


Dermatomyositis (polymyositis) called skeletal and smooth muscles, and skin.

Viral etiology of dermatomyositis — provoking factors. This injury, cooling, sun, intolerance to pregnancy.
Tumor dermatomyositis is observed in 20% of patients. Due to the variety of immunopathological disorders, dermatomyositis develops.
Women dermatomyositis is more common in 2 times. Two types of illness (transition and menopause). Perhaps the North. The basic genetic predisposition.

Dermatomyositis begins with acute or subacute muscle syndrome (myasthenia gravis, myalgia), arthralgia, fever, skin damage, dense widespread swelling. Then the disease becomes a relapse course.


Lesion of skeletal muscle is fixed in all patients as a myalgia during movement. It even breaks at rest, sensitive to pressure and increasing muscle weakness. The muscles of the shoulder and pelvic girdle thicken. Increase in volume, the active movements vary greatly. The patient himself can not sit down, raise his limbs and head from the pillow to keep him seated or standing.

With a strong development of the disease, almost completely immobilized patients or even in a state of complete prostration. Pathological process.

It affects the facial muscles, with an oily face, a lesion of pharyngeal muscles (dysphagia). Also intercostal muscles and diaphragm. This impairment of breathing reduces the lightness of the lungs, hypoventilation and frequent pneumonia. This can affect the oculomotor muscles.

Traditional medicine recommends:

1) 1 tbsp. l. collecting leaves of willow leaves and 1 glass of water poured into 100 ° C. For about 1 hour, insist.

2) Applies to the patient’s place of stay. One dining room. Spoon the root of marshmallow pour 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse and use in the form of compresses.

3) Ointment from the willow bud. Razirayut in equal parts willow and butter butter. The ointment was rubbed into the affected areas then.

4) We also recommend that for the topical treatment of manufacture of tarragon cream. In a water bath melt the visceral fat, added in dry tarragon ratio: 5: 1, respectively. The mixture is sent to the oven, where it should languish 5-6 hours. After that procealive, cool and put in the refrigerator, ointment later and stored here. Use is recommended for 2-3 months 3 times in a day.


5) Would like to focus on the treatment of dermatomyositis oat broth. No wonder it is the Latin name translates as «be healthy». It is recommended to pour 2 cups of oats, glass of milk, just the boiled, in an amount of about 5-6. Then the mixture simmer for 2 minutes, no more. Insist and filter. Within one month of drinking a glass of 3 times per day. After a month break, repeat the course.

6) A decoction of the leaves of lingonberry prepared as follows: 2 tsp. lingonberry leaves pour 1 cup water and boil for 4-5 minute. After cooled, filter and drink during the day. Recommended course — 2-3 months.

7) Infusion of hop cones is prepared as follows: Pour 2 tbsp. l. boiling water — 200 ml, insist 1 hour and cooled After straining take 1 tbsp.. l. 3 times a day.
In the form of decoction is also used dandelion roots and puzatki high.

In dermatomyositis possible renal pathology. You can recommend horsetail and knotweed, and bearberry, cranberry leaf, common heather, birch leaf, couch grass root, and others, have a diuretic effect.






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