Deforming arthritis.

Deforming poliartrit.

Deforming arthritis.

Reasons deforming polyarthritis.

Just think of reasons why the disease is difficult enough. Deforming arthritisThe problem is detected, usually in the second half of life. When the state of the organism influenced all adverse factors, both internal and external.

A significant role in the pathogenesis of deforming polyarthritis have the following negative aspects:

metabolic disorders of the joints;
natural wear and tear of the joints due to age or abnormal wear due to prolonged and intense stress, static deformation;
mechanical overload on the same joints;
malnutrition cartilage (due to impaired blood flow or degenerative changes in the joints themselves);
changes in the physicochemical properties, joint fluid amount;
intoxication and chronic infection, etc.

Deforming arthritis.

Deforming process takes many years. Therefore, suffer arthritis elderly, when all the adverse factors have a lasting impact.

It is deforming arthritis: pathogenesis.

At the heart of the problem — a violation trophism joints. The primary changes are detected in the cartilage:

cartilage loses its luster;
cartilage thins, completely disappears and exposes the bone in some places;
changes of cartilage structure; it becomes fibrous (a healthy person — hyaline).

Deforming poliartrit.

Degeneratsiya necessarily accompanied by regenerative processes and in cartilage and bone (in their joint departments). Different in shape and volume, these processes lead to the formation of different patterns deforming polyarthritis.

The joint is destroyed, and the patient does not feel this, and continues to load it. Deformation due to evolving and growing. To wear the cartilage joins subluxation, stretching the joint capsule, etc.

The clinical picture of deforming polyarthritis.

For a disease characterized by severe symptoms:

minor pain, crunching in the joints, eventually increases;
embarrassment and stiffness in the affected joints. Especially in the morning, after a long stay in peace.
gradually the pain intensifies, and the rigidity lasts longer;
gradual reduction of freedom of movement and joint health;
periods of exacerbation due to weather changes;
with the development of regenerative processes, the joint loses its normal shape, there are protrusions and protrusions;

Disturbance of articular protrusion causes severe acute pain. It disappears when the joints change.

When there was a static deformation, and the shape of the joint surface changed, you have the following symptoms:

caused unnatural limbs;
subluxation and contracture;
limited mobility;
atrophy of the skin over the affected joint, thinning of the skin, excessive dryness. This is in severe cases.
decrease in the functionality of sweat and sebaceous glands (in the affected area);
moderate anemia.

The diagnosis is based on x-ray, deformed joints, changes in blood and ROE.

Treatment of deforming polyarthritis.

Folk remedies. Here are some recipes:

1) Finely chop two leaves of ficus. Pour 300 ml of liquid ammonia (ammonia) alcohol. Wrap the bowl with black paper. Leave for 7 days in a cool place. Wipe off the sore spots morning and evening.

Deforming arthritis.
2) Mix honey with half a kilo of the same amount of juice of celery root. Accepted three times a day on a tablespoon of half an hour before a meal. Keep refrigerated. The course — a month. During treatment every day should eat two or three apples, and five or six walnuts. The objective of therapeutic interventions — to stop the progression.

3) Juice of root crops — 500 ml, honey — 500 g. All mixed in an enamelled bowl with a wooden spoon. Transfer to a liter jar, store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 1 month. If necessary, repeat in a month.
In addition, daily eat 5-6 pieces of walnuts and 2-3 pieces of apples.

4) Contribute to the resorption of salt in the affected joints compresses with a diuretic or old urine (alternate).

5) On the aching joints are advised to apply the clay, cooked in urine (hot). Clay, cooked in the urine, it is better remove poisons.
From above impose a cloth or waxed paper, wrapped in cloth and secured.

6) In a special way cooked potatoes helps to cure a deforming polyarthritis. It is necessary to boil long brown
potatoes, then mash with it, without draining the broth, and during the day to eat the watery gruel.

Another option is the use of potatoes for rheumatism and arthritis, it has long been used Gypsies. In the morning on an empty stomach to eat one raw potato. Then — 1-2 potatoes, cooked in their skins, without salt.

During the day, carry with them one raw potato. If a person is seriously ill, it becomes black inside and takes over the disease. Potatoes need to dig into the ground so that no one accidentally bumped into her.


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