Archive for the ‘colds’ Category

Therapeutic balms for asthma.

Therapeutic balms for asthma.

Therapeutic balms for asthma. Balm is suitable for treating children. To 300 grams of linden honey add ½ tbsp. water and one shredded aloe leaf. Two hours incubated on low heat and filtered. Give the child 1 tsp., Repeating three times. Mix a glass of horseradish juice, carrots and honey. Add the juice of one […]

Inhalation from sore throat.

Inhalation from sore throat.

Inhalation from sore throat. Inhalation. If the sore throat occurs without temperature, inhalations can be used along with other home treatments. For this purpose, special devices are used — nebulizers. In the absence of such, you can perform the procedure «grandmother» way. The inhalation course usually lasts five to seven days — several sessions per […]

Alternative methods for bronchitis.

Alternative methods for bronchitis.

Alternative methods for bronchitis. Borjomi with milk Inveterate bronchitis can be treated with special mineral water. Half a glass of milk is heated. A similar amount of Borjomi is introduced. Drink a third cup three times a day. It can be given to children over the age of ten. Vitamin cocktail Fifty milliliters combine the […]

Infusions and Charges from otitis media.

Infusions and Charges from otitis media.

Infusions and Charges from otitis media. The use of phyto-infusions is an important part of the complex treatment of the disease at home. The duration of the course is from three days to a week. Mono Infusions A teaspoon of fresh green ivy buds is added to 0.25 ml of boiling water. Filter after one […]

Charges from bronchitis.

Charges from bronchitis.

Charges from bronchitis. A tablespoon connect thyme, ledum, St. John’s wort. One and a half large spoons of the mixture are taken and boiled in 350 ml of water for five minutes after boiling. After pressing, a small amount of flower honey is introduced. They drink with a smoker’s cough and a long-standing disease in […]

Compresses from otitis media.

Compresses from otitis media.

Compresses from otitis media. In a 20% propolis solution, a cotton pad is moistened. Twist into a tube and injected into a sore ear. After half an hour, the compress is removed. In equal parts, the flowers of white elderberry and chamomile are combined. A handful of flowers are ground in a mortar until the […]

Compresses external from otitis media.

Compresses external from otitis media.

Compresses external from otitis media. Compresses Applying external and internal compresses during otitis media is the first aid to a sore ear. The method is used to treat adults and children, is indicated for pregnant women. With its help, it is possible to strengthen metabolic processes in the focus of inflammation. The duration of such […]