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Lvan tea against adenoma.

Lvan tea against adenoma.

Lvan tea against adenoma. Lvan tea against adenoma. The best healer of adenoma among medicinal plants is considered to be willowherb. It is confirmed that the tea from willowherb or capsules containing the extract of this plant are really effective and absolutely harmless for adenoma of the prostate. This healing plant can be considered as […]

You can eat at night.

You can eat at night.

You can eat at night. 7 delicious foods that you can eat at night without harming your figure. Girls and women of all ages try to eat right in order to stay slim and attractive for many years. But there are moments when you want to allow yourself more than usual. What to do in […]

For hair care.

For hair care.

For hair care. Bread is the head. For hair care. Take 300 grams of bread. It should be rye bread, white bread has less useful properties. Soak it for 5-6 hours, putting it in an enamel basin or a pot. After the bread has swollen, add to it one egg. For greater effectiveness, drop a […]

The English diet.

The English diet.

The English diet. What is the essence of the English diet? Is it purely health-improving or is it aimed at losing weight? The essence of the so-called English seven-day diet is to give a week’s rest to the body, overloaded with calories and fatty foods. It is extremely beneficial to human health and promotes a […]

Magic Cream.

Magic Cream.

Magic Cream. Homemade magic cream for ages 35 to 70. That’s what I call the homemade and magical rejuvenating cream, which I learned about 3 years ago. Getting ahead of myself, I will say that today it seems to me that wrinkles as a phenomenon forgot about my face three years ago, when I myself […]

The Grape Diet.

The Grape Diet.

The Grape Diet. Sweet grapes are not the most popular among those who watch their weight. Meanwhile, the caloric value of grapes is only 60-90 kcal, and they are good at removing toxins from the body. The white grapes contain less mono-and disaccharides, so they are more suitable for unloading diets. It is also better […]

For a sore throat.

For a sore throat.

For a sore throat. The most effective and affordable method of treating sore throat is gargle. — For a sore throat and sore throat you can use an ordinary tea mushroom, which This can be used to gargle your throat every two hours. By the end of the second day of this uncomplicated treatment will […]