Archive for the ‘beauty’ Category

Masks for various face types.

Masks for various face types.

Masks for various face types. Mask for dry skin. Help dry skin recover from wrinkles and when it fades, a mask of pumpkin pulp with cream can improve the metabolic processes and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Ingredients: 2 tbsp. spoons of ground pumpkin pulp; 1 yolk; 2 tbsp. l fat cream. Raw […]

Mask for hair from falling out of ginger.

Mask for hair from falling out of ginger.

Mask for hair from falling out of ginger. Properties of ginger for hair. The chemical composition of ginger. Mask for hair from falling out of ginger. The composition of this plant includes a large number of useful trace elements. Vitamin A, essential for hair growth. B vitamins that make hair softer and more docile. Vitamin […]