Archive for the ‘colds’ Category

Forget about colds.

Forget about colds.

Forget about colds. Cold medicine. Forget about colds. From diseases such as colds and flu, cough and composition. Forget about colds. In an enamel pan put 1 kg of chopped onion, pour 1.3 liters of water, close the lid and simmer for 1.5 hours on low heat. Add cup sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon marjoram, […]

How to cure pharyngitis.

How to cure pharyngitis.

How to cure pharyngitis. Treatment with folk remedies for atrophic pharyngitis and subatrophic form is often based on the use of infusions of peppermint leaves or yarrow grass. In the first case, take 10 g per glass of boiling water, in the second — 15 grams. Stand under a towel for 40 minutes, filtered. Gargle […]

Rinse for pharyngitis.

Rinse for pharyngitis.

Rinse for pharyngitis. At home, rinsing the pharynx with medicinal infusions and decoctions is recommended for people of any age. The procedure eliminates discomfort, provides a warming effect. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms.Frequent rinsing of the sore throat leads to the drainage of the mucous membrane, which is already […]

Syrups from a sore throat.

Syrups from a sore throat.

Syrups from a sore throat. Self-made syrups are called a successful alternative to medications offered by pharmacies. Their use is not recommended to stop until the onset of recovery. Twenty grams of butter is melted in a microwave or in a water bath. Add a glass of fresh honey and half a dessert spoon of […]

Folk methods from sinusitis.

Folk methods from sinusitis.

Folk methods from sinusitis. Folk healers offer the most effective methods and home-made remedies for the treatment of sinusitis in children and adults. Adam root Adam root is used to rub the inflamed areas: nose bridge, superciliary arch, cheeks. The procedure helps to quickly get rid of mucus accumulated over the years.During the session, burning […]

Syrups for sinusitis.

Syrups for sinusitis.

Syrups for sinusitis. Taking home-made syrups speeds up the healing process. Continue treatment until symptoms are relieved. On a grater rub a small piece of horseradish root. Combine the gruel with juice squeezed from three lemons. Drink half a dessert spoon on an empty stomach, repeating every morning for four months. The recipe is suitable […]

Remedies for angina.

Remedies for angina.

Remedies for angina. Three parts of boiling water are combined with one — kerosene. Since the two components cannot be mixed, the composition is thoroughly shaken before use. A prescription is not acceptable for the treatment of tonsillitis, even in adults. At the initial stage of the disease, it is useful to rinse the tonsils […]