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Zinc for the human body.

Zinc for the human body.

Zinc for the human body. What is zinc good for the human body. Today we will talk about why zinc is useful for the human body. This trace element plays an active part in many chemical reactions. It ranks second in importance after iron. It comes with food, and fully covers the need for it, […]

How to make masks.

How to make masks.

How to make masks. How to make masks. Improve the complexion. Watermelon mask. Many people like to eat watermelons. They are useful for the recovery of the body. In addition, when applied to the skin, they enrich it with vitamins and trace elements, moisturize, promote cell renewal. Procedures with them should be done every other […]



Longevity. Longevity. Recipes of folk medicine. Finnish doctors have worked out seven rules which, according to them, allows prolonging life by at least 10 years: do not smoke (quitting tobacco reduces by 1/3 the risk of malignant tumors and by 1/4 the risk of death from heart attack); stop drinking alcohol or drink it in […]

Tighten your skin.

Tighten your skin.

Tighten your skin. Cocoa and honey: sharing a recipe for a mask that tightens the skin the first time! If you’re looking for an effective way to quickly get your skin in good condition, improve its appearance and make it look better in one application, then try a cacao-based mask. Cocoa is not hard to […]

Accelerated metabolism.

Accelerated metabolism.

Accelerated metabolism. Accelerated metabolism: how to gain weight if your metabolism is elevated. Skinny guys often say they eat everything they can get their hands on, but they can’t put on any weight. They blame it on their fast metabolism. The truth is that they just don’t eat enough. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be skinny. This […]

Artichoke for the liver.

Artichoke for the liver.

Artichoke for the liver. In Arabic, artichoke means «earth thorn. This attractive-looking plant is underestimated today. Few people know that with an extract of the leaves of this very «thorn» you can protect your liver from damage and promote the growth of new tissues. «Earth thorn» has the property to increase the production of bile, […]

Licorice root for colds.

Licorice root for colds.

Licorice root for colds. Licorice root for colds. Licorice root contains an adaptogen — a substance that can increase the body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency and has a positive effect on the hormonal system. Studies have also found a high estrogenic activity of the plant. Foaming saponins increase the secretory function of the respiratory epithelium, […]