Archive for the ‘kidney disease’ Category

Cleaning the kidney.

Cleaning the kidney.

Cleaning the kidney. Shoe renal incontinence in my recipe can help many. Cleaning the kidney. The more salt that are displayed at the same time: oxalates, phosphates, urate, gidrokalikoz destroyed. To prepare the composition will need: knot-grass (knotweed), Agrimony, hops, hips — 20 g, pennyroyal (purple) — 15 g, lemon balm timber — 15g, leaf […]

Stones in the kidneys.

Stones in the kidneys.Natural remedy better operation.Stones in the kidneys. I’ll tell you a story that happened in our family and taught me taught.It all started with the fact that my husband found the stones in the kidney, as well as stones were large, the doctors sent for surgery. My husband, like all men, does not like to be treated, and to my entreaties first undergo treatment at home reacted rather sharply:

Altai healer — red brush.

Altai healer - red brush.

Altai healer — red brush. Natural health remedies. Altai healer — red brush. I want my knowledge to be useful to someone. Today I want to write about the plant. It is called a phonograph cold. Another name is red brush. It is endemic to Altai. It grows only in the mountains of Altai, in […]

Chronic pyelonephritis.

Chronic pyelonephritis.

Chronic pyelonephritis. Kidney problems back pain. Chronic pyelonephritis. Pay attention to the appearance: with kidney disease often have swelling on the face in the morning (bags under the eyes) and on the legs, which take place in the evening. The skin becomes pale, dry, with a yellowish tinge. Chronic pyelonephritis. A frequent symptom of infectious […]

How to win cholelithiasis.

How to win cholelithiasis.

How to win cholelithiasis. Gallbladder disease. Intrigue cholelithiasis is that 60-70% of patients almost do not feel discomfort in the area of the gall bladder, even in the presence of large stones and severe pain appear only when stones begin to clog the bile ducts …How to win cholelithiasis. How to prevent the disease in […]

Charges for urolithiasis.

Charges for urolithiasis.

Charges for urolithiasis. To 20 g of the root of the common marshmallow add a dessert spoon of grass of the common oregano and leaves of coltsfoot. Two pinches are combined with 250 ml of boiling water and left to stand until cooling. Drink 3 glasses twice a day. Combine fifty grams of the roots […]

Infusions from urolithiasis.

Infusions from urolithiasis.

Infusions from urolithiasis. Two handfuls of peeled oat grains are placed in an enamel container and poured with boiling water. Filter through twelve hours. Gluten is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, replacing breakfast. Treatment takes place according to this scheme: in the first month — once a week, in the second month […]