Archive for the ‘varicosity’ Category

Compresses treat hemorrhoids.

Compresses treat hemorrhoids.

Compresses treat hemorrhoids. Cocoa butter is placed on a small piece of gauze. Apply in the presence of inflammation and cracks in the anus for half an hour. The recommendation may focus on the treatment of adults and children. For pain 2 tbsp. l Flax dried grass is poured with a half liter of milk […]

Trays for hemorrhoids.

Trays for hemorrhoids.

Trays for hemorrhoids. Prepare a strong broth of onion peels. Used for baths at bedtime for eight days. The procedure is performed to eliminate acute inflammation in women and men. For external hemorrhoids, baths with a decoction of a medicinal hard bread are recommended (30 g of raw material per liter of moisture). To the […]

Harvesting herbs from varicose veins.

Harvesting herbs from varicose veins.

Harvesting herbs from varicose veins. With reticular varicose veins, an infusion is prepared from flowers taken in equal proportions from the mountain arnica and hazel bark. Two large spoons pour 0.6 liters of boiling water overnight, wrapped in a towel. Take 70 ml each time before a meal. The grass of sweet clover, meadowsweet, dandelion […]