Archive for the ‘Polyclinic in the kitchen’ Category

In the treasury of recipes.

In the treasury of recipes.For many diseases there is justice in my collection of recipes of traditional medicine: In the treasury of recipes.Worried nosebleed?Dilute a small amount of vinegar (the dining room or apple) or alum with cold water. Head keep straight. Not to worry, and that is stronger than blood. Is drawn into the nose of the solution.



If there is no doctor. Toothache. How to stop a toothache. From a toothache, in acute, there are all sorts of ways. On the other hand, when such a problem any additional way to relieve the pain is not superfluous. After all, one way can not help, another can not cope, and maybe, just my […]

Low-carb diet.

Low-carb diet.

Low-carb diet. Low-carb diet. Many argue about whether this diet is effective at all. Despite the fact that most prefer to lose weight for this. This is a low carbohydrate diet. Of course, after such a diet at first glance it is very easy: no definite boundaries. Since you can eat. You just need to […]

garlic treatment.

garlic treatment.

garlic treatment. Always rescue garlic. Garlic helps me always, a real lifesaver. From all ills helps me, I do not remember the last time I spoke to the doctors. For example, as soon as runny nose begins, garlic juice is squeezed on cotton wool and invest tamponchiki nostrils. The rhinitis is gone! And hypertension garlic […]

Best indoor plants.

Best indoor plants.

Best indoor plants. GREEN FRIENDS OF OUR HOUSE Best indoor plants. They clean the atmosphere, create coziness and a favorable microclimate in the premises. But in order for the green guests to benefit, you need to properly place them in the apartment. In each room you need to put your flower. It is especially important to […]

Cholesterol Medication.

Cholesterol Medication. Cholesterol and herbs.Cholesterol Medication. From medicinal plants that can reduce cholesterol in the blood, the first place as the most active in this plan is to put Dioscreek the Caucasian.About 30 years ago, polyspanin was obtained from the roots of the Caucasian Dioscorea. These pills were designed to lower cholesterol in the blood.

Pressure treatment.

Pressure treatment.

Pressure treatment. Pressure treatment. The woman was not fifty when she began to notice that the head aches and feels like a strange, hard. Somehow it did not immediately guess that this may be the pressure until it took a tonometer instrument, and several times during the ailments pressure is measured. It turns out, almost […]