Compresses from mastitis.

Compresses from mastitis.

Compresses from mastitis.

  1. In mastitis in older women, the cabbage leaf is greased with fresh cow butter. Apply to the mammary gland at night. A similar treatment is suitable for removing seals after surgery.
  2. In the oven bake one onion. When it cools down, grind and squeeze the juice. It is mixed with honey and used to apply compresses.
  3. In a proportion of one to two combine natural flower honey and wheat flour. A cake is formed, which is placed on the mammary gland, fixed on top with cling film and a bandage. Hold the night.
    It is important to remember about allergies that a beekeeping product can provoke.
  4. In a proportion of one to one mix vodka and camphor oil. They impregnate tissue in the composition, which is used as a fifteen-minute compress three times a day.
    The composition provides a warming effect, which is completely unacceptable with mastitis, especially acute and purulent.

Compresses from mastitis.

  1. In equal parts combine sea buckthorn and camphor oil. In the oil composition, cotton pads are wetted. At night, impose on the formation of seals, fixing a scarf.
  2. A tablespoon of honey is combined with a teaspoon of chopped garlic and ten drops of camphor oil. Transfer the mass formed during cooking to a napkin. Use a compress before bedtime, leaving until morning.
    If there are abrasions and wounds on the skin, the composition can cause a burning sensation.
  3. In the oven bake a large onion. Cut in half, allow to cool slightly and grease each half with camphor oil. Impose on the mammary glands in the places of formation of seals.
  4. To a tablespoon of vegetable add one drop of peppermint essential oil. Wet cotton pads in the composition. Used as a compress for nursing mothers and for the treatment of seals after surgery.
  5. Wipes are wetted in ice water. Hold on the mammary gland until heated. Conduct treatment sessions three times a day.
  6. To 150 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice, add 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil, a tablespoon of golden mustache root (crushed to a crumb) and 100 g of grated fresh carrots. Gruel is applied to the site of seals and inflammation, repeating twice a day. The folk remedy is fixed with cling film and held for one hour.
  7. At the initial stage of the disease, gruel from boiled beets (rubbed) is applied to the chest, crumb of black bread (knead) and five drops of sesame oil. Maintain a compress for about two hours, after rinsing with warm water. Repeat three times a day.
Compresses from mastitis.
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