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Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses.

Treatment of abscesses. To accelerate the ripening of an abscess, folk healers recommend such a remedy — grate fresh onions and apply gruel to the affected area; Bake the onion or boil it in milk, apply it hot to the abscess and bandage it. Change the bulbs every 4-5 hours; Bake the onion, grind and […]

Pine pollen.

Pine pollen.

Pine pollen. Pine pollen prolongs youth, cures impotence, tuberculosis, cancer, improves immunity. From tuberculosis. There is a very reliable and proven remedy for tens of years for pulmonary tuberculosis (and its other forms) — this is pine pollen. In my memory, for at least 40 years, people have been recovering from the most evil forms […]

From exhaustion.

From exhaustion.

From exhaustion. Endocrine system disease. Exhaustion is a loss of large body weight. It can be caused by various reasons: thyroid disease, poor nutrition, lack of essential substances in the body for normal tissue nutrition. If you are exhausted, you should consult a doctor and use traditional medicine recipes with his help and under his […]

Heel spur.

Heel spur.

Heel spur. Bony heel spurs are found in most people. But, inflammation of these bone growths causes severe suffering. Inflammation can be caused by both joint diseases and poor circulation of the legs. Alternative treatment of heel spurs is aimed mainly at eliminating painful sensations. But it is important to understand the cause of the […]



Myopathy. Myopathy is the death of the endings of nerve cells, in which there is a violation of the contractility of skeletal muscles, as well as slowly progressive atrophy of muscles and organs. The disease is more often hereditary, but it can also be the result of injury or infection. The cause of myopathy may […]

Bladder diseases.

Bladder diseases.

Bladder diseases. Bladder diseases. Urinary incontinence is the involuntary flow of urine in the absence of the urge to urinate. Newborns do not know how to hold urine, and this problem often reappears in old age. In women, the muscles of the uterus and pelvic floor weaken with age. This changes the angle at which […]

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin.

Death of the skin. Death of the skin. Bedsore — necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous layer and other tissues with prolonged pressure on them in conditions of impaired blood circulation. Most often, bedsores are formed in debilitated patients who spend a long time in bed without movement. The likelihood of bedsores increases with anemia, vitamin […]