Archive for the ‘Gynecology, male diseases’ Category

Charges from fibroids.

Charges from fibroids.

Charges from fibroids. With cervical myoma, two herbs are mixed — knotweed and a red brush. Take a tablespoon. The mixture is steamed with a liter of hot water and left for three hours. They divide the finished folk remedy into several portions and take it for two days on an empty stomach. Connect a […]

Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause.

Decoctions from menopause. Herbal decoctions during menopause are designed to alleviate general discomfort and help in the fight against symptoms. The treatment period with their help depends on the severity of the symptoms, but cannot exceed 3 months. Take 10 g of the fruits of barberry, knotweed, mistletoe, shepherd’s bag. A tablespoon of the collection […]

Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause.

Tinctures from menopause. The course of treatment for tinctures with menopause is usually 30-45 days, depending on the severity of symptoms and the individual reaction of the body. Peony tincture is responsible for reducing hot flashes, frequent changes in mood and insomnia. Take 20 drops three times a day, preferably before meals. The course of […]

We treat the cyst.

We treat the cyst.

We treat the cyst. From ovarian cysts folded into a quart jar crushed shells 14-20 walnuts. We treat the cyst. Raw pour 0.5 liters of vodka, so that the shells were covered completely with vodka. Bank to close the lid and put in a dark warm place for 7-10 days. Treatment is carried out once a […]

Decoctions of melanoma.

Decoctions of melanoma.

Decoctions of melanoma. The duration of one course of treatment with herbal decoctions is two months. After a week-long break, a new course starts. The composition of the broth is better to change. Mono decoctions Ten grams of dry chopped fig fruits are boiled in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Allow to infuse […]

Effective ulcer fees.

Effective ulcer fees.

Effective ulcer fees. Half a liter of hot water is steamed two-component collection of sage and plantain. The components are taken in the same amount. Boil for seven minutes and allow to cool. Use three times a day for half a cup. For the effective treatment of trophic ulcers, the following herbs are used: 30 […]

Climax is treated.

Climax is treated.

Climax is treated. If the menopause is accompanied by dry skin and itching of the genital organs, a collection of tripartite series and dioecious nettle (twenty grams each), tricolor violet and yarrow grass (fifteen grams each), horsetail grass, blackcurrant leaves and large burdock roots is prescribed (ten grams each). Two tablespoons of raw material is […]