clasped together to get to the base of the palm.

As it turned out, the most vulnerable to osteoarthritis thumbs, and so they, I paid special attention: opening hand, bend the thumb to the tip of his little finger touched the base. Then, straighten it and repeat the exercise.

Important: do not do anything through the pain. If you exercise the joints is fed painful signals, leave them alone as long as the pain will not work at all.
Yes, the treatment of arthritis — it is not fast, sometimes delayed for 1.5-2 years. But if you persist, I go to the goal, then all you get!

Early arthrosis.





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  1. […] first I did not even pay attention to the elbow. So a little swollen, there was pain in picking … And then the seal began to grow. I noticed […]

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