Calm nerves.

Calm nerves.

Calm nerves.

Nerves treatment at home.

Lovage — this herb is not simple, but dosage. Although it is often used as a flavored seasoning. Calm nerves.

Especially good lovage for nervous diseases.

If you feel bad, experience a «heart out of place.» It will help, but not the leaves and the root. I helped heal by root. I was worried too much because of life troubles. Could not calm down.

Calm nerves.

I feel that we have to do something. It was really hard, I thought, all the slag.

Of course, I did not remember the exact recipe. But, in truth, he didn’t know what he had. So it was just chewing 5 grams of dried lovage roots every morning on an empty stomach. Slowly my nerves calmed down. Then I and a very familiar recipe prompted.

We need 40 g of root to insist in 1 liter of water for 12 hours. Then boil for 5 minutes. Half an hour to insist warm and wring out. This infusion should be drunk for 4-5 receptions per day. So slowly and came to her senses.

It became quiet, the heart is already «not walking», as before. Therefore, I advise everyone to poison this wonderful crop. Then all the trouble will be easier to endure.

People’s Council.

For those with shattered nerves and insomnia, hypertension, I want to suggest a recipe. I try to imagine, and still use, and «Serve!» If necessary, their relatives and friends.

It should be available over the counter alcohol tincture of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, and korvalola (the same number of milliliters) and drain one bottle of dark glass. The drug is ready!

Admission: teaspoon diluted in 1/3 cup of warm water and take 3 times a day for a month. Then relax and repeat once a month twice.
And when the nervous system is back to normal, you can take for prevention according to the scheme: 10 days of a teaspoon to 1/3 cup warm water overnight, then 15_20 days rest, then again 10 days and just take a rest.

Then just take when required. I, for one, now I accept in full moon days when sleep deprived, or in the days when I visited nervous for some reason.


there are people who can not tolerate Corvalol, then it can be replaced or valokardin valoserdinom.

Calm nerves.


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  1. […] time of the year. Cold, early darkness. It is not surprising that many at this time overcome depression. So I just was. Insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue, etc. In this state, about any activity can be […]

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