Charges for urolithiasis.

Charges for urolithiasis.

Charges for urolithiasis.

  1. To 20 g of the root of the common marshmallow add a dessert spoon of grass of the common oregano and leaves of coltsfoot. Two pinches are combined with 250 ml of boiling water and left to stand until cooling. Drink 3 glasses twice a day.
  2. Combine fifty grams of the roots and greenery of the nettle dioica with thirty grams of the root of licorice. Combine 1 tbsp. l collection with 300 ml of boiling water for fifteen minutes. After filtering, treatment of kidney stone disease accompanied by nephritis begins, taking 100 ml of the infusion three times.
  3. To five grams of medicinal sweet clover, add fifteen horsetail, green warty birch and goose cinquefoil. To 1.5 cups of boiled liquid, a handful of collection is kneaded, left for an hour. Drink four times a day for a pair of large spoons.
  4. The following treatment fee is prepared at home: dye root of madder (20 g), kidney tea (15 g), chamomile flowers (15 g), horsetail grass (10 g), leaves of birch birch (10 g), seeds garden dill (15 g), greenery of the field stalnik (15 g). Ten grams of the collection is steamed with a glass of boiled moisture. Settle for ten minutes at room temperature, after which forty minutes are subjected to languishing in a water bath. Squeeze the thick and injected into the infusion of two hundred milliliters of water. Take a few glasses as a diuretic.

Charges for urolithiasis.

  1. In equal proportions combine: leaves of saggy birch, galangal, juniper fruits, golden rod, wheatgrass roots, field stalnik roots, thyme, fennel fruits. A handful of collection is steamed with 230 ml of boiling water for half an hour, after which the raw materials are pressed. The dose at one time is 1/3 cup. Repeat recommended up to four times.
    A prescription can be dangerous for hypertensive patients and people suffering from high blood coagulation.
  2. With uratic hardening, a collection is prepared from field horsetail grass taken in two parts, perforated St. John’s wort, one each — thorns, yarrow grass, blueberries, sowing beans. Defend 1 tbsp. l mixture in a glass of boiling water until cooled. Use 0.5 cup three times a day.
  3. The birch leaves are hanging evenly, grass of a large celandine, the roots of the field gland, the fruits of common juniper and goose cinquefoil grass. Four large spoons are steamed in a liter of boiling water. After spinning, drink the infusion at a time. Helps in the discharge of sand and stones.
  4. Combine two parts of lingonberry, calamus rhizomes and wheatgrass, one each — herbs of burlap, tansy and horsetail. Two pinch in 0.25 liters of hot liquid can withstand for several hours, previously covered with a towel. Use half the volume in the morning and evening.
  5. Charges for urolithiasis. Mix several parts of the rosehip of cinnamon and corn stigmas, one at a time — leaves of drooping birch and lingonberry. Fifteen grams of the collection in 250 ml of boiling water are left to stand until cooling. Drink half a cup three times with puffiness.
  6. Prepare a collection of grass hernia, knotweed, cusps of beans, bearberry. They take the components equally. A small handful of the mix is ​​kept under cover for 230 hours in 230 ml of hot water. Take a quarter cup four times a day.
  7. With severe symptoms of urolithiasis, the following collection is prepared: chamomile flowers (100 g), birch leaves (50 g), field horsetail grass (50 g), wheatgrass rhizomes (100 g), tea rose fruit (50 g), bedstraw grass fragrant (50 g), dioecious nettle greens (20 g), elderberry flowers (20 g). The mixed components are carefully ground. A large spoon is taken, 230 ml of boiling water is steamed for half an hour, keeping it under the lid. Take hot after meals, repeating twice a day (dose — one hundred milliliters).
  8. Treatment of urolithiasis is carried out using the following collection: bearberry leaves (100 g), knotweed (100 g), garden strawberry leaves (100 g), linden flowers (100 g), goldenrod (40 g), birch leaves (50 g ), heather flowers (50 g), chamomile flowers (45 g), pericarp beans (40 g), lily of the valley (20 g), cornflower flowers (20 g). The components are mixed and lightly ground. A teaspoon of the mixture is combined with 250 ml of boiling water, left for twenty minutes, after which the infusion is filtered through a piece of gauze. Drink three times in a glass, sweetening with honey.
  9. In equal shares connect the grass of the tatarnik, leaves of black currant, fruits of anise and mountain ash, hop cones. To a liter of boiling water, add two pinches of the collection. Before cooling, insist under a towel, after which they are carefully filtered. They are treated by taking half a cup three times a day.
Charges for urolithiasis.
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