Death of the skin.

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin. Bedsore — necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous layer and other tissues with prolonged pressure on them in conditions of impaired blood circulation. Most often, bedsores are formed in debilitated patients who spend a long time in bed without movement.

The likelihood of bedsores increases with anemia, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders. In debilitated patients, bedsore can occur quickly — within a day.

Symptoms of pressure sores

The first signs are blanching of the skin area, swelling, blistering. The next stage is necrosis of soft tissues and periosteum.

Subjective sensations that the patient can communicate to caregivers, while being conscious and preserved pain sensitivity of body parts:

tingling on the skin in places where pressure sores are likely to develop, due to stagnation of biological fluids (blood, lymph) feeding the nerve endings;
loss of sensitivity (numbness), after about 2-3 hours in this part of the body.

Signs of a bedsore

Visible signs of an incipient pressure ulcer that caregivers must know:

stagnation of peripheral blood and lymph, at first in the form of venous erythema of a bluish-red color, without clear boundaries, with localization at the point of contact of the bone, muscle protrusions of the body with the bed of the bed, the intensity of skin staining: from barely noticeable to saturated;
peeling of the epidermis of the skin with or without the preliminary formation of purulent vesicles.

These are signs of an incipient bedsore. It is urgent to take measures to prevent further aggravation of the pathology.

Folk remedies for bedsores

Lubricate bedsores with sea buckthorn oil (sold at the pharmacy);

Wipe the leaked skin with a swab soaked in camphor oil, and after a few minutes, lubricate with castor oil;

Alternative treatment with onion ointment: finely chop two medium onions, pour into an enamel saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, simmer over low heat for 20-30 minutes. When ready, select the onion with a slotted spoon and discard. Dissolve 10 grams of beeswax in the cooled hot oil. Lubricate bedsores 2-3 times a day;

Heat 1 glass of vegetable oil to a boil, cool, pour the protein of one chicken egg into the boiling oil, beat well. Lubricate sore spots with the resulting product 3 times a day.

Antimicrobial herbs

The following folk remedies can be used as antimicrobial medicinal herbs in the treatment of pressure ulcers:

infusion of creeping thyme, infusion or decoction of birch leaves and buds, birch tar, infusion of sage leaves, St. John’s wort, decoction of elecampane root, onion gruel, carrots, aloe, Kalanchoe, as well as clove, eucalyptus, fir, anise oil, peppermint oil.

It is advisable to heat the hoods for trays and lotions for bedsores to 37-40 ° C and apply them for 10-15 minutes.

Lotions for bedsores

Another traditional medicine for the treatment of bedsores — lotions with tincture of calendula and field bindweed can be used as a medicine against bedsores.

Add 2 parts of vodka to 1 part of calendula or field bindweed and leave at room temperature for at least 2 weeks, then strain and drain into a vial.

For the treatment of pressure ulcers, the tincture should be diluted with water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the tincture to 0.5 cups of boiled water. Apply lotions with diluted tincture of calendula or bindweed to bedsores 1-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Calendula ointment

For the remedy below, the starting ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Mix 10 g of calendula officinalis flowers crushed into powder with 50 g of petroleum jelly. The ointment is used by traditional healers to treat pressure ulcers.

Alternative treatment of bedsores with oak bark

4 tablespoons of dry crushed bark (40 g) pour 1 glass (200 ml) of hot water, boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes, drain. Use externally to treat pressure ulcers.

For the treatment of bedsores in folk medicine, rosehip seed oil or St. John’s wort oil (externally) is also used.

Treatment with oak bark ointment

Oak bark has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, a large amount of tanning and astringent substances. The following remedy is quite effective:

Lubricate bedsores with ointment: 2 parts of finely chopped and crushed oak bark and 1 part of black poplar buds to 7 parts of butter.

Insist in a dark place overnight, boil in the morning over low heat, squeeze while still warm, strain and drain into a jar. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator. Folk healers lubricate the inflamed skin with a bedsore up to three times a day.

Death of the skin.

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