Cleansing the body spring

Cleansing the body spring

The clean up in the spring? Cleansing the body spring.

Spring is just around the corner, and this is the best time to cleanse the body. Cleansing the body spring. Feel refreshed and fresh help recipes from the early spring plants:

• In a salad of finely chopped dandelion leaves, add the optional nuts, onions or garlic, cucumbers and spring grass — carrot, parsley, dill, chives, tarragon, sorrel, a young plantain leaves, lettuce, mother-and-stepmother, nettle, goutweed.

Fill with oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or grated horseradish. You can soak the leaves for 30 minutes in cold salted water to the bitterness left, but with it will take many vitamins and mineral salts, which is so rich dandelion.

Regular use of this quick salad to cleanse the intestines and start the self-cleaning mechanisms in the body.

• Take the fresh juice from young leaves of dandelion (lowers blood cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels and flushes the kidneys), nettle (cleanses the blood), plantain (enhances the activity of the digestive system), sorrel (it helps the intestines self-cleaning).

For the preparation of these juices wash leaves, mince and squeeze through cheesecloth. Take 1-3 Art. spoon half an hour before a meal at least once a day.

• 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped mixture of plantain leaves, mother and stepmother (clean lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract), nettle (krovoochistitelnoe), cranberries (diuretic, flushes kidneys) infuse for half an hour in a glass of boiled water and take a third cup half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

• Drinking birch sap to 1 glass 3 times a day for 1-1.5 months. It is a general tonic cleanses the blood, joints, bronchi, has a diuretic effect.
Remember, juices and infusions are strong cleaning agents.

If you have a serious illness, consult your doctor before using them. For example, the nettle is contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting, and sorrel drugs can not be used for kidney disease.


Spring — a time of awakening, juice movement in nature and the body. Feel refreshed and fresh help recipes from the early spring plants:

1. Salad of finely chopped dandelion leaves. Add nuts, onions or garlic, cucumbers and spring herbs. This — carrots, parsley, dill, onions, tarragon, sorrel. Also — young leaves of plantain, salad, mother and stepmother, nettle.

Fill with oil, honey. Add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or grated horseradish. You can soak for 30 minutes in cold salted water. In order for the bitterness to go away. Many vitamins and mineral salts, which are so rich in dandelion.

Regular use of this quick salad to cleanse the intestines and start the self-cleaning mechanisms in the body.

2.Fresh juice of young dandelion leaves. It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. It cleanses the blood vessels well and cleanses the kidneys. Nettles cleanse the blood. Plantain enhances the activity of the digestive system. Sorrel helps the intestines to be cleaned.

The leaves, rinse, mince and squeeze through cheesecloth. Take 1-3 Art. spoon half an hour before a meal at least once a day.

3. tablespoons chopped mixture of plantain leaves, mother and stepmother (clean lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract), nettle (krovoochistitelnoe), cranberries (diuretic, flushes kidneys) infuse for half an hour in a glass of boiled water and take a third cup for half an hour before a meal three times a day.

4. Drink a glass of birch juice, 3 times a day for 1-1.5 months. It is a general tonic cleanses the blood, joints, bronchi, has a diuretic effect.
Remember, juices and infusions are strong cleaning agents.

If you have a serious illness, consult your doctor before using them. Nettle is contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting, and sorrel drugs can not be used for kidney disease.

Cleansing the body spring




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